
FTA新作 | 物流巨头“普洛斯”首个新办公服务品牌—GWS


普洛斯是全球领先的现代物流及工业基础设施提供商和服务商,在全球管理的资产规模达890亿美元。GWS是普洛斯(GLP)旗下的新办公及城市更新品牌。坐落在 “浦东张杨路普洛斯大厦7层“的GWS普隆空间,是GWS品牌的首个智能、服务办公空间的旗舰项目。

FTA因其在办公领域的产品经验及对运营的理解赢得了GWS -新办公服务空间的设计机会。

GLP is a leading modern logistics and industrial infrastructure service provider,with assets under management of US $89 billion worldwide. GWS is a brand-new asset management fully owned by GLP. Located in " GLP Tower Zhangyang Road, Pudong", GWS space-GLP Tower is the first flagship; location of the brand. 

FTA was chosen by GWS to carry out the design for its enriched experience and deep understanding in office area.


After in-depth communication with GWS by knowing what clients really want from their contemporary office space, trying to respond to these needs with design, and at the same time, strengthen the brand image of GWS and maximize the asset value of GWS.



The space is planned with multi-functional area and fully furnished private office spaces.

In the multi-functional area, the design tries to connect the indoor and outdoor with the spacious functional lobby. When people come out of the closed elevator hall space, they will be greeted with spacious functional lobby and enjoy the beautiful city view and park view . The window not only invites sufficient natural light, but also serves as a frame showing the constantly changing city and park landscape, making the office experience full of charm.


The design adopts the color plates inspired by nature, assisted by large area of green plants and natural green leaf elements to create a healthy and fresh natural style, responding to GWS brand's insistence on wellness and sustainability.



In the working part, there are many of highlights in product design:

1, respect the privacy needs of users by setting up independent entrance guard and independent entrance and exit. That is to say, users can go directly to their private offices after they get out of the elevator without passing the lobby area, which provides the flexibility and privacy.



2,in the private office, designers configure a flexible space, which can be used as storage area or meeting space flexibly according to the business needs of clients, which creates more agility.

3, an independent gateway is designed in each unit, each gateway has a replaceable door plate, users can customize the  door plate and the logo wall to show the unique brand identity and help the enterprise develop flexibly and rapidly.

另外,GWS空间的科技赋能让办公体验高效简单,包括高速光纤网络(独立VLAN)、蓝牙门禁人脸识别智能系统。GWS APP囊括门禁管控、会议室预定、公告通知、社区互动等功能。

In addition, GWS provides High-Tech facilities and features that make clients work efficiently , which includes high-speed  internet (fiber cable) ,dedicated VLAN, Bluetooth access, face recognition intelligent system, and GWS APP which allows clients to control by themselves with office access, meeting room booking, and enjoy news sharing, community activities , etc.


GWS space is not only an office space, but the total business solution provider. FTA design team sticks with "people-oriented" concept based on the real needs of users, which improves the office experience, and strengthens the asset and brand value of GWS.






项目联系:沈女士 18217141109

Project Name:GLP Tower 7F-GWS Interior Design Project

Customer Name:GLP Investment (Shanghai) Co., LTD

Design Firm: FTA Design Group

Date: December 2019 to May 2020

Project Scale: 2628 sqm

Contact:Angel Shen 18217141109


