
认识港中大(深圳)| Why CUHK Shenzhen? 国际生告诉你(二)

2017-07-18 香港中文大学深圳








Why CUHK Shenzhen? 

Nikita Soldatov

School of Science and Engineering


       学校里到处都是欢声笑语。虽然课业繁重,学校也时常提供了很多有意思的活动,研讨会和讲座让我们提高自己,放松自己,不断地了解新事物。在香港中文大学(深圳),我交到了很多好朋友。我听过图灵奖获得者John Edward Hopcroft 教授的讲座,也曾和朋友们在戏剧节上表演······我觉得当初选择了这所学校真是一个正确的决定,在这儿的每分每秒我都过得很开心!

Joy and happiness are in the air! Summer holiday is near, the term comes to an end. Only one final step remains — exams. But despite the hard work, we still manage to find time for interesting and entertaining activities that our university provides so often! There are plenty of seminars, lectures and tutorials where everyone can improve their skills or discover something new. I once attended an informative lecture about the future of Computer Science given by distinguished professor John Edward Hopcroft. During the third week of November, each of the Colleges held formal Thanksgiving dinners for their Students and staff. In April, My friends and I performed at the amazing Drama Festival. They were marvelous events. Such activities make you feel part of a big society where everyone is valued and respected.

In CUHK(SZ),  I have made many new friends and discover brand new things. Enrolling to CUHK(SZ) was the right choice for me, I'm enjoying every single moment of my time here.

Nikita Soldatov和同学在戏剧节中表演“The Rooftop Lesson”获观众及评委老师好评

Nikita Soldatov acted with friends in “The Rooftop Lesson” at the Drama Festival

Nikita Soldatov担任聚乐部钢琴音乐会活动主持人

Nikita Soldatov is the MC of Music Union’s Piano Night

Sakeena Saifi

School of Science and Engineering 





Life in CUHK(SZ)  has been challenging, yet rewarding. I have found myself to be constantly busy: the piles of assignments to be finished on time, the endless math calculations to be unraveled and mastered, the co-curricular activities to join, or the occasional chance to just hang out... I rarely have a moment free.

The campus has everything we need—the library and classrooms offer a calm and comfortable study environment, the cafeterias are just the right place for chatting with friends over a meal while enjoying the beautiful view of hills and trees, and the dormitories are shared with lovely and caring roommates. Thankfully each dormitory has a kitchen — I like cooking, it is a necessity for me and I find the kitchen a haven, a break from the otherwise tough routine.

There were challenges in the beginning, adjusting to a rigorous routine in a new environment, but gradually this place will be becoming a home for me, and the challenges will prepare me to face the world independently and successfully. 

Sakeena 在校园国际文化节展现印度海娜手绘

Sakeena introduces henna art at the International Culture Festival

Ivan Prawira Limanauw

School of Science and Engineering



Ever since I arrived at CUHK(SZ), I can feel the warmth like home. People in this school — students, teachers, and staff — are very kind and welcoming. They are keen to know more and make friends with the international students. Therefore, not a single day passed without waving at friends or teachers.

At this university, you don't have to worry about language. Everyone can speak English. Plus, the lectures are all in English. However, you don’t have to worry if you want to develop your Chinese. The local students will be very happy to teach you, and we also have Chinese lessons. The other international students are also happy to teach you their language. So, currently I know some words in Chinese, Russian, and Korean! The diversity here is really an extraordinary experience.

There is no chance of getting bored in campus. The university always has events, such as seminars, workshops, and club activities. In other words, you don't have to always study. You can have fun and enjoy the university life too!

Last but not least, I'm waiting for all of you. We're going to have a lot of fun! 


Selamat datang ke CUHK(SZ)!


Ivan has fun at an event of the International Cultural  Festival  with friends 


A group photo of Ms. Qiuchen Wang, Ivan and other international students at Chinese Class

Click Read more for more info on CUHK(SZ)










编辑排版: 余无尘(2016级人文社科学院学生)

                    易榕(CPR )

