

orgtheory.net刊出来一篇文章,zones of the sociology job market。作者是Fabio Rojas - Indiana University Bloomington副教授。


1. 美国社会学哪些领域是教职市场的主流?

2. 有没有niche可以挖?

3. 如果做比较历史社会学,还有出路吗?

4. 还敢做田野吗?

5. 量化技术流要配上哪些sub-更主流?

——基本上,Fabio Rojas从grant从大到小,intersection从密到松来看job market的需求关系。比如做分层/城市,可以同时说自己做race, gender, class,但做history就没办法这样了;做健康和人口的grant多所以buyer也多,但做民族志可能就.....


Academic job markets are odd. They are “thin,” in the sense that there are relatively few buyers. And they are balkanized in the sense that there all kinds of weird niches. And they are fluctuating, in the sense that trends come and go. Despite all that, sociology, like most disciplines, have consistent “streams of jobs” that merit discussion.


1.社会分层与不平等The stratification zone:


The study of inequality is at the core of field and every year people get hired. In fact, it is so central to the field that advertising a strat job is almost like admitting that you’re really doing an open search.


2.健康/犯罪/老年学The health/crim/aging zone


Sociologists don’t say that health, or criminal justice, or gerontology is at the core, but we can’t say no to the enrollments and the grants. The result is that this zone is almost always healthy.


3. 城市研究The urban zone


A small zone, but a consistent one. Most urban sociologists can honestly argue that they do race or inequality, so they tend to do well.


4. 经济/制度/政治社会学The econ soc/institutions/political soc zone


Usually in the middle in terms of jobs. The econ soc/orgs/institutions side of things do well, but the political side can be tough. On the up side, people in this zone can often move into jobs in b-schools,policy or ed schools.


5. 人口与家庭社会学The demography/family zone


Big grants, big jobs. Most programs have these folks and some invest deeply in this zone. Jobs available.


6. 历史/运动/民族志:The Prada Bag zone


Named after Monica Prasad’s description of historical comparative scholars, the Prada Bag Zone exists mainly in top 30 programs and some elite liberal arts colleges because they are luxury items. Good to have, and desirable, but they won’t bump off the health/crim zone in less competitive programs. Prada bags include the historical comparative people, hard core ethnographers, and movements people, among other. Tiny zone, few jobs.


7. 科学社会学Niche zones

Sociology has a number of very small job market zones, for specialties that have limited appeal and meager funding. The great example of sociology of science. Another is old school political sociology[这个指的是什么?]. Life in these zone is nasty, brutish and short.







第171期 2017年,欧美60+岁社会学老大们,发表了哪些论文?

第170期 2017年终| 翻了近10年美国社会学博士论文目录,一些初步观察




