
Hi, International Students! 72 Career Counsellors Are Here

In order to further develop all-round career guidance and services for all international students at Tsinghua University, Career Development Center has launched the multilingual (Chinese, English, Japanese, etc.) individual career counselling service program.

Come and see which on-campus counsellors and alumni counsellors can provide multilingual counselling.

All our international students are welcomed to make an appointment. 

First come, first served!




Through individual career counselling, you will:

1. Increase self-knowledge:

Learn about your personal interests, skills, values, strengths and weaknesses, and learn to set  short-term and long-term career development goals.

2. Increase career knowledge: 

Learn about a wide range of international education and career resources, including information on universities worldwide, internships, and recruitment information from transnational companies, and explore global opportunities for further education and work.

3. Enhance job hunting skills: 

Learn skills including but not limited to resume revision, cover letter writing, and polishing interviewing skills, helping international students to better overcome language barriers and enhance their self-confidence in confronting the challenges of the international workplace.

4. Enhance cultural adaptability:

Understand the conventions and workplace habits of different countries to prepare for better and faster adaptation to different cultural environments.

Here, you will talk with counsellors with multi-cultural backgrounds, diverse educational experiences and multi-industry work experiences! You will be able to broaden your horizons, improve your cross-cultural communication skills, and lay a solid foundation for working and developing globally.

Individual Counselling

(On-campus Counsellors)

Individual Counselling

(Alumni Counsellors)

Let us provide you with professional guidance and work with you to explore the endless possibilities of career development! Welcome to make an appointment for multilingual counselling at Tsinghua University's Career Development Center and start a new chapter of success!

How to sign up for career counselling


