
我们在港中大(深圳)等你|来自港中大(深圳)理工学院教授、2013诺贝尔化学奖获得者Arieh Warshel教授的一封信

2016-06-11 香港中文大学深圳
Prof. Arieh WarshelPhD, The Weizmann Institute of Science 2013 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 
Prof. Arieh Warshel香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院教授
2013 诺贝尔化学奖获得者 
Dear students,     I would like to address future undergraduate, graduate and PhD students who are joining CUHK Shenzhen. As a Nobel laureate I have gained a wide perspective on what should be the aims of those who go trough university education. I noted that throughout my career, I never stopped looking to the future.  In the late 1960’s, I became convinced  that I would one day be able to use computers to model large molecules and their action. The problem was that at the time everyone told my coworkers and me that my goal was simply impossible.     Basically while my goal was indeed impossible in 1970, the practice would not only be possible, but almost commonplace among theoretical chemists today. And this research is contributing to myriad scientific achievements—including pharmaceutical development.  There are now new fields in science that includes directions that look impossible, however in 10 years these fields will advance tremendously. That is why I urge all of  you, when choosing your areas of study, to seek out problems that other people have said cannot be solved. They are the most challenging to tackle, but also the most rewarding.     This brings me to my second piece of advice to you: Always persevere. Don’t become discouraged and give up because something doesn’t come easily. In winning battles with yourself, and your self-doubt, you will gain invaluable strength  and wisdom.     The third piece of advice I will offer you going forward is to seek out like-minded  students. You have an incredible opportunity being part of this community in CUHK Shenzhen. Spend time developing relationships with your fellow students and professors discussing your dreams for the future.     The final piece of advice to all of you is to take advantage of all your university has to offer. The university reflects the best of both Eastern and Western models of higher education. You will be challenged to elevate your foundational skills in mathematics, science and economics to match those of anyone in the world. But there, you also integrate the ethos of the well-rounded liberal arts education based on intellectual inquiry.Arieh Warshel

译文:亲爱的同学们:       你们好!


       我的目标在70年代遥不可及,但对当今的理论化学家而言,已司空见惯。此外,这一研究还正在触发多项科学研究成果—包括制药。       现在,科学研究中也包括看来无法实现的领域,但10年之后,这些领域必将取得巨大进展。我鼓励诸位找出那些别人声称无法解决的问题。这些问题最具挑战性,但回报也最丰厚。       因此,我给诸位的第二个建议是持之以恒,坚定不移。战胜自我,相信自己,你将获得无穷的力量和智慧。       我给诸位的第三个建议是结交同好,携手共进。大家在这里求学,享尽天时地利。维持与同学和教授的良好关系,分享你的梦想和激情。


        Arieh Warshel


