
CHANGE Magazine发布这天,听听全球的社会创新者怎么说?

CHANGE Magazine Diinsider草根创变者 2020-08-25



“Grassroot developments are core to any kind of progress.Hope Diinsider continues to grow to promote grassroot developments in the future”

Abul Kalam Faruk, 孟加拉国


“Le magazine Change IS OUT. Telecharger le et decouvrezles #innovation-s des quatres coins du globe. #Diinsider”

Malick Lingani, 布基纳法索


“Amazing pioneering work being done. Would definitely recommend to anyone.”

Aung Zin Phyo Thein, 缅甸


“It is high time we adopt new innovative strategies toinclude local people from developing even from least developed countries to the process of development. Tell them inspiring stories as well as the way of access. Hope Development Innovation Insider will emerge as a platform to do so.Good luck!”

Shahida Akter Sharmin, 孟加拉国


"CHANGE Magazine was first started by changemakers who have been actively involved incommunity projects that serve the need of poor people in rural areas.The first magazine was an attempt to showcase some innovative projects of the grassroots organization in Asia Pacific region. After the success of early version of CHANGE Magazine, we discussed the possibility of continuing the efforts to motivate more youth in different countries, and empower them to take effective actions to serve grassroots communities with innovations and entrepreneurship.As development practitioners, we have seen increasing need to assist grassroots development organizations to incorporate innovative tools in the development sector. As a result, we decided to expand the current efforts on CHANGE Magazine and further co-founded the Development Innovation Insider."

Co-founders of Development Innovation Insider,中国孟加拉国菲律宾



