
2022毕业季 | 港中大(深圳)国际毕业生的回忆、成长与建议

 Interviews with the Class of 2022





我们采访了一些今年毕业的学生:Victor Tan (Victor)、Angontsara Ihasivony Ravoahanginiaina(Yas)、Sory Park(Sory)、Altamirano Juarez Luis Jose(Luis)、Ong Grace Amazia Budiono(Grace)和 Lois Melody(Lois),并问了他们一些问题,他们分享了自己最难忘的记忆,以及从第一次来到港中大(深圳)到毕业的成长历程。我们也从他们那里得到了给学弟学妹的建议,以及对教授和学校工作人员的感谢。

Q1: What was your first impression of CUHK-Shenzhen?

Yas: At the beginning, I felt the University was gigantic and I would never be able to fit in. When I went to class, there were more than 100 students sometimes, so it felt overwhelming. Going from one teaching building to another also felt long. But soon after, I started to get along with most people in different classes so it felt smaller. I suddenly felt that I fit in and it was great. Thanks to my friends.

Sory: My first impression of CUHK-Shenzhen was overall positive. The student volunteers were caring and helpful; the professors were professional and clear; and the facilities were clean and organized.

Lois: During my freshman year, It was my first time seeing a school library that was fully booked by students studying from the morning until the library was closed, and it was tricky to find a table/room with friends to study, so it was quite stressful and intense for me. I thought it would last only until the end of my first year, but then it lasted until the day I returned to Indonesia due to the pandemic.

Grace: Four years back, I thought that CUHK-Shenzhen was a nightmare in which I and the majority of international students could never cope with. Now, I think it's a safe place where all nationalities have equal opportunities in academic achievements. 


Q2: Can you tell us your favourite memory at CUHK-Shenzhen?

Victor: One of my favourite memories is traveling after final exams with my dear roommates and other international students. My traveling experiences are the most precious part of my university life. I also enjoy joining school activities with my friends such as the Colour Run and also having birthday celebrations organized by international students. I like to look back at the photos of these events and trips while staying in Malaysia.

Yas: There are a lot, but it would have to be cooking different meals with friends in the kitchen. We would gather together and each would cook their local food, for example, guacamole, kimchi fried rice, crêpes, and so on. It was pretty fun. 

Sory: Finals week! Not the exams but rather the stressful yet fun nights that a couple of friends and I would spend together studying, ordering food through Waimai, listening to music, joking around, taking photos, and so on. Bringing some laughter into stressful moments is a feeling and memory I want to treasure forever.

Lois: I have some favourite memories, but the experience that I’ll never forget is the MPC (Math Pre-Sessional Course). It was a small class attended by all students, and I made lots of international and local friends during the programme.

Adjusting to the school environment and the city (Shenzhen) while participating in some activities with fellow students and seniors at CUHK-Shenzhen at that time are unforgettable for me. Since then, I’ve really enjoyed exploring the city and traveling to some other cities in China with friends.

Luis: I guess my best memories were during my second year of university. My friends from all around the world and I would hang out in my kitchen and sometimes cook together. Other times, we went to watch movies on campus, or pull all-nighters studying for our midterms and finals. I guess I enjoyed it so much because we were like a team going through university life together.

Grace: I remember we had an international day on campus. It felt like I entered into a whole new diverse environment with various cuisines from each country. We shared a lot of moments. The international students formed meaningful bonds as we are all away from home struggling with the same educational battle.


Q3: How have you changed and grown as an individual over your experience of studying at CUHK-Shenzhen? What are the most valuable lessons you’ve learned?

Victor: In the first two years, I have learned how to stay and make friends with people from various cultures. Since I'm the first batch of Malaysian students in CUHK-Shenzhen, I have to explore everything by myself. This has made me independent and a good team player. In the last two years, studying alone has become the routine of my University life due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The most valuable lesson I gained is how to deal with loneliness. I have read some books and cooked for my parents to improve our relationship. I also spent a lot of time accompanying my grandparents during holidays. Family love is my strongest weapon to confront loneliness.

Yas: I feel that I have grown and become more mature. In the first year, every little thing made me sad, such as receiving a lower grade in physics or statistics. Now, I realize that I do not have to be perfect. I might not be the best in physics, but I have found what I am good at and I plan on improving more on it. 

Sory: I have become more self-aware. In the beginning, I was not completely sure of where to start and where to head. But by reading books, cultivating meaningful relationships with others, and spending time on my own, I have learned more about myself and who I want to become.

Grace: I learned that hard work is not the only key to success. It takes wisdom, a happy heart, mood, networks, and luck.

Lois: For me, it’s about being independent and social. I learned about prioritizing and time management, and cooking and cleaning too!

It’s important to focus on my priority and not get easily distracted to get my job done. Then, I tried to start a conversation with new people, and later get to listen to interesting or unique stories about different cultures and perspectives. Some people are kind enough to teach me their languages too.

Luis: I would not say that CUHK-Shenzhen has made me grow over the past 4 years, but I guess living in China has. I learned many things about myself and others. I learned how to live by myself and alone. I also had incredible moments that I would have never experienced if I didn’t come to Asia.

Overall, I think coming here changed me for the better, and I would recommend everyone to try to live abroad at least once.


Q4: What are your plans after graduation?

Victor: I may take an internship for several months and then continue my postgraduate study in Malaysia.

Yas: I will work. The company I did an internship with gave me a position in their firm so I decided to take it. I still intend to continue my studies, but right now I plan on increasing my finances first.

Sory: I am planning to work at a Shanghai-based consulting company remotely from South Korea. I will also be teaching at a micro-school in South Korea. After a few years, I would like to pursue graduate studies. 

Grace: My plan is to enter the job market and develop myself more in the industry. I'm a firm believer that theories won't be as impactful without proper hands-on training. 

Luis: I haven’t completely discarded going to postgraduate studies. But it is not something that I will immediately do after finishing university for several reasons. The main one is that I don’t really know which field I want to get more involved with. Also, I recently landed a job working for Huawei back in Mexico, so I will focus on that for the moment.

Lois: I am going to apply for jobs related to my major and perhaps prepare for further studies when I’m mentally ready.


Q5:  Do you have any tips for the juniors?

Victor: Work hard; play hard. Hope they can go back to CUHK-Shenzhen campus as soon as possible.

Yas: Find what you truly like. It will be hard to put effort for four years into a major you do not appreciate. It is okay to change it if you are not sure. The University allows us to change majors until the end of year two, so change it as soon as possible if you made the decision. 

Sory: First, be in the present. Be conscious of who you are, where you are, and what you are doing now. Second, explore your future. Spend time doing research and figuring out who you want to become and for what reason. Third, figure out how you will move forward from now and in your future.

Luis: For the juniors or any student in the university, really, it’s to not care so much about grades, GPA, or anything like that. Just be happy and do your best effort. Ignore how well or bad everyone else is doing, since you don’t know and can’t really know everything your classmates did to get there. Just focus on what you are doing and always be proud of what you have achieved. 

I would also recommend thinking hard about what the university experience means for you before it’s over. Once you have an answer, have that in your mind for the rest of your university life. If the answer is to meet people, then try to make profound relationships with as many people as you can; if your answer is to have different kinds of experiences, then try to do something new every once in a while and spend as much time as you can with your friends. I hardly believe that the reason we come to university is to learn blocks of knowledge.

As a final thought, I would like to give one of the best pieces of advice that a professor gave me at the university: "The university’s true objective is to make their students be able to learn to solve real problems", not to solve an equation or different economics concepts that exist on the market. When we meet a real problem in the real world, we don’t get panic, but solve it logically, calmly, and one step at a time, just like every big project, assignment, final, or presentation we had to do.

Grace:  Go out and enjoy your youth. Make a lot of friends. Resting and networking are a part of the journey.

Lois: You're a university student now, and there are lots of opportunities for you to independently explore and find out what you like to do and don’t.

I’ll list some of them in case you’re interested: taking part in student activities or organizations; taking various courses unrelated to your major; joining communities; volunteering; doing business with friends; applying for exchanges; or studying for additional certifications (e.g., local qualifications).

I think those will help you understand your ability, grow, and prepare for the job search too. Also, be prepared and don’t be too discouraged when your applications are rejected.


Q6: Do you have any words of appreciation for some of the professors and staff members of CUHK-Shenzhen?

Victor: Thank you to all professors and TA for providing quality online courses, especially for those courses that I'm the only international student. Special thanks to all the staff of ISSS (OAL) for helping us deal with all the graduation staff and update the latest news.

Yas: First, I want to thank CUHK-Shenzhen for giving me the scholarship to complete my studies. I would never be able to repay that. I want to thank my advisor, professors, Harmonia staff, and ISSS (OAL) for being part of my journey. Thank you so much!

Sory: Thank you CUHK-Shenzhen professors and staff members for your hard work, commitment, and determination in creating a better environment for us to study at CUHK-Shenzhen. It was a great privilege to be part of this community.

Luis: I guess I would like to say “thank you” to the best professors I had in CUHK-Shenzhen. I will always be grateful for the invaluable things I learned from them.

Grace: Thank you, Dr. Wang Kai, Huan, and all other staff members. Thank you for understanding international students and striking your best to fulfill our expectations. You guys have been a great help throughout the journey!

Lois: I’m glad that the professors, TAs, and staff members are very welcoming and open to sharing their knowledge and experiences related to further studies, work, and life. Their teachings and advice influenced me in evaluating the options I have for my future. They are all hard workers and dedicated to their subjects, so I really admire them. I wish them good luck in everything they’re doing.


Q1 你对港中大(深圳)的第一印象是什么?










Q2 你在港中大(深圳)最难忘的记忆是什么?














Q3 你在港中大(深圳)有什么改变和成长?你学到的最有价值的经验是什么?

















Q4 你毕业后有什么打算?














Q5 你对学弟学妹们有什么建议吗?


















Q6 你对港中大(深圳)的教授和职员有什么想说的话吗?

Victor: 感谢所有教授和助教提供的优质线上课程,尤其是那些我是唯一一个国际学生的课程。特别感谢ISSS(OAL)的工作人员帮助我们处理毕业事务和更新最新的消息。











- END -




Stephanie Louisa 2018级经管学院、祥波书院

Jordan Nathaniel 2018级经管学院、祥波书院

Sonia Sudjana 2020级经管学院、祥波书院

翻译:李子桓 2020级理工学院、学勤书院

排版:王研 2019级经管学院、逸夫书院





