

Frame China FRAME 构架 2022-09-26


在年初颁出的2020 FRAME AWARDS中,年度快闪店大奖由获得者:由协调亚洲(COORDINATION ASIA)设计的耐克House of Innovation上海001零售店(下文简称HOI) 摘得。这个项目何以从来自世界各地近百个项目中脱颖而出?我们与您分享,2020 FRAME AWARDS的评委观点。

To give our audience eyes and ears into the live judging sessions that took place at Frame Awards 2020, we're sharing coverage of the insightful jury conversations that decided the winning projects. Below, we celebrate the recipient of the award for Pop-Up Store of the Year: Nike’s House of Innovation In-Store Installations by Coordination Asia. Find the full collection of reports in our newly released May/June 2020 issue, Frame 134.

由于店内固定装置比一般快闪店多,协调亚洲设计的 HOI项目上的成功得益于其在类型上的模糊分类。现今的快闪由什么构成?这一问题开启了评审团的商议。“它是一种营销手段”,Specific Generic事务所的Andreas Bozarth Fornell如是说。“它们是吸引顾客的机会,”评委Natacha Prihnenko (爱马仕橱窗艺术总监)评论到,“但是我们得接受快闪店很难被定义这个事实”。

Although more in-store installation than pop-up store, Coordination Asia’s House of Innovation (HOI) project in Shanghai has the typology’s hazy classification to thank for its win. What constitutes a pop-up these days? That question dominated the start of jury deliberations. ‘It’s a marketing tool,’ answered Andreas Bozarth Fornell of Specific Generic. ‘They’re opportunities to engage your customers,’ said Natacha Prihnenko of Hermès, ‘but maybe we should accept that a pop-up is hard to define.’ 


That’s because some are there today, gone tomorrow, whereas others linger longer than a pop-up perhaps should. Some travel around, others are purpose-built. The jury conceded that while no entry reinvented the genre, Coordination Asia’s was ‘a strong entry on multiple levels’.


‘Coordination Asia highlighted the product benefits, but in a playful way.’ 

——评审团成员Marsha Meredith,来自Aēsop


HOI certainly fulfils the temporality factor. The theme changes every few weeks in line with featured collections – and the entire space along with it. Each makeover is a new iteration of the core concept in an immersive lab-like environment. The jury was most drawn to a sculptural arrangement of 120 speakers playing street-sourced sounds: ‘Humorous, clever and entertaining’, they said. 

“我可以想象这套装置变成橱窗陈列的样子。”(Bozarth Fornell)。但是,这并不是一次完整的本垒打,评委的意见也产生了分歧
“你之前没有在耐克看到过吗?” 来自De Bijenkorf(荷兰最高端的购物商场品牌)的评委Vincent Sturkenboom问。“它推动了整个行业向前还是仅仅是一个执行良好的项目?” 

评委Hannah Carter Owers(伦敦知名建筑事务所Universal Design Studio负责人)提出了自己的问题:“Just Do It”里到底发生了什么?大量不必要的表演性元素使得实际产品变成了次要角色,仿佛是为了凸显过度设计的布景和道具而存在。但另一方面,爱马仕橱窗艺术总监Prihnenko认为,“快闪就应该是夸张的”

‘I can imagine these installations translating into window displays.’ (Bozarth Fornell). It wasn’t a complete home run, though. ‘Haven’t you seen this before from Nike?’ asked De Bijenkorf’s Vincent Sturkenboom. ‘Is it bringing the industry forward or just a well-executed project?’ Hannah Carter Owers had a question of her own: ‘What happened to “Just Do It”? A whole load of unnecessary show biz relegates the actual products as secondary players to the over-elaborate set design and props.’ On the other hand, according to Prihnenko, ‘pop-ups should be about exaggeration’.


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