

孙宇凡 社会学理论大缸 2023-01-12




1. 加芬克尔

Maynard, Douglas W., John Heritage, eds. 2022. The Ethnomethodology Program: Legacies and Prospects. Oxford University Press.

2. 卢曼

Luhmann, Niklas. 2022. The Making of Meaning: From the Individual to Social Order. Oxford University Press.


3. 布迪厄

Bourdieu, Pierre. 2022. Principles of Vision: General Sociology, Volume 4. Polity Press.


4. 拉图尔

Latour, Bruno, Nikolaj Schultz, and Julie Rose. 2022. On the Emergence of an Ecological Class - a Memo. Polity Press.



1. The Routledge International Handbook研究丛书:帕森斯、韦伯、齐美尔、戈夫曼

1Sica, Alan, ed. 2022. The Routledge International Handbook on Max Weber. Routledge.

2Treviño, A. Javier, and Helmut Staubmann, eds. 2022. The Routledge International Handbook of Talcott Parsons Studies. Routledge.

3Fitzi, Gregor, ed. 2022. The Routledge International Handbook of Simmel Studies. Routledge.

4Jacobsen, Michael Hviid, and Greg Smith, eds. 2022. The Routledge International Handbook of Goffman Studies. Routledge.



2. Routledge 出版社的Reintroducing丛书:米德等

1Huebner, Daniel R. 2022. Reintroducing George Herbert Mead. Routledge.

2Stanley, Liz. 2022. Reintroducing Olive Schreiner: Decoloniality, Intersectionality and the Schreiner Theoria. Routledge.


——这个丛书,明年还会出Ferdinand Tönnies研究,已出了Robert K. Merton(也是默顿研究为数不多的专家之一写的)。

——推荐我的往期分享:AJS经典争论| G.H.米德的象征互动论遗产:布鲁默与贝尔斯的不同解读

3. The Anthem Companion社会学家研究手册丛书:卢曼、涂尔干、默顿、加芬克尔、舒茨……

1Crothers, Charles, and Larry Stern. 2022. The Anthem Companion to Robert K. Merton. edited by L. Sabetta. London, New York: Anthem Press.

2Fitzi, Gregor. 2022. The Anthem Companion to Émile Durkheim. edited by N. Marcucci. USA: Anthem Press.

3Rogowski, Ralf, ed. 2022. The Anthem Companion to Niklas Luhmann. Anthem Press.

4Sormani, Philippe, and Dirk vom Lehn, eds. 2022. The Anthem Companion to Harold Garfinkel. Anthem Press.

——这个系列越出越多越细,主编有时靠谱有时不是特别贴近,像Charles Crothers就是以默顿研究闻名。Gregor Fitzi也研究齐美尔等。之前除了出过像韦伯等名家研究手册,也出过像芝加哥学派的HughesHoward Becker导师)等人的手册。


4. 齐美尔研究

Caetano, Pedro, and Maria Manuela Mendes, eds. 2022. Simmel and Beyond: The Contemporary Relevance of Simmel’s Thought. Routledge.

5. 布迪厄研究

1Jain, Sheena. 2022. Practising the Symbolic: Pierre Bourdieu’s Contribution. Routledge.

2Hadas, Miklós. 2022. Outlines of a Theory of Plural Habitus: Bourdieu Revisited. Routledge.

3Grenfell, Michael. 2022. Bourdieu’s Metanoia: Seeing the Social World Anew.

6. 纪念David Frisby

Giannakopoulou, Georgia, and Graeme Gilloch, eds. 2022. The Detective of Modernity: Essays on the Work of David Frisby. Routledge.

——这本书纪念文集。David Frisby十几年前去世了,是英国很早讨论齐美尔的学者。我导师曾和我说,当年Frisby谈齐美尔时,英国社会学家有点晕,感觉为什么要谈这个不知道是谁的人。

7. 沃勒斯坦

1Jacob, Frank. 2022. Wallerstein 2.0: Thinking and Applying World-Systems Theory in the Twenty-First Century. Transcript Verlag.

2Payne, Corey, Roberto Patricio Korzeniewicz, and Beverly J. Silver, eds. 2022. World-Systems Analysis at a Critical Juncture. Routledge.


8. 塔尔德

Toews, David. 2022. Gabriel Tarde: The Future of the Artificial. Routledge.

9. 马克思研究

1Morina, Christina, and Christina Morina. 2023. The Invention of Marxism: How an Idea Changed Everything. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

——为什么马克思想法会成为批判和革命资本主义的思想?比勒费尔德大学历史学教授Christina Morina用从世代的角度,理解马克思去世后的那一代(19世纪80年代初到20世纪初),是如何接受、改造和推广马克思思想。你能看到那一代的群像与分化。伯恩斯坦和考茨基是怎么修正的、普列汉诺夫和列宁是怎么转化为权力问题的,以及一个思想是如何拓展到伦敦、巴黎、苏黎世、维也纳、日内瓦、华沙、圣彼得堡。最后一章很吸引人:《从马克思到马克思主义:田野工作者、书呆子和冒险家》。

10. 杜波依斯研究


Myers, Ella, and Ella Myers. 2022. The Gratifications of Whiteness: W. E. B. Du Bois and the Enduring Rewards of Anti-Blackness. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

Chandler, Nahum Dimitri. 2022. ‘Beyond This Narrow Now’: Or, Delimitations, of W. E. B. Du Bois. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.


11. 哈贝马斯研究

McNay, Lois. 2022. The Gender of Critical Theory: On the Experiential Grounds of Critique. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.


12. 福柯研究

Elden, Stuart. 2022. The Archaeology of Foucault. Medford: Polity Press.

福柯研究专家Elden,终于完成他的系列作品。,另外几部是The Early FoucaultFoucault’s Last DecadeFoucault: The Birth of Power。现在,他正转向研究列斐伏尔。

13. 波兰尼研究

Vail, John. 2022. Karl Polanyi and the Paradoxes of the Double Movement. 1st edition. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge.

14. Daniel Bell研究

Starr, Paul, and Julian E. Zelizer, eds. 2022. Defining the Age: Daniel Bell, His Time and Ours. Columbia University Press.

15. 涂尔干研究

Paoletti, Giovanni等编. 2022. Émile Durkheim: Sociology as an Open Science. Brill.


1. Gross, Neil, Isaac Ariail Reed, and Christopher Winship, eds. 2022. The New Pragmatist Sociology: Inquiry, Agency, and Democracy. Columbia University Press.


——推荐我的往期分享:书单| 美国实用主义哲学与社会学,怎么入门学习?

2. Sohlberg, Peter. 2022. Functionalist Construction Work in Social Science: The Lost Heritage. 1st edition. Routledge.

——功能主义解释还能复兴吗?Daniel Silver这两年做城市研究还尝试再用过。

3. Leroux, Robert, Thierry Martin, and Stephen Turner, eds. 2022. The Future of Sociology: Ideology or Objective Social Science? Routledge.

——主编之一Stephen Turner在今年出了他的自传《Mad Hazard: A Life in Social Theory》。他是美国社会理论家非常另类但非常敢于处理大问题。他的自传也对美国主流批判甚多。好像他是台湾的叶启政老师的学长?

4. Bogusz, Tanja. 2022. Experimentalism and Sociology: From Crisis to Experience. Springer.


5. Ash, Steve. 2022. Explaining Morality: Critical Realism and Moral Questions. 1st edition. New York, NY: Routledge.



1. 情感

Cottingham, Marci D. 2022. Practical Feelings: Emotions as Resources in a Dynamic Social World. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.


2. 时间

Hernes, Tor. 2022. Organization and Time. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.



3. 暴力

Malešević, Siniša. 2022. Why Humans Fight: The Social Dynamics of Close-Range Violence. New York: Cambridge University Press.

——推荐我的往期分享:战争与军事社会学:讲座回放 + 4万字介绍 + 9页书单 + 全球比较经验……

4. 价值

Elder-Vass, Dave. 2022. Inventing Value: The Social Construction of Monetary Worth. New York: Cambridge University Press.


5. 种族

Meghji, Ali. 2022. The Racialized Social System: Critical Race Theory as Social Theory. Cambridge, UK ; Medford, MA, USA: Polity.

6. 互动

Fine, Gary Alan, and Tim Hallett. 2022. Group Life: An Invitation to Local Sociology. Medford: Polity Press.


7. 阶级与文化

Chibber, Vivek. 2022. The Class Matrix: Social Theory after the Cultural Turn. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Chibber, Vivek. 2022. Confronting Capitalism: How the World Works and How to Change It. Verso Books.

8. 声音

Bocquillon, Rémy. 2022. Sound Formations: Towards a Sociological Thinking-with Sounds. transcript publishing.


9. 实践

Shove, Elizabeth. 2022. Connecting Practices: Large Topics in Society and Social Theory. 1st edition. Routledge.


10. 演化

Abrutyn, Seth, and Jonathan Turner. 2022. The First Institutional Spheres in Human Societies: Evolution and Adaptations from Foraging to the Threshold of Modernity. Routledge.


* 这是社会学理论大缸的第721期推送 *

