
活动邀请 | 香港中文大学(深圳) 2023翔龙鸣凤科学论坛之物质科学分论坛





翔龙鸣凤科学论坛(Long Feng Science Forum)是香港中文大学(深圳)的注册论坛品牌。论坛旗下包含主论坛、研讨会系列和讲座系列活动。理工学院已于2018年8月、2021年8月、2022年8月及12月主办四次主论坛,活动吸引了大量顶尖科学家、优秀青年学者以及各领域产业大咖参与,社会各界反响热烈。在去年的“翔龙鸣凤科学论坛物质科学分论坛”中,来自哈佛大学、麻省理工学院、麦吉尔大学、剑桥大学、德国马克斯-普朗克研究所、东京大学、新加坡国立大学、香港大学等国内外顶尖大学的青年学者分享了他们在各自科研领域取得的最新研究成果。





The Long Feng Science Forum is a registered brand of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. The Forum consists of Main Forum, Workshop Series and Seminar Series. The School of Science and Engineering has hosted four main forums in August 2018, August 2021, August 2022 and December 2022, which have attracted a large number of top scientists, outstanding young scholars and industry leaders in various fields and received overwhelming responses. Last year, young scholars from Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, McGill University, Cambridge University, Max Planck Institute, University of Tokyo, National University of Singapore, University of Hong Kong and other top universities at home and abroad shared their latest research results in their respective scientific research fields.


The "2023 Long Feng Science Forum" will be held online from August 17 to 19, 2023. The forum will invite young talents and rising stars with high potential in Physical Sciences at home and abroad to share their research results and experiences through academic reports, discuss the hot spots of the disciplines together, and generate diversified viewpoints to collide, as well as to help the introduction and construction of high-level talents in the university.


We are delighted to announce and invite outstanding young academic talents worldwide to apply for the forum, and look forward to your participation!



Application Requirement

1. 已经取得(或即将在未来一年内取得)海内外知名大学博士学位;


2. 在材料、能源、化学、物理及其相关交叉学科等研究领域取得显著成绩。

1. Have obtained (or will obtain within a year) a Ph.D. degree from a reputable university at home or abroad.


2. Have made significant achievements in the research fields of Materials, Energy, Chemistry, Physics and related interdisciplinary subjects.



Time & Date





The forum will be conducted via Zoom with the following schedule:

Deadline for online registration: July 14, 2023

Date of notification of invited guests: July 31 to August 4, 2023

Forum dates: August 17 to 19, 2023



Forum Information





电话:+86-755-842 73833  

Language: English

Venue: Zoom Meeting

Contact Us:

E-mail: longfengforum@cuhk.edu.cn

Tel: +86-755-842 73833  









Please visit 


if you do not have a mobile number starting with the country code of +86. If you do, please scan the QR Code below to register for the forum.

Registration Deadline: July 14, 2023

Successful and invited attendees will receive a registration confirmation (including Zoom Meeting ID and password).






a. 欢迎扫描下方二维码进入大学微信视频号参与直播互动


b. 或扫描下方二维码进入大学B站直播间参与直播互动



(1) Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of the 2023 Long Feng Science Forum will be live-streamed on August 17, we are delighted to invite you to participate online by scanning the QR code below:

CUHK-Shenzhen Wechat

CUHK-Shenzhen Bilibili

(2) The Physical Science sub-forum will be held online from August 17 to 19, details to be announced later.



Introduction of  Programmes and Faculty


Introduction of Programmes



Materials Science and Engineering



The major of Materials Science and Engineering aims to cultivate talents with remarkable academic performance and practical ability in materials-related fields. This programme will provide students with rigorous and complete basic training in modern materials science, so that students can master the core knowledge system of Materials Science and Engineering, know the ideas and methods of how materials science understand the world and correctly recognize the importance and potential development of this major. By doing so, it allows students to have a broad and solid knowledge foundation, the ability to learn independently and a sense of innovation, as well as the ability to participate in scientific research. 

Materials Science and Engineering is one of the key construction disciplines of Guangdong Province in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. It has gathered a group of world-class high-level talents with rich teaching and research experience. After graduation, students can go to world-renowned universities or institutions for postgraduate study or research. Or they can choose to go to enterprises, companies and schools to engage in scientific research, technological development, education and management in various fields, such as chemical, petrochemical, metallurgy, electronics, materials, energy, environmental protection, commodity inspection, medicine, public security, foreign trade, national defense and other related fields. 



化学是自然科学的中心学科,是连接科学与工程技术所必需的现代自然科学中具有重要影响力的领域之一;也是一门承前启后的科学分支,对相关学科的发展起着基础性、引领性和促进性的作用。 化学作为一门研究物质的性质、组成、结构、转化和应用的科学,是人类发现和创造新物质的主要手段。化学是社会进步的基础,是调节生命过程和提高人体素质的重要手段之一,为人类创造丰富的物质生活。化学是唯一一门可以创造或识别对社会具有重要意义的新物质的学科。化学与社会多方面的需求有关,能满足人们衣、食、住、行和增进健康、战胜疾病的需要,是现代社会中国民经济的重要支柱。 


Chemistry is a central subject of natural science and one of the most influential areas of modern natural science necessary for connecting scientific and engineering technology. Chemistry is a branch of science that bridges the past and the future, and plays a fundamental, leading and promotional role in the development of related disciplines. As a scientific study of the properties, composition, structure, transformation and application of matter, chemistry is the primary means of discovering and creating new substances. Chemistry is a cornerstone of social progress and one of the important means to regulate biological processes and improve human health. Chemistry is the only science to create or identify novel chemical entities of importance to the society. We can enjoy a high-quality material life and have our needs in various aspects satisfied, including clothing, food, accommodation, transport, health improvement and disease control, all thanks to chemistry. It has become an important supporting pillar of every country’s economy in modern society.  

This programme intends to provide undergraduates with well-structured, exhaustive, and fundamental training in modern chemistry. The programme will place a considerable emphasis on cultivating students’ laboratory skills and supplement compulsory chemistry courses with relevant laboratory courses. When the students successfully complete the programme, they will have acquired a rigorous foundation in the theory and application, a solid command of the practical experimental and the ability to tackle simple applications of theoretical analysis and practical experimental operation, to understand and explain, solve problems.     





The objective of the Physics programme is to expose students to physics concepts and cutting-edge technologies in physics through a comprehensive curriculum based on lab practices. After four years of rigorous coursework and hands-on experiences, students will master fundamental physics experimental techniques, broaden the horizon of their knowledge in related fields, and have the ability to use physics to build models, solve real-world problems, and conduct experimental tests. Students are encouraged to develop a scientific spirit, creativity, independence, and the ability to identify and solve problems, as well as gain research experiences through studying the world nearby us and the laws of nature. 

Physics graduates can pursue postgraduate study or research at world-class universities or institutions, join enterprises and institutions for physics-related work, or enter universities, national defense departments, and scientific research institutions to engage in scientific research, teaching, technology, or related management. Physics graduates are also in high demand in the finance and information technology, and other industries. 


New Energy Science and Engineering 

随着科技的发展以及人类对于能源的进一步开发,如何促进能源的清洁和高效利用,推动能源市场的产业升级,已成为能源领域的新的关注点。互联互通的科技正改变社会的运行方式,学术界提出的“构建一个更有智慧的地球”,投射到能源领域,即产生了“智慧能源”这一前沿理念,将互联网与能源生产、传输、存储、消费以及能源市场的深度融合。同时,国家主席习近平提出我国要力争在2030年前实现“碳达峰”、2060年前实现“碳中和”,承担起减碳的大国担当和历史使命。由于能源消费产生的排放占我国总排放的80%,新能源技术的发展将在我国 “双碳” 战略目标中发挥关键性的作用。 

学院现正积极与著名海内外高校合作,设计 3+1+1 新能源本硕联读课程,本专业亦设有毕业项目(Final Year Project),训练同学独立动手和研究能力,对未来升学就业有极大帮助。本专业毕业生将能进入可再生能源、智能电网、新能源汽车等新兴能源领域,以及高等院校和科研院所从事新能源相关的研究。 


With the progress of science and technology in the energy area, promoting clean and efficient usage of energy and accelerating the industry upgrading of the energy market have become the new concerns of the energy field. Thanks to the rapid development of the internet, interdisciplinary technologies are now changing the operation mode of our society. Therefore, academia has proposed to “build a smarter planet” and a cutting-edge notion of “smart energy” in the energy area, by merging the internet with energy production, transmission, storage, consumption as well as energy market. At the same time, President Xi Jinping proposed that our country would strive to reach the "carbon peak" by 2030 and realize the "carbon neutrality" by 2060, and undertake the global responsibility and historical mission of carbon reduction. Since 80% of the total carbon emissions are from energy consumption sources, the development of new energy technologies will play a key role in achieving the strategic goals of carbon peak and neutrality in our country. 


The School of Science and Engineering is now actively cooperating with well-known domestic and overseas universities for the “3+1+1” Joint Program of New Energy Science and Engineering (NSE). The NSE Programme is also offering a “Final Year Project” to train students’ independent practical and researching abilities, which can greatly benefit them for their further study or career. NSE graduates will be able to work in emerging fields of new energy, including renewable energy, smart grid, new energy vehicles, as well as colleges and research institutes to engage in related research. 


The NSE Program is highly interdisciplinary, students can choose to pursue further studies in the direction of new energy science or new energy engineering according to their interests. 


Introduction of Faculty(Selective)



TANG, Ben Zhong


X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor


唐教授主要从事高分子化学和先进功能材料研究。在聚集诱导发光(Aggregation-Induced Emission, AIE)这一化学和材料前沿领域取得了原创性成果,是AIE概念的提出者和AIE研究的引领者。


2007年获Croucher基金会高级研究员奖,2014年获伊朗国家科技部颁发的花拉子密国际奖、2015年获广州市荣誉市民称号。2014年至今连续当选全球材料和化学双领域“高被引科学家”。2017年获国家自然科学一等奖、何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖。2021年获Nano Today国际科学奖,2023年获生物材料全球影响力奖。

Prof. Tang received BS and PhD degrees from South China University of Technology and Kyoto University in 1982 and 1988, respectively. He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Toronto in 1989–1994. He joined the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology in 1994 and was promoted to Chair Professor in 2008. He was elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009, the Asia Pacific Academy of Materials in 2017 and the World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries in 2020. In 2021, he joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, as Dean of the School of Science and Engineering, with a concurrent appointment of X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor.

Mainly engaged in materials science, macromolecular chemistry and biomedical theranostics. He coined the scientific concept of aggregation-induced emission (AIE), and his labs are spearheading the AIE research in the world.

Prof. Tang has published >2,000 scientific papers, which have been cited by peers >166,000 times. His h-index is 178. He has delivered >500 invited talks at international conferences and has been granted >100 patents. He is currently serving as Editor-in-Chief of Aggregate published by Wiley, and is sitting in the editorial boards of >20 international scientific journals.

Prof. Tang has been listed as a Highly Cited Researcher in both areas of Chemistry and Materials Science since 2014. He received a series of awards, scholarships and honors, such as Croucher Senior Research Fellowship Award in 2007, MACRO Lecture Award (American Chemical Society) in 2012, Khwarizmi International Award (Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology) in 2014, Honorary Citizen of Guangzhou City in 2015, National Natural Science Award (1st Class) in 2017, Scientific and Technological Progress Award (Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation) in 2017, Nano Today Award in 2021, and Biomaterials Global Impact Award in 2023. 


WONG, Nai Ching Henry


X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor




Henry N.C. Wong obtained his B.Sc. degree with first class honors from CUHK in 1973 and was subsequently awarded a Shell Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies in the United Kingdom. He furthered his studies at University College London where he obtained his Ph.D. in 1976. After two postdoctoral research years at Harvard University, Henry Wong returned to University College London to begin his independent research undertaking as Ramsay Memorial Fellow. From 1980 to 1982, Henry Wong did research at the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences. He returned to CUHK in 1983 and was the Chairman of the Department of Chemistry from 1995 to 1997. Henry Wong was Head of New Asia College in 2002-2010 and 2014-2020, Chairman of the Research Committee in 2004-2013, Chairman of the Academic Equipment Grants Committee in 2006-2013, Pro-Vice-Chancellor/Vice President for Research in 2009-2013. He was Dean of Science from 2012-2018. He is now Emeritus Professor of Chemistry and also Research Professor of CUHK. Henry Wong is currently also Chairman of the Management Committee, Shanghai-Hong Kong Joint Laboratory in Chemical Synthesis, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Distinguished Long-term Visiting Professor of Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, and honorary professor and guest professor of many tertiary institutions on the Chinese mainland.

The research interests of Henry Wong are concerned with the syntheses and studies of natural and non-natural molecules. He has served on the editorial boards of several international and national journals. He has been invited to present in over 80 invited and plenary talks in national as well as international conferences and symposia, and has published over 270 research articles, reviews and book chapters.

Henry Wong won the 2nd Class State Natural Science Award of China in 1997. He was a Croucher Senior Research Fellow in 1999-2000 and was elected to The Chinese Academy of Sciences, The World Academy of Sciences for the advancement of science in developing countries (TWAS) (formerly known as The Third World Academy of Sciences) and The Hong Kong Academy of Sciences in 1999, 2004 and 2015, respectively.


SHUAI, Zhigang


X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor

帅志刚教授于1983年、1986年和1989年分别在中山大学、暨南大学和复旦大学取得学士学位、硕士学位和博士学位,于1990-2001年在比利时University of Mons从事博士后和研究科学家工作。




2004年获国家自然科学基金委员会杰出青年科学基金资助,2006年入选国家人事部等7部委“新世纪百千万人才国家级人选”,2012年 获中国化学会-阿克苏诺贝尔化学科学奖,2013年获享受国务院特殊津贴资格,2014年获全国优秀科技工作者(中国科协),2018年获法国化学会Prix Franco-Chinois(中-法讲座奖),2019年清华大学毕业生个人就业工作先进个人,2020年获北京市科学技术奖自然科学一等奖,2021年获清华大学先进工作者。

Zhigang Shuai received B.Sc. in 1983 from Sun Yat-sen University majoring in physics, M. Sc. from Jinan University in Guangzhou and PhD in theoretical physics in 1989 from Fudan University in Shanghai. Then, he went to Belgium as a postdoc in the Laboratory of Jean-Luc Brédas in University of Mons. He was granted the Outstanding Young Investigator’s Fund from the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2004. He has developed the quantum chemistry density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm and its time-dependent formalism for the electronic structure and quantum dynamics. He has developed computational methods to modelling and understanding the light-emitting, carrier transport, and energy conversion processes for organic and polymeric materials. The computational package MOMAP developed by his research group has been successfully commercialized.

He was the recipient of the Chinese Chemical Society – AkzoNobel Chemical Science Award (2012), the French Chemical Society Prix Franco-Chinois (2018), and the First-Class Award of Beijing Municipal Natural Science Prize (2020).

He has been elected to the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science in 2008 and became the vice president in 2018. He was elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2009, foreign member of the Academia Europaea in 2011 and the Royal Academy of Belgium in 2013, and the scientific board member of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC) in 2017. He is also an Honorary Member of the Physical Society of Uzbekistan and a Fellow of the Chinese Chemical Society. He was elected to the Executive Committee of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) for the term of 2022-2025. He has been elected to the Standing Council Committee of the Chinese Chemical Society since 2010 and served as Vice President since 2019.  

He is the Associate Editor for Acta Chimica Sinica and the Deputy Editor for “Research – a Science Partner Journal”. He is a member of editorial board for National Science Review, Synthetic Metals, Science China Chemistry and a member of (international) advisory board of The Journal of Physical Chemistry A/B/C, ChemPhysChem, Chem Phys Lett, Nanoscale, Chem Asian J. etc.


TONG, Shuk Yin David


X.Q. Deng Presidential Chair Professor



唐叔贤教授从2015年任香港中文大学(深圳)研究生院院长,2011-2014年任南方科技大学领军教授、学术委员会主席、教授会主席、物理系主任和致仁书院院长。2004至2014年任中国科学技术大学微尺度物质科学国家实验室主任。2004至2009年任香港城市大学常务副校长,2002-2003年任香港城市大学副校长(学术),1994至2001年出任香港大学物理系系主任及讲座教授,1988至2000年任美国威斯康星州立大学物理杰出讲座教授,1988-2000年任美国国家自然科学基金会项目主任、1986年当选为美国真空学会主席、1990年当选美国总统杰出青年研究学者评委,1993年任英国皇家杰出讲座教授。在美期间,曾任加州大学(Berkeley),Arizona State大学,欧州Arhus University等大学的客座教授。

唐叔贤教授著书6本,在国际高水平学术期刊发表文章280多篇,当中包括:2篇《Science》文章、2篇《Physics Today》文章、1篇《Advances in Physics》文章、1篇《Progress in Surface Science》文章、1篇《Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences》文章、35篇《Physical Review Letters》文章。唐叔贤教授在1979年出版的专著《Surface Crystallography by Low-Energy Electron Diffraction(表面晶体学的低能电子衍射方法)》,成为表面结构领域的权威刊物。在1991年,唐教授把电子全息方法引进表面物理领域,该技术获批1992年美国专利。




ZHU, Shiping


Presidential Chair Professor



朱教授2011年获加拿大化学联合会(CIC)“大分子科学与工程奖(MSEA)”,2016年获加拿大化工学会(CSChE)最高成就奖R.S. Jane Memorial Award。2004年入选中国国家基金委“海外杰青”,2009年当选加拿大化学联合会会士(FCIC),2010年加拿大工程院院士(FCAE),2011年加拿大工程联合会会士(FEIC),2014年加拿大皇家科学院院士(FRSC),2020年发展中国家科学院院士(FTWAS)。



朱教授还是Progress in Polymer Science,Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering,Macromolecular Reaction Engineering,Macromolecular Theory and Simulation,《化工进展》、《中国化学工程学报》(英)等期刊的编辑委员会成员。

Professor Zhu received B.Eng. degree from Zhejiang University in 1982 and PhD degree from McMaster University in 1991. He joined Department of Chemical Engineering and Department of Materials Science and Engineering at McMaster University in 1994 as a faculty member. He became Canada Research Chair in polymer reaction engineering in 2001. He served as Department Chair for Chemical Engineering from 2009 to 2014. He was bestowed the highest title honor of "Distinguished University Professor" at McMaster University in 2015. Professor Zhu joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in 2017. He is a Presidential Chair Professor in the School of Science and Engineering, currently serving as Vice President for external and student affairs and Founding President for Shenzhen Institute for Advanced Polymer Materials.

Professor Zhu’s research is in the area of polymer chemical engineering, specializing polymer reaction engineering. He has made significant original contributions to metallocene solution polymerization of olefins, controlled radical polymerization, polymerization kinetic modelling and industrial process digitalization. He received Chemical Institute of Canada "Macromolecular Science and Engineering Award" in 2011 and Canadian Society of Chemical Engineering premier award "R.S. Jane Memorial Award" in 2016.

Professor Zhu received the National Science Fund for Overseas Distinguished Young Scholars in 2004. He was elected as Fellow of Chemical Institute of Canada in 2009, Canadian Academy of Engineering in 2010, Engineering Institute of Canada in 2011, Royal Society of Canada in 2014 and The World Academy of Sciences in 2020.

Professor Zhu has long term devoted to teaching and research in chemical engineering and polymer science. He has trained about 150 higher degree personnel, published 400 technical papers, received 18,000 citations with H index 77.

Professor Zhu is keen on the popularization of science. In the recent years, he has visited more than one hundred universities and high schools, delivering "The First Lecture in Chemical Engineering" "Devoted to the Arts of Science and Engineering for the Goods of Common People", and published "Song of Chemical Engineering", "Disciplinary Construction as Building Chinese Honorific Arch", "Life is Integration, Happiness is Derivative".

Professor Zhu is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Progress in Polymer Science, Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, Macromolecular Theory and Simulation, Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, and Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering (English Edition).


Daigo Miyajima



Miyajima教授于 2008 年和 2013 年在东京大学获得学士和博士学位。在博士期间,他曾前往加州大学圣芭芭拉分校学习了一年的高分子化学。博士毕业后,他加入日本理化学研究所RIKEN任研究员,并于2018年晋升为Unit Leader(PI)。2023年加入香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院担任教授。

Miyajima教授致力于研发新材料、尤其是小分子和高分子的自组装。迄今为止,作为第一作者或通讯作者,他已在Nature、Science、Nature Materials、Nature Chemistry等顶级期刊上发表多篇论文。他还积极参与公司的合作研究,并拥有多项医药和化学专利。


Professor Miyajima received BS and Ph.D. from The University of Tokyo in 2008 and 2013, respectively. During his Ph.D. course, he stayed for one year at UC Santa Barbara to study polymer chemistry. After getting Ph.D., he joined RIKEN, a national research institute in Japan, as a researcher and was promoted to a unit leader (PI) in 2018. In 2023, he joined as a full professor in School of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong, Shenzhen.

Professor Miyajima has developed novel materials with a special focus on the self-assembly of small and macro-molecules. So far, he has published many papers in top journals such as Nature, Science, Nature Materials、Nature Chemistry as either the first or corresponding authors. He also has been actively involved in research collaboration with companies and has multiple patents with medicine and chemical companies.

He received a series of awards e.g., President's Award from of The University of Tokyo (2012), Ikushi Prize from The Japan Society for The Promotion of Science (2012), RIKEN Industry-Academia Collaboration Award (2018), Young Scientist’s Prize by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2018), RIKEN BAIHO Award (2018).





周艳教授于2003年在中国科技大学获得本科学位,2005在香港理工大学获得硕士,并于2009年从瑞典皇家工学院获得博士学位。他主要从事新一代自旋电子学物理和器件研究,包括自旋电子振荡器、磁存储器和自旋拓扑结构的信息处理和存储应用。他发表了100多篇论文,包括Proceedings of the IEEE,Nature Physics, Nature Electronics,Nature Communications,NPG Asia Materials和Nano Letters等高影响力论文,他引累计10000余次。其中30余篇文章入选Web Of Science Highly Cited paper。他的研究工作被Phys.org,Science Daily,IEEE Spectrum,Storage Newsletter等广泛报道。周教授现担任IEEE高级会员和Scientific Reports编委,磁电领域专业期刊IEEE Magnetics Letters编委会成员(Editorial Board Member)。他同时也是Review of Modern Physics,Nature Nanotechnology,Nature Materials,Nature Physics,Nature Communications,Science Advances,Nano Letters,Physical Review X,Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B,Applied Physics Letters和IEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices等期刊的审稿人。

Dr. Zhou Yan obtained his bachelor degree in University of Science and Technology of China in 2003 and MPhil degree in The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2005. He got his PhD degree from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Sweden) in 2009. He mainly works on next-generation spintronics devices including spintronic oscillator, Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory, and magnetic skyrmions for information processing and storage application. Dr. Zhou has published more than 200 papers, including high-impact papers in Proceedings of the IEEE, Nature Physics, Nature Electronics, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, NPG Asia Materials and Nano Letters. His Google Scholar citation is ~10000 with H-index of 50, more than 30 articles were selected for Web Of Science Highly Cited paper. His work has been reported by Phys.org, Science daily, IEEE Spectrum, Storage Newsletter etc. Prof. Zhou is a senior member of IEEE and editorial board member of Scientific Reports, Editorial review board member of IEEE Magnetics Letters. He is reviewer of Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Physics, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Review of Modern Physics, Science Advances, Nano Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Applied Physics Letters and IEEE Transactions on Electronic Devices etc.


ZHU, Jun




Dr. Jun ZHU obtained the bachelor’s degree from Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University in 2000 and the doctor of philosophy from Department of Chemistry, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2007. Then he pursued postdoctoral studies at Dan Yang’s group (The University of Hong Kong) and Henrik Ottosson’s group (Uppsala University), respectively. He joined Xiamen University in 2010 to start the independent career and was promoted to a full professor in 2018. In 2023, he moved to the School of Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He has been funded by six projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and earned an extensive experience in computational organometallic chemistry including analyses of novel structures, bonding (aromaticity) and reaction mechanisms including dinitrogen activation by theoretical calculation. He proposed the concept of adaptive aromaticity beyond the classical Hückel and Baird’s rule, moving the aromatic chemistry forward from one-state aromaticity to two-state aromaticity and developed the application of this concept into singlet fission materials. He has published 192 SCI-indexed papers including those published in high impact journals such as Accounts of Chemical Research, Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications, Journal of the American Chemical Society and Angewandte Chemie International Edition etc. He received various awards including the New Century Excellent Talents in University (2013), the Top-Notch Young Talents Program of China (2014), the Leading Talents in the Fujian Province (2015), the First Prize of the Natural Science in Fujian Province (the third authorship, 2019) and the Second Prize of the National Natural Science (the third authorship, 2020).


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活动邀请 | 香港中文大学(深圳) 2023翔龙鸣凤科学论坛

SSE Talk |Multi-Modal Large Language Models for 3D Understanding

SSE Talk | Hydrodynamics of Poroelastic Hydrogels

喜讯 | 理工学院本科生在第二届广东省大学生生物医学工程创新设计大赛斩获佳绩

师说 | Daigo Miyajima教授:跳出舒适区,寻求新发展

师说 | 肖博文教授:攥紧科学的火把


