

ABBS ABBS 2023-03-16

Announcement on the “Forest Affinity Program” Competition for Schematic Design of First New Municipal Administration Landscape Projects in Longgang, Shenzhen

Project name

“Forest Affinity Program”: Competition for Schematic Design of First New Municipal Administration Landscape Projects in Longgang, Shenzhen

Application deadline

2022年7月29日 18:00
18:00, July 29, 2022

Organizing institutions

主办方: 深圳市龙岗区建筑工务署
Host:Bureau of Public Works of Longgang, Shenzhen
Competition organizater: Shenzhen Ehow R&D Center
Contact information:
杨工:+86 18126316869
电子邮箱:competition@ehow.net.cn(北京时间周一至周五 9:00—18:00)
Limmy Yang: +86 18126316869
Email: competition@ehow.net.cn(Beijing Time, Monday through Friday 9:00—18:00)


Project background

With the theme of interweaving green corridors around the city, exploring integration of urban and suburb areas, and stimulating the city's peripheral vitality space, Longgang District will build the "New Municipal Administration" engineering model project and improve the urban environment in an all-round way for a high-quality city proper suitable for residence, industry and tourism. With conventional municipal public facilities along railway lines, fire passages, and urban roads, new highlights of urban space quality improvement lie in building a pleasant urban micro-environment through the power of design and application of "New Municipal Administration" idea! In such a case, the Bureau of Public Works of Longgang District will launch the first "New Municipal Administration" engineering projects, give full play to the advantages of Longgang's ecological background, build a number of backbone ecological corridors, realize the interconnection of ecological way, green way and eco-corridors, and build the ecological picture of "blue interwoven into green surrounded by mountains and rivers".

"Forest Affinity Program" is a key theme first proposed by the Bureau of Public Works of Longgang District to build the new municipal administration engineering model. The first five landscape projects will be launched in conjunction with the competition for conceptual scheme design in the hope of breaking the stereotype of monotonous and tedious municipal facilities in the past, endowing a modern, engaging and diverse sense of design, fully tapping into the cultural value connotation of public facilities, and providing a new model for the design of municipal facilities in Longgang District and Shenzhen!

Project introduction
The competition is consisted of 5 tracks:

赛道/Track A横岗平盐铁路生态连廊建设工程
Ecological Corridor Construction Project of Henggang Section of Pinghu-Yantian Railway

△ 横岗平盐铁路生态连廊建设工程示意图
Schematic diagram of Ecological Corridor Construction Project of Henggang Section of Pinghu-Yantian Railway

△ 横岗平盐铁路现状
Current situation of Henggang section of Pinghu-Yantian Railway

Design scope:The project is located in Henggang street, with the total corridor length of 4.5 km. As the Pinghu-Yantian Railway will be constructed underground in the long term, the original Pinghu-Yantian Railway existing tracks and its surrounding area will be released. The project construction includes greening landscape, theme park, innovation sharing garden, etc.
Key words: Industrial landscape, lineal cultural heritages, urban corridor and park system.

赛道/Track B龙岗区大运AI小镇产业大道品质提升工程
Quality Improvement Project of Industrial Avenue, Dayun AI Town, Longgang District

△ AI小镇产业大道示意图
Schematic diagram of Industrial Avenue in AI Town

△ AI小镇产业大道现状
Current situation of industrial Avenue in AI Town

红棉路呈东西走向,改造起点为市捷能保障房项目(华茂工业园路),终点南坪三期辅道(南坪东大道),沿线与信义路相交,道路全长约 1.5Km,道路等级为城市主干路,改造道路宽 30.5-40米,双向六车道,设计时速50Km/h。
信义路呈南北走向,改造起点为现状红棉路,终点接水官高速下方涵洞口(横岗 228 工业园牌坊处),道路全长约500 米,道路等级为城市次干路,道路红线宽 25-米,改造道路宽 40 米,双向四车道,设计时速 30Km/h。
Design scope: The design scope includes Hongmian road and Xinyi road.
Hongmian road runs from east to west. The reconstruction starts from the municipal Jieneng indemnificatory housing project (Huamao Industrial Park road), ends at Nanping phase III auxiliary roads (Nanping East Avenue) and intersects Xinyi road. The road is about 1.5km long with a road grade of urban arterial road. The reconstruction road is 30.5-40m wide with a two-way six lane and the design speed of 50km / h.
Xinyi road runs from north to south. The reconstruction starts from the existing hongmian road and ends at the culvert opening under Shuijing-Guanjingtou Expressway (at the memorial archway of Henggang 228 Industrial Park). The road is about 500 meters long as an urban sub-arterial road. The width of red line is 25 meters and the reconstruction road is 40 meters wide with a two-way four lane and the design speed of 30km/h.
The main design contents include road reconstruction, landscape improvement and other municipal administration engineering. Including but not limited to: Henggang portal logo design, greening restoration of newly added overpass, existing slope and retaining wall, road greening and fence upgrading, building reconstruction, node upgrading at the intersection between Hongmian road and Xinyi road, substation and water supply pipe beautification, etc.
Key words: Expressway, industrial avenue, operations management, quality improvement and maintenance cost.

赛道/Track C轨道交通四期--地铁14号线龙岗段绿化恢复提升工程
Rail Transit Phase 4 -- Greening Restoration and Improvement Project of Longgang Section of Metro Line 14

△ 地铁14号线龙岗段示意图
Schematic diagram of Longgang section in Metro Line 14

Design scope: The project mostly restores and enhances the road surface and greening along the Longgang Section of Metro Line 14, including Buji, Nanwan, Henggang, Yuanshan, Longcheng and Baolong streets, and the total area is about 170,000 square meters.
Key words: Greening, water supply and drainage, electrical, soil and water conservation and linear landscape.

赛道/Track D布心山森林消防通道建设项目
Buxin Mountain Fire Passage Construction Project

△ 布心山现状示意图
Schematic diagram of current situation of Buxin Mountain

△ 布心山现状示意图
Schematic diagram of current situation of Buxin Mountain

△ 布心山现状
Current situation of Buxin Mountain

Design scope: The project proposes to build a forest fire passage in the Buxin Mountain area, taking into account the recreational function of the greenway. It will be interconnected with Jiazhou Garden Park, Qiushui Mountain Park, Zhangshubu Park and Luohu Taojin Mountain to create high-quality ecological recreational space. It crosses Longgang District and Luohu District, with an area of about 474ha including 138Ha in Longgang District and 336ha in Luohu District. In combination with the actual administrative situation, it is suggested that Longgang area be the main design scope of this competition, and excessive involvement in Luohu area should be reduced.
Key words: Forest fire passage, greenway system and outdoor recreational corridor.

赛道/Track E园山街道森林防火道路建设工程
Forest Fire Prevention Road Construction Project in Yuanshan Street

△ 园山街道森林防火道路示意图
Schematic diagram of forest fire prevention roads in Yuanshan street

△ 园山街道现状
Current situation of Yuanshan street

Design scope: Located in Yuanshan street, the project has a total length of 40.11 km, including a total length of 24.27 km of new forest fire prevention roads and a total length of 15.84 km of upgraded existing forest fire prevention roads. The high point of the area where the project is located is Yantian Port. It is suggested to consider the setting of sea viewing platform in combination with the terrain.
Key words: Forest fire prevention roads, road system and landscape system.

Design Principles

1. 以景观系统作为城市基础设施:将城市理解成完整的生态体系,通过对景观基础设施的建设和完善,整合基础设施的功能与城市的社会文化需要,使城市得以建造和延展,解决城市面临的气候变化、人口流动等问题。
2. 综合、全面、务实、创新的解决问题。
3. 注重现代、人本多元的设计理念,引领时代、面向未来、大胆创新。
4. 遵从生态适应性原则,增强自然空间网络的连通性和完整性,形成城市自然支持系统。
5. 深度挖掘新市政景观的文化价值内涵,强调基础设施的文化特色,保证生态系统服务功能和当地文化的完整性。
6. 兼顾“新市政空间”的运营管理、活动组织、维护成本。
1. Taking the landscape system as urban infrastructure: Taking the city as an ecological system, combine the infrastructure functions with the urban social and cultural needs through the construction and improvement of the landscape infrastructure, so as to build and extend the city and solve the problems faced by the city, such as climate change and population flow.
Under the framework of the landscape system, the infrastructure construction supporting urban development, such as energy, water, transportation, food production, waste treatment and other elements, will be integrated in a new way to form a new urban supporting system; The infrastructure construction becomes to build a special landscape space, not just engineering facilities.
2. Solve problems in the comprehensive, overall, pragmatic and innovative ways.
3. Pay attention to modern, humanistic and diversified design sense to lead the times, face the future and make audacious renovation.
4. Follow the principle of ecological adaptability, enhance the connectivity and integrity of natural space network, and form an urban natural support system.
5. Deeply excavate the cultural value connotation of the new municipal landscape, emphasize the cultural characteristics of infrastructure, and ensure the integrity of ecosystem service function and local culture.
6. Give consideration to the operation management, activity organization and maintenance cost of "new municipal space".

Design Requirements

1. 融汇自然、生态、创意、人文、历史等资源要素,以实现兼具国际品质与片区原生特色的“亲林计划”, 构建自然与城市交融的新平台。打造生态环境与城市意象相互融合并具有未来前瞻性的新市政景观系统标杆。
2. 市政公共设施及景观环境设计应符合有关生态保护红线、森林消防、山体保护、文物保护、基本生态控制线管理的法律法规要求。在传统市政公共设施中引入景观优先法则,重构片区景观与市政公共空间系统,合理使用新技术和新材料,创造人性、舒适、丰富、充满乐趣、具有特色、动静相宜的城市微环境。
3. 塑造开放、协作与创新的新市政气质,构筑生态适应性、景观开放互联的设计模式。构建连接丰富的自然生态要素系统,兼顾新市政空间的运营管理、活动组织、维护成本。
4. 实现碧道、绿道、生态廊道互联互通,构建“蓝绿交织、山环水润”生态格局。打造一个极具设计感的新市政公共空间。建立交织的文化、生态网络,创造出人与自然内在的互动与连接矩阵。
It is expected that the design of each project will be based on an international perspective and enhance the ecological pattern of the Longgang area. Create a model of the bay area with blue and green interweaving, mountains surrounded by water, promote cultural integration and innovation, and create a charming urban area with bursts of vitality. By giving full play to the unique ecological resources, a main ecological corridor with Longgang characteristics will be created.
1. Integrating natural, ecological, creative, humanistic, historical and other resource elements, it has become a "forest-friendly plan" with both international quality and the original characteristics of the area, and a new platform for the integration of nature and the city. Create a new benchmark for the future-forward municipal landscape system that integrates ecological environment and urban imagery.
2. The design of municipal public facilities and landscape environment shall comply with the laws and regulations on the management of ecological protection red lines, forest fire protection, mountain protection, cultural relics protection, and basic ecological control line management. Introduce the principle of landscape priority into traditional municipal public facilities, reconstruct the landscape and municipal public space system in the area, use new technologies and new materials rationally, and create an urban micro-environment that is human, comfortable, rich, full of fun, distinctive, and suitable for movement and stillness.
3. Create a new municipal temperament of openness, collaboration and innovation, and build a design model of ecological adaptability and open and interconnected landscape. Build a system of rich natural ecological elements, taking into account the operation management, activity organization, and maintenance costs of the new municipal space.
4. Realize the interconnection of green roads, green roads and ecological corridors, and build an ecological pattern of "blue and green interweaving, mountains surrounded by water". Create a new municipal public space with a great sense of design. Establish an intertwined cultural and ecological network to create a matrix of interaction and connection between man and nature.

Design Content

1. 结合“美丽龙岗 精彩蝶变”的总体提升策略,提出打造“新市政-亲林计划”工程典范新样板的整体策略框架;
2. 在上述基础上提出针对各个赛道的设计策略和理念,并通过参考示意图、概念草图或对标分析类似业绩项目,阐述其设计思路及解决策略。
Stage I (application and pre-qualification): to ensure that the project is full of creative, forward-looking, artistic and scientific themes and ideas, and guides the development and implementation of the new municipal landscape design in the future, therefore, the overall understanding of the project at this stage consists of two parts:
1. combined with the overall promotion strategy of " Beautiful Longgang with Mind-blowing Transformation ", put forward the overall strategy framework for building a new model of the " New Municipal Administration - Forest Affinity Program " project;
2. based on the above, put forward the design strategies and concepts for each track, and describe the design ideas and solutions by referring to the schematic diagram, concept sketch or benchmarking analysis of similar performance projects.
Stage II (Conceptual scheme design): carry out theoverall research for each track and select1-2 nodes as landscape conceptual design. The specific contents shall be determined after the shortlisted units are selected.

Requirements for application 
1. The Competition will adopt "open application" without qualification restrictions. Units with relevant design experience from home and abroad may apply for participation, provided that applicants are independent legal person enterprise or institutions legally registered at home and abroad with valid business licenses or business registration certificates. The parent company, wholly owned subsidiary and its holding company with two and more legal representatives as the same person must not apply separately.
2. Consortium with no more than two members is allowed to apply. All consortium parties must not participate in the Competition in their own names separately or form a consortium with other units. The consortium parties need to sign a legal and valid Consortium Agreement, with the leading unit, all parties' work content, the sharing ratio and allocation method of the workload clarified.
3. The Competition does not accept application of individuals and individual groups.

Competition rules

第一阶段-公开报名及资格预审阶段: 参赛申请人需提交资格预审申请文件,主要包含公司实力、设计团队实力、项目总体理解等内容。由主办方依法组建资格预审专家评审委员会,对参赛申请人所提交的资格预审申请文件进行评审,采用记名投票法(逐轮淘汰),确定7家入围参赛申请人(无排序)及2家备选参赛申请人(有排序)。
第二阶段-概念方案设计阶段: 概念方案设计阶段,设计单位将针对每个赛道选定的重要景观节点进行概念设计。7家入围参赛单位需按照任务书要求,提交5个赛道重要节点的景观概念设计方案。主办方依法组建方案评审委员会,对参赛方案进行评审。方案评审委员会采用记名投票法(逐轮淘汰),每个赛道评选出前3名优胜方案(无排序)。
The Competition will be divided into two stages: Stage I: Open application and pre-qualification; Stage II: Conceptual scheme design.
Stage I: Open application and pre-qualification:The applicant is required to submit pre-qualification application documents, which mainly include company competence, design team competence and overall understanding of the Project. The host should set up a pre-qualification expert review jury according to the law, to review pre-qualification application documents submitted by all applicants. The jury will select seven shortlisted applicants (without ranking) and two alternative applicants (ranked) through open ballot (round-by-round elimination).
Stage II: Conceptual scheme design: In the conceptual scheme design stage, the design units shall carry out conceptual design for the important landscape nodes selected for each track. The seven shortlisted participating units should, as per the requirements of the Brief, submit the landscape conceptual design for key nodes in five tracks. The host should set up a scheme review jury according to the law, to review competition schemes. The scheme review jury should select the top three winning schemes (without ranking) of each track through the open ballot (round-by-round elimination). 


Submission requirements

Design Fee

For the implementation scheme determined by each track, the scheme design fee is about 50% of the total design fee after deducting the competition bonus. The total design fee is calculated based on the Charge Standard, and multiplied by the correlation coefficient, with an increase of 20%. The detailed billing list of each item is as follows:

Setting of bonuses and design compensation fees

1. The seven shortlisted participating units that have entered the conceptual scheme design stage will respectively receive a design compensation fee of 300,000 yuan;
2. The top three winners of each track will receive an extra bonus of 100,000 yuan respectively (winners may be selected repeatedly for each track);
3. The design unit selected for the implementation scheme will provide services for subsequent scheme development.

Material Acquisition

1. 竞赛文件自行在“深圳市城市设计促进中心-竞赛公告”下载(https://www.szdesigncenter.com/ )
2. 竞赛任务书索取:
请意向报名单位发送邮件至competition@ehow.net.cn 索取竞赛任务书和航拍视频,邮件主题注明:索取“亲林计划”龙岗区首批新市政景观项目竞赛任务书和航拍视频。竞赛组织单位将发送竞赛任务书和航拍视频链接至该邮箱。
1. The Competition Document could be downloaded from "Shenzhen Urban Design Promotion Center - Competition Announcement" (https://www.szdesigncenter.com/)
2. Acquisition of design brief:
The interested applicant can send email to competition@ehow.net.cn to acquire the tendering design brief and aerial video, with email subject line indicated with: getting tendering design brief and aerial video of “Forest Affinity Program”: Competition for Schematic Design of First New Municipal Administration Landscape Projects. The Competition organizater will send the design brief and aerial video link via email reply.


Website for Announcement:
深圳市城市设计促进中心网站/ Website of Shenzhen Urban Design Promotion Center
WeChat official accounts:




基准方中有岗位:建筑师 Perkins&Will有岗位:中高级室内设计师CROX阔合有岗位:建筑师、室内设计师

