

2017-04-15 更多干货→ 高中生学习

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1-5 ACCCB 6-10BACCC 11-15 BABAC 16-20CABCB


21. D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中It returns to Mexico for thewinter.可知D项正确。根据第一段中The elf owl doesn't build its nest.It lives in tree holes.可知A项错误;根据第二段中Its wings are dark…可知B项错误;根据第二段中Itseyes are bright yellow.可知C项错误。

22. A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中After the young elf owls are born,their mother will feed them with worms (蠕虫)for up to 3-4 weeks.可知A项正确;根据第四段中Theelf owl is most active after dusk, during the night, and just before dawn.可知B项错误;根据第三段中Thefemale usually lays three eggs at a time.可知C项错误;根据文章第四段中It can live for 3-6years in the wild.If they are kept in cages, they can live for 10-14 years.可知D项错误。

23. B 细节理解题。根据文章第四段中When danger comes, they will flyaway in the other direction, rather than stay and face the danger or theenemies.可知B项正确。

24. C 多达92%的被调查者认为大人打小孩有时是必要的。但是现在的大人被警告不要打小孩,因为打小孩可能教会孩子打人有时是可以解决问题的。而D选项则隐去了“有时候”,所以D错。

25. C 从第三段分析可知。第一句告诉我们,作者承认自己不是一个完美的父亲。作者的孩子说为什么不带他们去公园,但没有说从没有带过,属于以偏概全;作者厌倦看NewWeekly,并不说明他本人就是《新周刊》的编辑。

26. A 根据下划线后面的分句but an adult hitting a child isconsidered reasonable parenting对比看出,大人打小孩被人认为是“殴打”或“动武”。

27. A     吃饭时玩手机通常被认为是不礼貌的,但是最近一项研究表明,人们对待此事的看法没有那么简单,具体问题要具体分析。

28. B 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句1,163 people aged from 8 to 88 fromEnglish-speaking countries tookpart. 可知,一共有1163名8到88岁的人参加了此次研究,均来自于说英语的国家,所以B项正确,C项错误;根据第二段第一句Researchers from the University ofMichigan (UM) carried out the study. 可知,此次调查由密歇根大学的研究员进行,所以A项错误;根据第一段可知,此次研究的主题是人们对吃饭时玩手机的看法,而不是分析其原因,所以D项错误。

29. B 细节理解题。根据第三段They think this might be becausetexting and talking on the phone are both brief activities, while usingFacebook can take much longer. 可知,人们之所以反对在吃饭时玩Facebook是因为它耗费太多的时间,而打电话和发短信用时较少,所以B项正确。

30. D 细节理解题。根据第三段This is because kids are thought tobe largely getting together to chat or play, rather than talking with theirfriends on the phone. 可知,小孩子应该多与朋友面对面交流。

31. D 从倒数第二段最后一句smartphones introduce a newchallenge,和最后一段分析可知,这位来自UM的研究人员觉得不知道这位摆弄手机的朋友没有理会她的存在是不是因为朋友有紧急的信息要回还是仅仅玩游戏入迷了。当然,她对用餐期间用手机的态度是担心其会引起朋友间的误会,但并不是A(强烈反对),也不是C(将之类同于看报)。

32.C 根据第二段的前三句描述可知,wagonway(马车道)是古亚述人和古波斯人发明的。

33. B 从本句前面的wagonways disappeared from Europe 可以知道,它曾经从欧洲消失过,但后来在文艺复兴时期又重新回到人们的视野。

34. D 最后一段的第一句可知,真正的革命始于蒸汽机的发明。可以说,没有蒸汽机就没有后来的火车。This moment came in 1763, whenJames Watt…introduceda crankshaft(机轴) that could transformthe power of steam into circular motion(圆周运动)后可知C错。

35. A 从原文第一段最后一句exactly pointing out theirpredecessors(前辈)who formed the firstbasic ideas about train transport is much harder(要想准确了解谁最先想到火车运输的很难)可知,下文就是讲述火车的历史。

36. G 转折关系。前一句讲乐观的态度可以帮助我们实现目标,后文讲态度对于寿命的影响,再结合下文所讲内容可知G项正确。

37. F 承接关系。根据前一句内容可知,乐观主义者比悲观主义者早死的风险低50%。结合选项内容可知F项正确。

38. B 因果关系。根据前一句So why do positive people livelonger?以及后一句Less stress means lessanger, which in turn makes their lives longer.再结合选项内容很容易选出B项。

39. E 承接关系。前一句讲当一些事情的发展和计划不一致时,不同的人会有不同的应对态度。后一句讲了消极主义者的反应,可知此处应该是讲乐观主义者的反应。所以E项正确。

40. C 承接关系。根据前一句How can we turn our mind to morepositive things?可知下文应该是讲把我们的思想转到积极事物上的方法。再结合选项内容可知C项正确。一位中学生发明了一款名为Sit With Us的软件,该软件可以帮助那些受到孤立和排挤的学生找到共进午餐的伙伴。

41. A 根据语境及生活常识可知,我试图寻求那些看起来和善的(kind)人的帮助,但是我被拒绝了许多次,感到很沮丧(down)。

42. B 根据上文was rejected可知选B。句意见上题。

43. D 根据下文the girl who had nowhere to sit可知,独自一人吃饭会让许多人知道我无处可坐,这样会很尴尬(embarrassing)。

44. D 因此,这种经历会伴随着(came along with)许多糟糕的感觉。putup with容忍,忍受;(be) made up of由……组成/构成;come up with提出。

45. C 但是我在新学校,不仅交到了朋友,而且还发现了一些事情有所变化(changed)。

46.C 我感觉我应该为那些每天午餐时间与我有着类似孤独经历(experience)的人做些事情。

47. A 根据第一段So I had to eat lunch alone everyday可知选A。句意为:我不想和那些眼睁睁地看着我孤零零地 (alone)吃饭(却什么都不做)的人一样坏。

48. A 我感觉由于我的个人经历,主动站出来表达对伤害(hurt)他人这种行为的不满是我的责任(duty)。

49. C 根据文章首句At my old school, I was treated badlyby all of my classmates.可知,我曾有过被同学欺负的经历,所以对此行为表示不满,所以选C。句意见上题。

50.D 根据第一段but I was rejected manytimes可知,直接走过去询问他人是否可以一起就餐是行不通的(impossible),所以我想到了一个主意(idea),发明一款名为Sit With Us的软件。

51. A 解析见上题。

52. B 根据下文so no one else would know about it可知,这种方法更加合适(suitable)。它是通过手机进行操作,因此别人并不知情。

53. B 孩子们可以在网上注册(sign)成为Sit With Us俱乐部的会员,并且同意发布(post)信息与他人共进午餐。sign up为固定搭配,意为“注册”。

54. B 解析见上题。根据下文posting open lunches at school也可知选B。

55.D 因此(Therefore),任何使用这款软件且不知去哪吃饭的人都可以找到一张桌子(table)。

56. A 解析见上题。

57. D 根据下文More students are posting openlunches at school now.可以推测,此款软件受到了越来越多学生的喜欢,所以选D。句意为:这款软件上周成功地(successfully)投入了市场。前几天我召开了第一次俱乐部会议,每一个人都很兴奋(excited)。

58. B 解析见上题。

59. C 根据下文More students are posting openlunches at school now. 可知,到目前为止,效果非常好(positive)。

60. B 看到此事有一个良好的开始(start),我感到很兴奋。

61. gave 62. telling 63. to train 64. yourself 65. died 66. when 67. a 68.On 69. mentally 70. hours

I was attacked by a dog I was ten years old. My mother was taking some money out in a bank, and I wassitting in the  area. The personstanding behind me had  cute dog. As I waslooking it, it jumped at me.  was scared out of mymind, and  to cry loudly. Luckily,the dog's  kept me from beinghurt. Though my husband now wants a dog, I don't. I have been afraid ∧of dogs my wholelife.

One possible version:

Dear Peterson,

I am Li Hua, a studentfrom China. We highly treasure the chance to take part in the Sino-Canada Culture Festival. I expectyou to allow me to recommend to the others present at the Reading Salon thebiography of a Chinese celebrity — Deng Xiaoping.

Deng was the son of afarmer, but he grew up to be an outstanding political leader, and one of thegreatest founders of the PRC. With his wisdom and love towards his country andpeople, he changed billions of working people's lives through his efforts. Heis a pride not only to the Chinese, but also to the whole world. What anextraordinary person!

On behalf of our school,I sincerely wish the Reading Salon a great success!

Best wishes!

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua




(Text 1)

M: You look as if youhave a fever.

W: Yeah. I'm not feelingquite myself today.

(Text 2)

W: If only I hadattended the concert yesterday evening!

M: Well, if I had known,I would have given you my ticket.

(Text 3)

W: Mary seems very happylately.

M: She received an awardfor academic excellence.

(Text 4)

W: Robbie booked a tablefor eight. I think Robbie should have invited Cathy to the dinner party, don'tyou?

M: He is the holder ofthe party. If Robbie had wanted to invite her, he would have.

(Text 5)

W: Do you have everything now?

M: No. I still have toget some mushrooms, potatoes and some cabbage.

(Text 6)

W: Hello, Mr. Brown. Howare you?

M: Fine, thanks, Mrs.Downs. How is your boy, Mike?

W: He is a bit tired.You know, he goes to school at eight o'clock every morning. He does not gethome until after four. Then he does his homework after tea. It often takes him a couple of hours tofinish it.

M: Poor boy. They workhard at school nowadays, don't they? Does he like it?

W: You mean the school?Yes, he does. He likes his teachers and classmates.

(Text 7)

M: Turn the TV off.Nobody is watching it.

W: You are wrong, Dad.I'm watching it.

M: But I can't read mypaper with the noise.

W: Can't you go into thebedroom and read your paper?

M: Don't tell me what todo. I want to sit here in my chair.

W: This is not right.Mum wants to watch TV, too.

(Text 8)

W: I saw a beautifulfish in the market the other day. It was orange and blue. I'm thinking ofbuying some next Sunday.

M: Where would you keepthem?

W: In that round bottleover there.

M: It's a bit small,isn't it?

W: So are the fish.

M: I think you shouldget a tank if you want to keep fish.

W: Really?

M: Yes. You should neverkeep fish in a small round bottle. They don't get enough air. I suggest we goshopping together and look for a nice tank.

W: That might be quiteexpensive.K

M: Check the pricesbefore you buy one. And you ought to put a few large rocks in the tank. Fishlove swimming around the rocks and through holes in them.

W: Is there anythingelse that I ought to get?

M: Yes, you need to getsome underwater plants. For one thing they keep the water clean; also, theymake the tank look much prettier.

(Text 9)

M: Hello. I'm lookingfor Mrs. Reilly's office.

W: I'm Mrs. Reilly. Comeright in.

M: I was at the StudentHealth Service yesterday. They told me that my blood pressure is too high.

W: Then I suppose youneed a diet to help bring your blood pressure down.

M: That's right. The doctortold me to see the university nutritionist about it, so here I am. He gave methis note for you.

W: Let me see. This is alist of foods that you should and shouldn't eat. You should say goodbye topotato chips and hamburgers!

M: Oh, no!

W: But you can havealmost all fruits and vegetables. I'm writing you a special menu.

M: OK. But where do Ieat? Do I have to eat at the university hospital?

W: Not at all. I willcall the canteen manager. He handles all sorts of special menu.

M: What if I want to goto a restaurant?

W: Just bring the menuwith you and select your food carefully.

M: Thanks a lot. Thiswon't be nearly as bad as I had thought. 

(Text 10)

Wilma likes traveling bybus better than by airplane for four reasons. Firstly, it costs less. She canride by bus from New York to Chicago for $20. Yet, the air fare between the twocities is $78. Secondly, traveling by bus gives her a closer look at the citiesand countryside than she could get from a plane. For example, she enjoysdriving through the big cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Fort Wayne.Thirdly, Wilma finds that the passengers on the bus are often closer to her ownage. So, they are easy to talk with each other about the shared traveladventure. In contrast, many airline passengers are businessmen who keep busywith their work while flying. Fourthly, riding a bus allows Wilma to exploreany stop along the way. For instance, once she got off the bus ata small town in Indiana and spent the night with a girl friend. Then, the nextday she took another bus to Chicago. For these reasons, Wilma usually prefersbuses instead of planes unless she has to get somewhere in a hurry.

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