
袁岚峰就“中国研究人员在两条主流路线上取得量子优势”接受环球时报英文版采访 | Global Times

风云之声 2022-05-18




原文于2021年10月26日发表于《环球时报》英文版Global Times,原文链接:https://enapp.globaltimes.cn/article/1237312

量子计算机原型"九章二号"     图片:中国科学技术大学
Light-based quantum computer prototype 'Jiuzhang 2.0' Photo: Courtesy of University of Science and Technology of China

Chinese research teams have made marked progress in superconducting quantum computing and photonics quantum computing technology, making China the only country to achieve quantum computational advantage in two mainstream technical routes, while the US has only achieved a "quantum advantage" in superconducting quantum computing, analysts say.

Quantum advantage is a scientific concept that states a quantum computer can do things in some fields beyond the capability of non-quantum or classical computers, but it will never replace classical computers, Yuan Lanfeng, a research fellow at the Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), told the Global Times on Tuesday.

The research team, headed by the renowned Chinese quantum physicist Pan Jianwei, designed a 66-qubit programmable superconducting quantum computing system, naming it "Zuchongzhi 2.1," after the noted 5th century Chinese mathematician and astronomer, significantly enhancing the quantum advantage, the Xinhua News Agency reported Tuesday.
 据新华社周二报道,由中国著名量子物理学家潘建伟领导的研究小组设计了一个66比特的可编程超导量子计算系统,以中国五世纪著名数学家和天文学家的名字命名为 “祖冲之二号”,大大增强了量子优势。

"Zuchongzhi 2.1," is 10 million times faster than the current fastest supercomputer and its calculation complexity is more than 1 million times higher than Google's Sycamore processor. It's the first time that China has reached quantum advantage in a superconducting quantum computing system.
 “祖冲之二号” 比目前最快的超级计算机快1000万倍,其计算复杂性比谷歌的悬铃木处理器高100多万倍。这是中国首次在超导量子计算系统中达到量子优势。

"Zuchongzhi 2.1" has achieved a quantum advantage for the first time compared with an earlier processor named "Zu Chongzhi", a 62-qubit programmable superconducting quantum prototype designed by a Chinese research team from the USTC in May, Lu Chaoyang, a professor of the USTC in Hefei, capital city of East China's Anhui Province, told the Global Times on Tuesday.
 位于中国东部安徽省省会合肥市的中国科学技术大学教授陆朝阳周二告诉《环球时报》, “祖冲之二号”与早期名为 “祖冲之号”的处理器相比,首次实现了量子优势,早期的 “祖冲之号”是中国科技大学的一个研究团队在5月设计的62量子位可编程超导量子原型机。

 Pan's team also built a new light-based quantum computer prototype, "Jiuzhang 2.0," with 113 detected photons, which can implement large-scale Gaussian boson sampling (GBS) 1 septillion times faster than the world's fastest existing supercomputer, according to the Xinhua News Agency. 

Yuan said that the number of detected photons for "Jiuzhang 2.0" increased to 113 from the previous 76 when the quantum computer prototype "Jiuzhang" first came out, which was a major technical breakthrough, as the difficulty increases exponentially with each additional detected photon. 

The light-based quantum computer prototype "Jiuzhang" was built in December 2020, led by Pan and Lu, and demonstrated a quantum advantage. 



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中国团队研制出国际上超导量子比特数最多的62比特量子处理器 | Global Times

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背景简介:本文2021年10月26日发表于 环球时报 ,原标题:Chinese researchers achieve quantum advantage in two mainstream routes(https://enapp.globaltimes.cn/article/1237312),风云之声获授权转载。

