

咸鱼炒白菜 看雪学苑 2022-07-01









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现在看雪《安卓高级研修班》线下班 & 网课(12月班)开始同步招生啦!



  •  解释器概览

  •      frida hook追踪函数调用

  •      ART下函数执行模式

  •      Switch型解释器的实现

  •      TraceExecution函数的实现

  •      trace smali修改点

  •      frida trace smali



231 enum InterpreterImplKind {232 kSwitchImplKind, // Switch-based interpreter implementation.233 kMterpImplKind // Assembly interpreter234 };235236 static constexpr InterpreterImplKind kInterpreterImplKind = kMterpImplKind; //解释器的实现模式由该全局变量控制,默认汇编实现237

229 enum InterpreterImplKind {230 kSwitchImplKind, // Switch-based interpreter implementation.231 kComputedGotoImplKind, //Computed-goto-based interpreter implementation. goto跳转表模式232 kMterpImplKind // Assembly interpreter233 };234 static std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const InterpreterImplKind& rhs) {235 os << ((rhs == kSwitchImplKind)236 ? "Switch-based interpreter"237 : (rhs == kComputedGotoImplKind)238 ? "Computed-goto-based interpreter"239 : "Asm interpreter");240 return os;241 }
template<bool do_access_check, bool transaction_active>extern JValue ExecuteSwitchImpl(Thread* self, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, JValue result_register, bool interpret_one_instruction); template<bool do_access_check, bool transaction_active>extern JValue ExecuteGotoImpl(Thread* self, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, JValue result_register); // Mterp does not support transactions or access check, thus no templated versions.extern "C" bool ExecuteMterpImpl(Thread* self, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result_register);

frida hook追踪函数调用


function hook_Impl() { var module_libart = Process.findModuleByName("libart.so"); var symbols = module_libart.enumerateSymbols(); var ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImpltt = null; var ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImpltf = null; var ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImplff = null; var ArtMethod_ExecuteMterpImpl = null; //_ZN3art11interpreter17ExecuteSwitchImplILb1ELb1EEENS_6JValueEPNS_6ThreadEPKNS_7DexFile8CodeItemERNS_11ShadowFrameES2_b ; art::interpreter::ExecuteSwitchImpl<true,true>(art::Thread *,art::DexFile::CodeItem const*,art::ShadowFrame &,art::JValue,bool) //_ZN3art11interpreter17ExecuteSwitchImplILb1ELb0EEENS_6JValueEPNS_6ThreadEPKNS_7DexFile8CodeItemERNS_11ShadowFrameES2_b ; art::interpreter::ExecuteSwitchImpl<true,false>(art::Thread *,art::DexFile::CodeItem const*,art::ShadowFrame &,art::JValue,bool) //_ZN3art11interpreter17ExecuteSwitchImplILb0ELb0EEENS_6JValueEPNS_6ThreadEPKNS_7DexFile8CodeItemERNS_11ShadowFrameES2_b ; art::interpreter::ExecuteSwitchImpl<false,false>(art::Thread *,art::DexFile::CodeItem const*,art::ShadowFrame &,art::JValue,bool) for (var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) { var symbol = symbols[i]; var address = symbol.address; var name = symbol.name; var indexinterpreter = name.indexOf("interpreter"); var indexExecuteSwitchImpl = name.indexOf("ExecuteSwitchImpl"); var indexExecuteMterpImpl = name.indexOf("ExecuteMterpImpl"); var indexShadowFrame = name.indexOf("ShadowFrame"); var indextt = name.indexOf("b1ELb1"); var indextf = name.indexOf("b1ELb0"); var indexff = name.indexOf("b0ELb0"); var ArtMethod_PrettyMethod = null; if (name.indexOf("ArtMethod") >= 0 && name.indexOf("PrettyMethod") >= 0 && name.indexOf("Eb") >= 0 ) { console.log(name); ArtMethod_PrettyMethod = address; } if (indexinterpreter >= 0 && indexExecuteSwitchImpl >= 0 && indexShadowFrame >= 0 && indextt >= 0) { console.log(name); ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImpltt = address; } if (indexinterpreter >= 0 && indexExecuteSwitchImpl >= 0 && indexShadowFrame >= 0 && indextf >= 0) { console.log(name); ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImpltf = address; } if (indexinterpreter >= 0 && indexExecuteSwitchImpl >= 0 && indexShadowFrame >= 0 && indexff >= 0) { console.log(name); ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImplff = address; } if(indexExecuteMterpImpl >= 0) { console.log(name); ArtMethod_ExecuteMterpImpl = address; } } var module_libext = null; if (Process.arch === "arm64") { module_libext = Module.load("/data/app/libext64.so"); } else if (Process.arch === "arm") { module_libext = Module.load("/data/app/libext.so"); } if (ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImpltt != null) { Interceptor.attach(ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImpltt, { onEnter: function (args) { }, onLeave: function (retval) { } }); } if (ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImpltf != null) { Interceptor.attach(ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImpltf, { onEnter: function (args) { }, onLeave: function (retval) { } }); } if (ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImplff != null) { Interceptor.attach(ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImplff, { onEnter: function (args) { var shadow_frame = args[2]; var artMethodObj = ptr(shadow_frame).add(Process.pointerSize); if (module_libext != null) { var addr_PrettyMethod = module_libext.findExportByName("PrettyMethod"); var PrettyMethod = new NativeFunction(addr_PrettyMethod, "void", ["pointer", "pointer", "pointer", "int"]) var result = Memory.alloc(0x100); try { PrettyMethod(ArtMethod_PrettyMethod, artMethodObj, result, 0x100); //console.log(result.readCString()); console.log("ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImplff java_class:", result.readCString()); } catch (error) { console.log("ArtMethod_ExecuteSwitchImplff" + error); } } }, onLeave: function (retval) { } }); } if (ArtMethod_ExecuteMterpImpl != null) { Interceptor.attach(ArtMethod_ExecuteMterpImpl, { onEnter: function (args) { }, onLeave: function (retval) { } }); }}



238 static inline JValue Execute(239 Thread* self,240 const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,241 ShadowFrame& shadow_frame,242 JValue result_register,243 bool stay_in_interpreter = false) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {244 DCHECK(!shadow_frame.GetMethod()->IsAbstract());245 DCHECK(!shadow_frame.GetMethod()->IsNative());246 if (LIKELY(shadow_frame.GetDexPC() == 0)) { // Entering the method, but not via deoptimization.247 if (kIsDebugBuild) {248 self->AssertNoPendingException();249 }250 instrumentation::Instrumentation* instrumentation = Runtime::Current()->GetInstrumentation();251 ArtMethod *method = shadow_frame.GetMethod();252253 if (UNLIKELY(instrumentation->HasMethodEntryListeners())) {254 instrumentation->MethodEnterEvent(self, shadow_frame.GetThisObject(code_item->ins_size_),255 method, 0);256 }257258 if (!stay_in_interpreter) {259 jit::Jit* jit = Runtime::Current()->GetJit();260 if (jit != nullptr) {261 jit->MethodEntered(self, shadow_frame.GetMethod());262 if (jit->CanInvokeCompiledCode(method)) {263 JValue result;264265 // Pop the shadow frame before calling into compiled code.266 self->PopShadowFrame();267 ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(self, nullptr, code_item, &shadow_frame, &result);268 // Push the shadow frame back as the caller will expect it.269 self->PushShadowFrame(&shadow_frame);270271 return result;272 }273 }274 }275 }276277 shadow_frame.GetMethod()->GetDeclaringClass()->AssertInitializedOrInitializingInThread(self);278279 // Lock counting is a special version of accessibility checks, and for simplicity and280 // reduction of template parameters, we gate it behind access-checks mode.281 ArtMethod* method = shadow_frame.GetMethod();282 DCHECK(!method->SkipAccessChecks() || !method->MustCountLocks());283284 bool transaction_active = Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction();285 if (LIKELY(method->SkipAccessChecks())) {286 // Enter the "without access check" interpreter.287 if (kInterpreterImplKind == kMterpImplKind) {288 if (transaction_active) {289 // No Mterp variant - just use the switch interpreter.290 return ExecuteSwitchImpl<false, true>(self, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register,291 false);292 } else if (UNLIKELY(!Runtime::Current()->IsStarted())) {293 return ExecuteSwitchImpl<false, false>(self, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register,294 false);295 } else {296 while (true) {297 // Mterp does not support all instrumentation/debugging.298 if (MterpShouldSwitchInterpreters() != 0) {299 return ExecuteSwitchImpl<false, false>(self, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register,300 false);301 }302 bool returned = ExecuteMterpImpl(self, code_item, &shadow_frame, &result_register);303 if (returned) {304 return result_register;305 } else {306 // Mterp didn't like that instruction. Single-step it with the reference interpreter.307 result_register = ExecuteSwitchImpl<false, false>(self, code_item, shadow_frame,308 result_register, true);309 if (shadow_frame.GetDexPC() == DexFile::kDexNoIndex) {310 // Single-stepped a return or an exception not handled locally. Return to caller.311 return result_register;312 }313 }314 }315 }316 } else {317 DCHECK_EQ(kInterpreterImplKind, kSwitchImplKind);318 if (transaction_active) {319 return ExecuteSwitchImpl<false, true>(self, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register,320 false);321 } else {322 return ExecuteSwitchImpl<false, false>(self, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register,323 false);324 }325 }326 } else {327 // Enter the "with access check" interpreter.328 if (kInterpreterImplKind == kMterpImplKind) {329 // No access check variants for Mterp. Just use the switch version.330 if (transaction_active) {331 return ExecuteSwitchImpl<true, true>(self, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register,332 false);333 } else {334 return ExecuteSwitchImpl<true, false>(self, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register,335 false);336 }337 } else {338 DCHECK_EQ(kInterpreterImplKind, kSwitchImplKind);339 if (transaction_active) {340 return ExecuteSwitchImpl<true, true>(self, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register,341 false);342 } else {343 return ExecuteSwitchImpl<true, false>(self, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register,344 false);345 }346 }347 }348}



//可以修改这个宏,在指令执行前记录信息65 #define PREAMBLE() \66 do { \67 if (UNLIKELY(instrumentation->HasDexPcListeners())) { \68 instrumentation->DexPcMovedEvent(self, shadow_frame.GetThisObject(code_item->ins_size_), \69 shadow_frame.GetMethod(), dex_pc); \70 } \71 } while (false)72 106 JValue ExecuteSwitchImpl(Thread* self, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,107 ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, JValue result_register,108 bool interpret_one_instruction) { ...124 do {125 dex_pc = inst->GetDexPc(insns); //pc取址126 shadow_frame.SetDexPC(dex_pc);127 TraceExecution(shadow_frame, inst, dex_pc); //代码自带的trace smali的功能128 inst_data = inst->Fetch16(0); //解析opcode129 switch (inst->Opcode(inst_data)) { 130 case Instruction::NOP:131 PREAMBLE(); 132 inst = inst->Next_1xx();133 break;134 case Instruction::MOVE:135 PREAMBLE();136 shadow_frame.SetVReg(inst->VRegA_12x(inst_data),137 shadow_frame.GetVReg(inst->VRegB_12x(inst_data)));138 inst = inst->Next_1xx();139 break; }



478 // Set true if you want TraceExecution invocation before each bytecode execution.//如果需要打开trace将该值置为true,但是开启后所有app的smali指令执行都会trace,会导致系统卡顿,可以考虑做筛选trace479 constexpr bool kTraceExecutionEnabled = false;480 /*参数含义ShadowFrame: 当前执行的java函数的栈针,pc之类的信息都可以从这里获取Instruction: 可以输出指令的反汇编详细信息*/481 static inline void TraceExecution(const ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, const Instruction* inst,482 const uint32_t dex_pc)483 REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {484 if (kTraceExecutionEnabled) {485 #define TRACE_LOG std::cerr486 std::ostringstream oss;487 oss << shadow_frame.GetMethod()->PrettyMethod() //当前的函数名488 << android::base::StringPrintf("\n0x%x: ", dex_pc) //当前执行位置pc489 << inst->DumpString(shadow_frame.GetMethod()->GetDexFile()) << "\n"; //当前执行指令的反汇编信息490 for (uint32_t i = 0; i < shadow_frame.NumberOfVRegs(); ++i) { //遍历寄存器的值信息491 uint32_t raw_value = shadow_frame.GetVReg(i);492 ObjPtr<mirror::Object> ref_value = shadow_frame.GetVRegReference(i);493 oss << android::base::StringPrintf(" vreg%u=0x%08X", i, raw_value);494 if (ref_value != nullptr) {495 if (ref_value->GetClass()->IsStringClass() &&496 !ref_value->AsString()->IsValueNull()) {497 oss << "/java.lang.String \"" << ref_value->AsString()->ToModifiedUtf8() << "\"";498 } else {499 oss << "/" << ref_value->PrettyTypeOf();500 }501 }502 }503 TRACE_LOG << oss.str() << "\n";504 #undef TRACE_LOG505 }506 }

604 // Dump decoded version of instruction605 std::string DumpString(const DexFile*) const;
166 std::string Instruction::DumpString(const DexFile* file) const {167 std::ostringstream os;168 const char* opcode = kInstructionNames[Opcode()];169 switch (FormatOf(Opcode())) {170 case k10x: os << opcode; break;171 case k12x: os << StringPrintf("%s v%d, v%d", opcode, VRegA_12x(), VRegB_12x()); break;172 case k11n: os << StringPrintf("%s v%d, #%+d", opcode, VRegA_11n(), VRegB_11n()); break;173 case k11x: os << StringPrintf("%s v%d", opcode, VRegA_11x()); break;174 case k10t: os << StringPrintf("%s %+d", opcode, VRegA_10t()); break;175 case k20t: os << StringPrintf("%s %+d", opcode, VRegA_20t()); break;176 case k22x: os << StringPrintf("%s v%d, v%d", opcode, VRegA_22x(), VRegB_22x()); break;177 case k21t: os << StringPrintf("%s v%d, %+d", opcode, VRegA_21t(), VRegB_21t()); break;178 case k21s: os << StringPrintf("%s v%d, #%+d", opcode, VRegA_21s(), VRegB_21s()); break;179 case k21h: {180 // op vAA, #+BBBB0000[00000000]181 if (Opcode() == CONST_HIGH16) {182 uint32_t value = VRegB_21h() << 16;183 os << StringPrintf("%s v%d, #int %+d // 0x%x", opcode, VRegA_21h(), value, value);184 } else {185 uint64_t value = static_cast<uint64_t>(VRegB_21h()) << 48;186 os << StringPrintf("%s v%d, #long %+" PRId64 " // 0x%" PRIx64, opcode, VRegA_21h(),187 value, value);188 }189 } ...

trace smali修改点

1. 解释器改为switch模式
236 static constexpr InterpreterImplKind kInterpreterImplKind = kSwitchImplKind;
2. 修改TraceExecution函数,针对感兴趣的函数筛选
static inline void TraceExecution(const ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, const Instruction* inst, const uint32_t dex_pc) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { //拿到当前函数名 const char* methodName = shadow_frame.GetMethod()->PrettyMethod().c_str(); //比较函数名和感兴趣函数 if(strstr(methodName, "MainActivity") != nullptr) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << shadow_frame.GetMethod()->PrettyMethod() //当前的函数名 << android::base::StringPrintf("\n0x%x: ", dex_pc) //当前执行位置pc << inst->DumpString(shadow_frame.GetMethod()->GetDexFile()) << "\n"; //当前执行指令的反汇编信息 LOG(ERROR) << oss.str() << "\n"; //以ERROR级别输出trace日志 }}frida trace smali

frida trace smali

1. 使用解释模式

runtime.cc里面有个Runtime::Init函数, 搜GetInstrumentation()->ForceInterpretOnly();, 在Runtime初始化的时候,调用一下ForceInterpretOnly就走解释模式。
1074 if (runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::Interpret)) {1075 GetInstrumentation()->ForceInterpretOnly();1076 }
2. hook TraceExecution函数

- End -



  *本文由看雪论坛 咸鱼炒白菜 原创,转载请注明来自看雪社区。


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