
活动回顾| 春山雅聚系列讲座——豆志飞舞

2017-05-11 香港中文大学深圳








4月19日晚,著名青年舞蹈家黄豆豆莅临香港中文大学(深圳),从自身经历说起,向师生细细分享了自己 “豆”志飞舞的艺术人生。

On the evening of April 19, Mr. Doudou Huang, a famous young choreographer in China, visited The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen and shared his experience in his pursuit of artistic dreams.


He started his dancing career with "Beating Drums while Drunk" performed on China National TV’s Spring Festival Gala Evening.


Mr. Doudou Huang performed "Chinese Kung Fu" at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Athens.


Mr. Doudou Huang choreographed and performed in "The First Emperor" at the Metropolitan Opera, USA. (Stage photo) 


Mr. Doudou Huang was giving his speech


Ms. Dorothy Wong, Director of University Planning and Coordination Office, and Administrative Services Office, presented a customized souvenir to Mr. Doudou Huang.


Mr. Doudou Huang posed with students and teachers.


▲ 第一次这么近距离接触到顶尖的艺术家,感觉仿佛是见到了活的小说主角一样奇妙。本来是被海报上那个沉静又坚毅的眼神吸引,结果在讲座上却被大师的风趣和智慧震撼到。原来艺术里的灵光一现也这么有趣!也是第一次感受到舞蹈中除了技艺之外的魅力。真的是开启了我新世界的大门!

▲ This is my first time to meet a top artist face to face. It is as amazing as if I have encountered a live protagonist from a novel. Those firm eyes of his on the poster were appealing and his humor and wisdom were equally impressive. What an experience! I felt the charm of dancing which is beyond skills and choreography.

▲ 不出意料,黄豆豆老师的讲座座无虚席。这位大牛的舞蹈素养之高毋庸置疑,演讲中的人格魅力也是非同凡响。感觉他就像是活出了一种艺术家的禅,带着天赋在努力中不平凡。尤其是通过舞蹈编排借逍遥游解读庄周梦蝶的片段,令人佩服!讲座非常值得!

▲ As excepted, the room was packed with audience. Doudou Huang is good at what he does. Furthermore, his charisma is irresistible. He is a gifted artist who keeps working on his dance. I particularly like how he interprets philosophic issues through choreography. What a brilliant speech!

▲ 黄豆豆,童年时期的男神之一。那时候只惊叹于男舞者的基本功原来也可以那么好。今天在他的讲述里体会到了舞蹈作为一种表达方式的意义、舞者对于舞蹈背后的文化价值的追求。收获很大!

▲ He was my idol when I was a child. I was surprised to find that how skillful a male dancer could be. I have also learned that choreography can be a way of expression and a pursuit of cultural values.



▲ I have benefited a lot from his speech. Doudou talked about creation and integration of choreography, opera, movie, and music from a dancer's perspective. He shared with us how to express ideas and concepts through physical movements. He is humorous and fun. We also watched his works which were performed or created abroad and I am particularly impressed by "Guarding the Yellow River", which is a masterpiece in terms of creativity, skill, performance, and style! His sharing is quite enjoyable!


▲ “舞蹈能够超越语言和文字,舞者用肢体语言传递他对故事主题的理解。” 黄豆豆用通俗的语言,分享了几部作品的编舞历程。除了《醉鼓》,他还编演过许多经典角色,秦俑、庄子、梁山伯等。放了几部经典演出片段,大开眼界,原来中国古典舞这么man!他目前仍旧在舞台上表演,一直在向世界推广中国的舞蹈和文化。舞蹈家有天赋是必须,但有天赋不一定能成事。最后,他送大家的就是“坚持”二字。简练的语言、年轻的状态、清晰的思路,加上5分钟的一个幽默或自嘲,他的智商情商都非常完美。超级享受的90分钟!

▲ Doudou Huang used simple language to share his thoughts on choreography. His representative works demonstrate that Chinese traditional dancing can be manly too. He is still active on stage, promoting Chinese choreography and culture to the world. To a dancer, talent is the key but it is not everything. He encouraged us to hold on to things we love to do. Simple language, energetic appearance and clear logic, plus a few self-depreciating jokes, make this speech nothing but a pure joy.


