
莱镇人文第六期:Angela Carpenter Music Specialist

莱镇人文 莱镇华协 2022-06-28

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奥斯卡电影《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music) 对于大家来说都不陌生。片中那些动人的乐曲让不同国家不同年代的人都沉醉其间,而故事的灵魂 - 那个在阿尔比斯山放歌、在冯.崔普(Von Trapp)家用音乐治愈孩子、给千家万户带来欢乐的音乐教师玛丽亚更是深入人心。在我们莱镇的公立小学,也有这么一位乐观向上用音乐教化学生的老师。在她的课堂上,你可以放飞自我天马行空,她会在下面托住你思维的翅膀;也可以安静聆听,在她欢快愉悦的语声中感受音乐的魅力和爱的存在;甚至也可以放空脑袋,尽情地歌唱舞蹈欢笑。她就是莱镇哈灵顿小学(Harrington)的音乐老师- Angela Carpenter, 2021年格莱美音乐教育家奖准决赛入围者。

Angela 出生在纽约州的尼斯卡尤纳。她从小热爱音乐,还在读七年级的时候,就立志长大后要成为一名音乐老师并一直为此梦想努力。通过专业音乐学院的训练,Angela 终于如愿成为一名音乐教师。2015年Angela任教于莱镇哈灵顿小学。


莱镇人文第六期将带大家了解Angela Carpenter以育人为本的音乐教学理念,以及她如何在课堂上将音乐的魅力和力量传递给孩子们,为孩子们营造一个和谐美好的音乐世界。

哈灵顿小学是2019年全国蓝带学校—(National Blue Ribbon Schools)。正是因为有着像Anglea这样充满爱心和善于施教的老师,才能使莱镇公校一直在全美名列前茅,吸引了更多的家庭定居莱镇,让孩子们接受最好的教育。


Angela Carpenter

Angela Carpenter出生在纽约州北部,是一个中国移民家庭的孩子。妈妈17岁从中国移民到美国,父亲从巴西移民到美国。她从小热爱音乐,四岁开始学钢琴,六岁开始拉小提琴。Angela 取得伊士曼音乐学院(The Eastman School of Music)音乐学士学位后,在纽约的Pittsford执教。在教书期间完成了文学硕士学位。Angela 从2015年开始担任莱镇公立小学Harrington School的音乐教师。她是2021年格莱美音乐教育家奖的准决赛入围者。


作为一名小学音乐教师, 我的工作不仅仅是教学生如何识谱、作曲、唱歌和弹奏乐器,更重要的是通过音乐和学生们建立良好关系,帮助他们开发自己的能力,长大后能为世界贡献一己之力!


Angela Carpenter的故事



而成为一名音乐老师的理想起源于她七年级时的一节社会研究课,当时的任课老师弗兰克先生对她所整理出的小组项目中的材料大为欣赏 ,称她掌握了向同龄人授课的“诀窍”且条理清晰,观点论据简单明了。赞美是孩子们的最佳动力,弗兰克先生的表扬鼓励如春风拂面,温暖了安吉拉的心,也让她萌生了成为一名音乐教师的志愿,立志后笃行。在整个高中生涯,安吉拉就朝着这个目标努力,刻苦训练,准备各种面试,终于被伊士曼音乐学院录取,毕业后的安吉拉真正实现了自己的理想 - 成为了纽约匹茨福特镇学校(Pittsford)的一名音乐教师, 在教书的同时还完成了文学硕士的课程并取得了硕士学位。



2015年安吉拉举家搬到麻省,拥有丰富教学经验的她成为莱镇公立小学Harrington School(哈灵顿小学)的音乐教师,负责K-5年级的音乐课教学。


莱镇的特殊除了家长们的热情,还有来自学生中的多元文化。在哈灵顿工作的第一天,所有的课题老师需要到各班介绍自己,并分享各自对每个年级所学的课程的期望。当安吉拉刚迈进一间五年级的教室时,就听到来自一位学生欣喜的轻呼:“太棒了,她和我一样是华裔!” 那一刻,她为自己的华裔身份感到自豪,也为能成为莱镇这个多元结构的社区里的一员而骄傲。安吉拉从来没有机会受教于一名华裔老师,也没有想过会与老师分享自己的身份认同。而在哈灵顿,不同族裔的师生交流却发生得如此自然而经常,当时学生的那句话,让安吉拉认识到:要让孩子们知道生于斯长于斯,每个人都从属于这个庞大多元的社区,也是其中一分子。



安吉拉爱学生喜欢孩子们,甘愿为他们付出。每年春天PTA都会组织一场精彩的 “春季游园会”,安吉拉在加入哈灵顿的第一年起就自告奋勇“扮演”那个坐在投篮水缸(Dunk Tank)上活跃气氛的落水者,被学生们无数次地打进水缸,浑身湿漉漉好像连骨头都被浸透了的她还是乐哈哈地每年坐在水缸上逗孩子们欢笑。

安吉拉在学校的春季音乐会上 - 2018年


Angela 和孩子们在2019年的春季演唱会上

而学生们一谈到安吉拉时就会充满尊敬而且眼睛闪烁着光亮。他们珍惜与安吉拉在一起的时时刻刻,还有由她引领和指导的音乐享受。让安吉拉和学生们津津乐道的美好回忆之一是有一年带领五年级合唱团参与Lowell Spinners Game(棒球比赛), 合唱团本安排在赛事第七局中唱歌,比赛却因暴风雨一再延迟,雨不停地在下,安吉拉与一众学生没有消极地等待,而是吃着冰淇淋,快乐地玩着游戏,又笑又唱乐成一团。有些团员本来可以跟家长提早回家的,结果没有一人愿意早退。等到上台演唱时,已经是晚上10点,除了打球的球员和合唱团的团员,还有哈灵顿观看的家庭外,体育馆已再无其他人了。


合唱团在Lowell Spinners 演唱“God Bless America"

“God Bless America" 视频 - Lowell Spinners



安吉拉说聆听孩子们唱歌,和小朋友们一起歌唱是最大的快乐, 她怀念能够与学生们同场高歌的时刻, 盼望着那一天早日回来!

学生们也同样想念与安吉拉在一起时的快乐。在春季休校的期间,安吉拉开办了“办公答疑时间”,许多学生通过网络来与她聊天倾诉心事。她想,音乐和舞蹈是最好的解郁药, 何不举办一个定期的“星期五舞会”,用音乐,笑声舒缓郁闷和紧张,她马上在网页上发布“跳舞吧”(Just Dance)的视频链接,让学生们每周五下午一起上网跳起舞来,“星期五舞会”成为大家一周里的期盼时段。学生和家长们网上同声高歌,手舞足蹈微笑、大笑,早已将疫情的阴霾与烦恼远远地抛诸脑后。





2019年九月,交响乐团的乔纳森(Jonathan)有意创建一个孩子的节目,让儿童合唱团取代成人合唱团作表演。他找到安吉拉以及艾莉森·安努兹(Allison Iannuzzi)女士,咨询她们是否有兴趣帮忙组建这样一个合唱团以作为“假日流行音乐会”的特色节目。  

莱镇儿童合唱团和莱镇交响乐团合作演出,Cary Hall Lexington


数番努力之后,终于如期成功打造出了“莱镇儿童合唱团”并在11月的Carmina Burana演唱会中首度亮相,获好评如潮。对安吉拉和学生们来说,与专业乐团的携手合作演出是一次难忘的经历,她为能在凯瑞大厅(Cary Hall)的合唱演出而感到自豪!






“善意鹅卵石”项目就是这样一项不可思议的活动。发起人是居住在科德角(Cape Cod)的女士梅根·墨菲(Megan Murphy)。项目的宗旨在于展示联接互助的力量,写上箴言、善语或者人生感悟的鹅卵石一颗颗摆放在社区某地,“在适合的时机传递的正能量信息,可以改变一个人的一整天,个人的前途乃至一生!”

The Kindness Rocks Project

One Message at just the right moment can change someone's entire day,outlook or life! 



安吉拉在Harrington 学校积极推广这个项目,她觉得它可以帮助学生参与共建学校社区并有助于在Harrington成长为人。在安吉拉看来,这是“正确”的事物。它能够让家人有机会聚在一起并努力为我们的学校社区和莱镇社区尽一份力量,如果鹅卵石放置到莱镇以外的地方,还能够福泽其他地区的人们。


Harrington 学校校长Jacqueline Daley非常支持“善意鹅卵石”项目



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = lgNZMeoltzw



Angela was featured on Bedford TV channel 

The Kindness Rocks Project



安吉拉以她出色的教育方式和关爱之情赢得了学生们的心,他们毕业离开小学了,甚至搬离莱镇了,也恋恋不忘Ms. Carpenter, 依然保持着与她联系。安吉拉的教学理念和爱心美德也使她在2020年3月获格莱美音乐教育奖提名

经过提交表格,分享教学经验,理念以及对音乐教育的看法等程序,安吉拉顺利闯入四分之一决赛。随后经过更多的教学分享,审核和评比, 最终在十月她和来自全美各地其他24名教师一起入围了半决赛。






2021 Music Educator Award Semifinalists Announced By The Recording Academy & GRAMMY Museum


Angela 说真正让她感到骄傲和微笑的一件事是哈灵顿校友一直与她保持联系。她喜欢收到以前的学生的信息,现在也不断收到正在读高中甚至已经离开莱镇的学生的电子邮件!她和学生们一起回顾他们在哈灵顿的岁月。这让她非常感动,因为学生们对哈灵顿的音乐课印象如此深刻!

Jerry Huang

10th Grade,Deerfield Academy 

Jerry 眼中的Angela

卡彭特女士在哈灵顿任教的第一年,我就是她的学生之一。 虽然是新老师,但卡彭特女士很快受到了学生的尊重和喜爱。 加上她令人开心以及和蔼可亲的魅力,音乐课成为我的期盼。

记得我在五年级时,卡朋特女士教我们一部合唱作品“ Gallop”触发了朋友和我的灵感,于是我们仿写并表演仿作。当我们为她演唱完歌曲时,我记得卡彭特女士笑的模样,她为我们鼓掌,让我们感到很酷,尤其是她还要求我们也将歌词发送给她。像这样的小回忆让我心存感激,在这样的课堂里当学生,我们不惧怕尝试新事物,提出构想,甚至为老师写歌表演。


Allison Song

5th Grade,Harrington School 





二年级的时候,我去波士顿尝试合唱团,我通过了考试。 但由于离家太远,我很失望我们不能参与。当我四年级的时候,卡彭特夫人创建了莱镇合唱团,并有机会和专业乐队一起唱歌,而且离家只有5分钟! 

过去的5年中,卡夫人不仅教我们音乐,而且改变了我们。  卡夫人每年在学校组织 “善意鹅卵石” 活动,我们在石头上写励志名言,我们学会了彼此友善并努力工作。

即使现在我们无法面对面上音乐课,她仍然与我们保持联系。 每逢周五,我们在Zoom上一起跳舞,玩游戏,欢笑!

Angela Carpenter's Story- English 


The Oscar-winning movie "The Sound of Music" is not strange to everyone. The film’s moving music delights people from different countries and different ages, and the soul of the story - the music teacher Maria, who sings in Mount Albis, heals children in Von Trapp's house, brings joy to families. In our town of Lexington Public School there is also such an optimistic and uplifting teacher with music education students. In her class, you can fly yourself, she will hold your thinking wings below; you can also listen quietly, feel the charm of music and love in her cheerful voice; you can even open your heart and sing, dance and laugh with everyone. She is Angela Carpenter, a Music Specialist at Harrington Elementary School, a semifinalist for the 2021 GRAMMY Music Educator Award.

Angela was born in Niskayuna, New York. She has loved music since she was a child. In seventh grade, she decided to become a music teacher and always worked hard for her dream. Through the training at The Eastman School of Music, Angela succeeded in her dream and became a music teacher. Angela joined Harrington Elementary School in 2015.

An ancient Chinese philosopher once said “ A teacher, the one who is to foster intellectual growth, to impart knowledge, to nurture one’s mind.” An excellent teacher is not just a scholar who is a catalyst of academics in students, but also a mentor and life coach who strives to mold and guide their students to be the best version they can be. As an elementary school music teacher, Angela's favorite thing is seeing how students grow into great talent through music. She said: “As an elementary school music teacher my job is not just to teach the students how to read, write, sing, and play instruments, but to use music as a vehicle to reach students, develop significant relationships, and help them become positive contributors to society.”

The 6th issue of Discover Lexington will introduce Angela Carpenter, the music teacher at Harrington School, her philosophy, and how she transfers the charm and power of music to children in the classroom to create a harmonious and beautiful music world for children.

Harrington Elementary School of Lexington is one of the 2019 National Blue Ribbon Schools.  It is because of teachers like Angela that the Lexington Public Schools have been ranked among the best in the United States, attracting more and more families to settle in the town for children to receive the best education.


Angela Carpenter

Angela (Lee) Carpenter, a child of Chinese immigrants, was born in upstate New York (Niskayuna, New York).  Her mom  immigrated from China at the age of 17, and her father, by way of Brazil with his father, at the age of 27.  She started playing the piano at the age of 4 and the violin at the age of 6. Upon graduating with her Bachelor of Music degree, she started teaching in Pittsford, New York. While teaching, she completed her Master of Arts degree.  Angela joined Harrington Elementary School as a music teacher in 2015.  She is one of the 25 semifinalists for the 2021 Grammy Music Educator Award.


As an elementary school music teacher my job is not just to teach the students how to read, write, sing, and play instruments but to use music as a vehicle to reach students, develop significant relationships, and help them become positive contributors to society.


Angela Carpenter's Story

Praise is the best 

motivation for a kid

Angela’s journey to Harrington began way back when she was in the 7th Grade!  At that time, her 7th Grade Social Studies teacher, Mr. Frank, told  Angela that she had a “knack” for teaching her peers when there was a group project to do, and that Angela was so well organized with her materials. She still remembers the conversation vividly, and it was at that moment that she started forming her goal to become a music teacher. All throughout Angela’s high school years, she worked toward this goal, and she auditioned and was accepted into the Eastman School of Music. Upon graduating with her Bachelor of Music degree in 2005, she started teaching in Pittsford, New York. While teaching, she completed her Master of Arts degree in 2007.

When Angela’s husband finished his doctorate in 2012, the family relocated to Binghamton, New York, and Angela continued teaching there.  In 2015, Angela moved to  Massachusetts to become a music teacher at Harrington Elementary School in Lexington.

5-year old Angela practices piano 

The most popular music teacher

Angela was FLOORED when she came to the first “Back to School Night” at Harrington and met SO many invested, eager, and enthusiastic parents. She remembers going home with a giant smile on her face that night. It continues to this day, especially during this difficult year.  As a whole, parents have been so supportive and the support of parents in the town of Lexington is unparalleled!

And the special support is not only just from parents!  One story will forever stick in Angela’s mind, and it makes her so proud to be part of the Lexington Community. It was the first day of school at Harrington, and all of the specialists were going around to introduce themselves and to share their expectations of what specials would be like that year with each grade level. When Angela walked into a 5th Grade classroom, and upon seeing her, she heard a Chinese student say “Yes! She’s Chinese just like me!”  Hearing this comment made Angela feel SO proud to be Chinese and SO proud to be part of the Harrington community where students can share part of their identity with a teacher.  Thinking of her own education, Angela never had a Chinese teacher either, and in this world we live in now, it is so important for the children to see that everyone belongs, and we are all part of a great and diverse community. 

Winter Music in the Lobby

Angela soon became the most popular music teacher at Harrington School. She lives cheerfully and teaches joy. On the one hand, she combines teaching with games, like Maria in The Sound of Music, where she teaches students to compose and make music, and on the other hand, she is open-minded, never stingy in her praise of the students' imaginations and encourages and helps them turn ideas into fruit. In her class, students not only became music admirers, they really fell in love with and understood music, and the courage to try their own composition, their own production.

Angela loves children so much.  Every spring the PTA always organizes a FABULOUS Spring Fair,  Angela volunteered to sit in the Dunk Tank and has done it ever since!  For Angela, it’s always so fun to “tease” the students as they try to dunk her. Though she is always soaked to the bone, the students have GREAT aim!  

Harrington Spring Concert in 2018

Spring Chorus Concert in 2018...in Pajamas

Spring Concert in 2019 ... making it rain with (fake) money!

The students had bright eyes when they talked about Angela. They cherish every moment of being with Angela and the music she brings to them. At one time, Angela took the 5th Grade Chorus to sing at a Lowell Spinners baseball game.   The choir was supposed to sing during the 7th inning stretch, but then there was a huge storm! The game was delayed … and delayed … and delayed … Angela told families that they didn’t have to stick around if they didn’t want to. So many families stayed, and Angela and the students had a BLAST waiting to get to the 7th inning stretch! It rained more, they ate WAY too much ice cream, laughed so much, and had popcorn catching contests. It was SO much fun! And when they finally sang, it was around 10 pm, and no one except for the players and Harrington families were in the stadium!

5th Grade Chorus at Lowell Spinners

“God Bless America" video - Lowell Spinners 


During this pandemic, singing is not allowed in schools.  Lexington Public School has allowed  the elementary music teachers to teach the music classes through Zoom so that the students can still sing and access this important piece of the curriculum this year; but Zoom singing is just not the same!  Angela misses hearing the students singing together terribly. There is really no greater joy than hearing children singing together.  Angela misses being “together”  and misses the school-wide gatherings that they have at Harrington such as the Fun Run that the awesome PE teacher, Ms. Marci Gerrior, helps to organize with the PTA, the March "Music in Our Schools" grade level concerts, BINGO Night, the Spring Fair … all that good stuff!

The students also miss the joy of being with Angela. Over the Spring closure, during Angela’s  “office hours”, Angela had many students drop in to chat and connect with her. On a whim, Angela started doing a “Friday Dance Party,” and it became a highlight of the week!  Angela would post a link to a “Just Dance” video on her website, students would check it out beforehand to practice (if they wanted to), and she would sign on together with students on Friday afternoons and dance together! It was such a wonderful moment to see students and families dancing together and just finding a moment to smile, laugh, and put all things COVID out of everyone’s minds. 

Angela at Harrington Spring Fair

Lexington Children’s Chorus 

Angela's influence soon spread from school to the community.

Lexington Symphony is a professional orchestra of accomplished musicians offering high-quality performances each season at Cary Hall in Lexington. With an emphasis on making music accessible to the community, Lexington Symphony introduces music lovers of all ages to classical music, and its Holiday Pops Concert is loved and popular in the community. 

Allison Iannuzzi and Angela were approached by the Lexington Symphony Orchestra (LSO) in September 2019,  asking if they would be interested in forming a chorus that would be featured in the LSO’s Holiday Pops Concerts. These are always the “hot ticket” in town around the holidays -- and Jonathan was creating a program all about kids, and thought it would be grand to have a children’s chorus singing instead of an adult chorus. 

Lexington Children’s Chorus performs at Cary Hall, Lexington

Allison and Angela worked together to create the Lexington Children’s Chorus - they auditioned over 100 students! In each audition, they listened for students' consistent ability to match pitch and keep a tonal center, while demonstrating a healthy singing voice. They knew that while this was a “children’s chorus,” they would have to work quickly as the Chorus started in September and the Pops concerts were in the beginning of December.  It’s up to the high standard of performing as a professional children’s chorus with the Lexington Symphony Orchestra.  Additionally,  the Lexington Children’s Chorus was featured in their November concert of Carmina Burana, which was really fun as well!  It was definitely an unforgettable experience, working with a professional orchestra -- and Angela so proud of how the chorus sounded at Cary Hall!

Unfortunately, in March 2020, like everything else, the Chorus had to shut down.  Angela was in the midst of preparing for the May concert (which would be “just” LCC).  At this time, no one is sure about the future of LCC, since the health and safety guidelines are uncertain - particularly around singing indoors. 

The Kindness Rocks Project

As an elementary school music teacher, what Angela says she enjoys most is seeing how the students grow into incredible people through music: seeing them sing, make music, and work together, collaborate and find the joy in making music! 

Angela’s  most memorable teaching experiences happen during the “Community Sing” opportunity with her students at every concert. She loves getting the community involved in her music making and those precious moments of connecting through music are unmatched. Angela loves seeing the students’ faces as they teach their families how to sing a song, as they hear their families singing with them, and as they make this beautiful musical memory together!

The Kindness Rocks Project is an incredible movement. It was started by Megan Murphy, who lives on Cape Cod.  It’s all about the power of connection. The intent of this project is to connect people through rocks with uplifting messages or pictures. The hope is that these messages will inspire or motivate others. People joining this kindness movement are encouraged to share, keep, and make their own rocks  to spread kindness in our world.

The Kindness Rocks Project

One Message at just the right moment can change someone's entire day,outlook or life! 

The Kindness Rocks made by students

Angela first learned about this project back around the 2016 election. She was feeling pretty down about how everything was going and the direction that the world was going. Angela felt so inspired to put something positive and kind out in the world, and this project really spoke to her. It was from then on that she has been making kindness rocks!  She loves making rocks knowing that one of her rocks could help put a smile on someone’s face, give them a little boost that they may need, or even be “the message” that they need to see at a particular time of their life. It’s all about that positive connection that you put out into the world that needs more kindness and warmth. 

Angela  was eager to start this project at Harrington because she felt that her role as not “just” to teach music but to help students grow as people during their years at Harrington. Angela loves the school community and is always looking for ways to bring the families together as a school community. This just seemed “right” to Angela. It would give families a chance to gather together and work to put something positive out into the school community, the Lexington community, and beyond, if the rocks were placed outside of Lexington! 

The Kindness Rocks Project in Harrington

Harrington principal Jacqueline Daley supports the Project

Angela promotes the Kindness Rock Project in Harrington

Here is a link to an episode of “Neighbors to Know” that Angela was featured in that was all about The Kindness Rocks Project here in Bedford.  This was shown on the Bedford TV channel. 


Scan the QR code below to watch: The Kindness Rocks Project

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Angela was featured on Bedford TV channel 

The Kindness Rocks Project

Love, Hope, and Peace! 

2021 GRAMMY 

Music Educator Award

Angela's excellent approach to education not only won the hearts of her students but also kept them in touch after leaving elementary school or even from the Town of Lexington, and earned her a GRAMMY nomination for Music Educator Award in early March of 2020.

She found out that she had made it as a Quarterfinalist  -- which was SO exciting!! At this point, she was required to create three separate videos to share more about herself as a teacher, her philosophy, share videos of her teaching, testimonials from the students/families/school community, and to share about how she has been continuing to teach and make an impact with students in the COVID world. Angela eventually made it as a Semifinalist in October with 24 other teachers from around the country.

Despite the end, Angela is grateful to the students, parents, schools, the community for their love and recommendation. As she felt on her first back-to-school night at Harrington Elementary School, this is a special, diverse community where she can be proud of any identity she has.

2021 GraMusic Educator Award

2021 Music Educator Award Semifinalists Announced By The Recording Academy & GRAMMY Museum:

A total of 25 music teachers from 24 cities across 16 states, have been announced as semifinalists, selected from more than 1,989 initial nominations submitted from all 50 states.

Scan QR Code|Announcement

2021 Music Educator Award Semifinalists Announced By The Recording Academy & GRAMMY Museum

Angela in the eyes

 of the students

Angela said what really makes her smile is how Harrington alums still connect with her. She loves hearing from past students and still get emails from students who are now in High School, moved away from Lexington, etc.! They get to reminisce together about their years at Harrington, and it really touches her heart that they remember so much about music class at Harrington!

Jerry Huang

10th Grade,Deerfield Academy 

Angela in Jerry Huang's eyes

I was one of Ms. Carpenter's students the first year she started teaching at Harrington. Although she was new to the school, Ms. Carpenter was immediately respected and liked by students. Coupled with her uplifting and affable charisma, she made music class something I looked forward to attending. A memory I have from 5th grade is when some of my friends and I wrote and performed a parody song inspired by a chorus piece Ms. Carpenter had taught us called "Gallop ''. When we finished singing it for her, I remember how Ms. Carpenter smiled applauding us and made us feel so cool especially after she asked us to send her the lyrics too. 

The small memories like these make me feel so grateful to be a student in a class where I wasn't afraid to try new things, pitch ideas, and even write and perform a song for a teacher. 

Another memory is when it was nearing 5th grade graduation and Ms. Carpenter supported students again after she helped kids incorporate original rap verses into the final chorus song. An idea that students came up with and only happened because of Ms. Carpenter open-mindedness and devotion towards youth. From my time having her as my teacher, I can affirm Ms. Carpenter certainly has a knack for teaching and I am so grateful for the beautiful and lasting memories she's created for me.

Allison Song

5th Grade,Harrington School 

Angela in Allison Song's eyes

Mrs. Carpenter is not only a great music teacher, but she’s probably the most loved music teacher in the whole school. I never heard of any Harrington student who doesn’t light up when someone mentions her.

Mrs.C’s Class is fun, She tells jokes, we play a lot of games, but we  make music. 

She made me fall in love with music. Not Just the listening part, but she makes me understand and want to be involved in music.

When I was in 2nd grade, I tried out for the chorus in Boston, and I passed. But because It was so far away from home, we couldn’t go. It was extremely disappointing. But when I was in 4th grade, Mrs.Carpenter had a chorus in Lexington only 5 minutes from here! I love going to chorus. We had the opportunity to sing with an orchestra.

For the past 5 years, Mrs.C hasn’t only taught us music, but she has changed us. Mrs.C organizes the Kindness Rocks Project every year where we get to write Inspiring quotes on rocks. We have learned to be kind to each other and be hard workers.

Even though we can’t have music class, she still stays in touch with us. Every Friday, We get to dance together and play games, and laugh!

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文稿:Elizabeth Xu 和 鱼儿

翻译:Elizabeth Xu

英文和中文编辑:S & S

封面设计:袁力  摄影:鱼儿



月刊 I 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2021 年 01 月

