
理工学子说 | Jake Lee: 目标明确,平衡之道。


本期,我们采访到了理工学院2017级的国际生Jake Lee。他来自韩国,现在是理工学院计算机科学与技术专业的一名大三学生。Jake在过去的两年参加了许多比赛,也获得了不错的名次。




来自韩国的JONGHYUK LEE(李钟赫,Jake)一直很明确他想在大学里学到什么。正如韩国的太极旗的“阴阳平衡”内涵,Jake也平衡着他在理工学院的学习与生活。






和其他学生一样,他也会感觉到“peer pressure”(同辈压力),因为周围的同学们都非常努力。不过在他看来,诚然学习是具有挑战性的,不过同时也是有趣的;一个人的生活是由很多方面组成的,而学习只是其中的一部分,绩点也只是学习的一种表现形式。所以,他会尽量在学有余力的情况下,充分丰富他的课余生活。他喜欢摄影,因此加入过公关传讯处(CPRO)的学生助理团队,为各大活动拍摄活动照片;他喜欢编程,因此加入了机器人和人工智能实验室并成为研究助理。此外,他在课余时还喜欢游泳,听音乐,与朋友聚会,以此放松。正如他在采访中所说:

“GPA is just something that how you do academically. But my life is not all about academics.” (绩点只意味着你在学术领域表现如何,可是我的生活不仅仅是学术。)







Jake在港中大(深圳)的另一个关键词是 “比赛”。在两年多的时间里,他根据自己的兴趣,参加了许多比赛,也取得了不俗的成绩:2017深圳创意十二月创新训练营决赛的冠军;黑客松·智慧城季军;霍特杯挑战赛决赛亚军等。










English Version

JONGHYUK LEE (Jake) comes from Korea. He went to high school and part of university in US before he started his undergraduate study in CUHK-Shenzhen.

He chose Shenzhen and the university not only because of his nature of challenging, but also of the high-tech nature of the city as well as the prominent future of this new university.

When it comes to the choice of major, Jake also had his own idea: interested in both technology and business, he finally chose SSE because Jake could acquire the knowledge of programming systematically. On the other hand, he has managed to take part in several business competitions in order to combine the professional knowledge to the business activities, so that he could gain more practical experience.  

In the interview of international students, a must-ask question may be “what are the challenges you’ve confronted as an international student in the university”; for Jake, the answer is studying and language. Like others, he admitted that he sometimes felt peer pressure as others were quite hard-working. However, in his opinion, studying is challenging but interesting as well. Also, GPA is just something that shows how one performs academically, but his life is not just about academics. 

Therefore, Jake tries to enrich his extra-curriculum life by becoming the student helper of CPRO in photography, joining the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Lab as an undergraduate research assistant. In addition, he also likes swimming, listening to music and gathering with friends. From these rich after-school life, Jake has met different people, learned different ideas and gained experience that he could not get from learning in class.

Jake pointed out that another challenge is the different teaching mode between China and America. While in America students would ask questions in class, in China students are more inclined to raise questions after class. In his opinion, enjoying the class and finding the connection between the knowledge and the reality life make the process of learning more interesting and enjoyable.

In the perspective of language, Jake confessed that it would be rather difficult if international students could not speak Chinese. Yet, it is not a problem for him anymore as he can speak Chinese fluently. This may also prove that his positive attitude towards challenge.

For Jake, his two-year life in CUHK-Shenzhen is also full of opportunities.

In terms of academic activities, SSE has held a number of research seminars hosted by professors from different universities, which, in his view, is helpful to students interested in different areas, as they could, including Jake himself, understand what they want to learn or what they want to try.

Another keyword of his campus life is “competition”. He has participated in several competition and has achieved satisfying results: Champion of Shenzhen Creative December Innovation / Entrepreneurship competition 2017; second runner-up of Smart City Hackathon by Deloitte and HKUST; first runner-up in Hult Prize Campus Final competition.

Compared with final result, Jake believes the experience is more important. Taking himself as an example, he mentioned that he learned a lot after Smart City Hackthon: “you just need to try things you are interested in and also when you try, be logical, knowledgeable and pay attention to the human interaction; also, a good idea should be positive and valuable.”

For his international peer, Jake also has something to say:

“I think it is very important to be open to find different activities so that you can meet more Chinese and others, and try to open up for different opportunities. 

I believe language is also important, so try to learn Chinese and communicate in Chinese. Learn the language, explore, go outside and visit the city. 

Also, don’t be too stressed. Try your best but leave the result to the professor. Worrying about it doesn’t make things better. So try best but enjoy."

(Swipe to read the full English Version)


系列报道由SSE Media Centre出品


· END ·


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