
专著推荐 | 《语言学习、数字沟通与海外学习:跨地域背景下的身份和归属感》 (2024年新书)

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Language Learning, Digital Communications and Study Abroad

Identity and Belonging in Translocal Contexts



书号 ISBN:9781800415058

出版社: Multilingual Matters


Levi Durbidge is a Lecturer at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia. He has been involved in language education across the secondary and tertiary sectors for more than two decades in both Australia and Japan. His research explores the intersections of transnational mobility, language learning and digital technology.

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This book argues for a view of study abroad as emergent of, and negotiated through, tensions between localised and globalised imaginaries of language, identity and place. By examining the experiences of a group of Japanese high school students during, and after, a year embedded in families and schools abroad in countries across Europe, Asia and North and South America, it provides the first in-depth exploration of the role of mobile communications technology in study abroad. This includes its facilitation of strategic language learning, host community participation and the construction of multilingual identities. The student accounts covered in this book explore a number of other critical issues in contemporary study abroad, including translanguaging practices, racialised identities, the role of the host family and the status of English as a lingua franca in multilingual environments. The results demonstrate the importance of understanding study abroad and related language learning as intersecting with global flows of people and information.



Understandings and discussions of study abroad are thrust into the social media era through these stunning, readable narratives of Japanese adolescents. Revealing experiences of what study abroad now means and how it interconnects with language learning and identity change in digital, social, and material spaces, this book pushes the edge of study abroad research. ― Gary Barkhuizen, University of Auckland, New Zealand

In today’s social media era, we need a new approach to study abroad research that starts before departure and continues after returning home. Durbidge leads the way in developing conceptual foundations to understand the impact of digital platforms on language learning and friendship development of five Japanese high school students as they study in Europe and North/South America. Anyone interested in conceptualizing social media in study abroad experiences will find this book a most helpful resource. ― Yoko Kobayashi, Iwate University, Japan

This lively, readable volume, which centres an underrepresented population of Japanese adolescents, offers a welcome update and expansion of the research on language learning in study abroad. It uses an ingenious mixed-methods design and focuses on contemporary communicative settings wherein local and digital affordances are intertwined and call for significant translocal negotiation of interpersonal connections and identity. ― Celeste Kinginger, The Pennsylvania State University, USA


  • Introduction 

  • Chapter 1. Digital Sociality, Immersion and Translocality

  • Chapter 2. Approach and Participants

  • Chapter 3. Nikko: Translingual Participation In and Beyond Hungary

  • Chapter 4. Nagisa: Tranlocal Ties and Online Identity in Brazil

  • Chapter 5. Megumi: Racialisation and Marginalisation in Germany

  • Chapter 6. Manabu: Negotiating Multilingual Identity in Francophone Canada

  • Chapter 7. Misa: Social Support and Language Learning in the US Midwest

  • Chapter 8. Translocal Language Learning and Belonging During and Beyond Study Abroad

  • References

  • 国际物流9-12周

  • 扫码购买,发票在下单3个工作日左右开出


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