
专著推荐 | 翻译伦理 (劳特利奇2023年新书)

通讯君 翻译学通讯

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Routledge,Bloomsbury,Springer,Multilingual Matters, De Gruyeter, John Benjamins, Equinox,Cambridge,Oxford.




Translation Ethics

作者:Joseph Lambert 英国卡迪夫大学

ISBN :   978-0-367-70852-8(pbk) 




What is the ‘right’ way to translate a text? How should a ‘professional’ interpreter act? What has been the ethical impact of technological developments in the language industry? Who can or should translate in a particular context? All of these questions (and many more!) fall under the far-reaching domain of translation and interpreting ethics, a topic that has now long occupied scholars and practitioners and represents an ever-broadening area of focus within the field. While sporadic works on ethics within Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS) can be found prior to the 1990s, it was at the end of the twentieth century when a number of influential scholars really began to tackle the subject in earnest. Since then, its increased relevance in the last two decades has been exemplified by the efforts of scholars such as Mona Baker and Christiane Nord to incorporate ethics into updated editions of their previously published works and the proliferation of an ever-expanding catalogue of publications on ethics, which is constantly pushing in new directions as we seek to keep on top of such a dynamic, fast-changing, and crucial topic. In the last five years, scholars have sought to tackle issues including social responsibility (Drugan and Tipton 2017), representativeness (Kotze and Strowe 2021), sustainable Machine Translation (e.g. Moorkens, Kenny, and do Carmo 2020), and ethical stress (Hubscher-Davidson 2021). On the professional side, meanwhile, while codes of ethics have long been a feature of discourse on ethics, they are not without their shortcomings, and emerging conversations in relation to technological developments, industry disruptors, and issues of pay (among others) have highlighted a number of gaps. Despite a history steeped in neutrality and invisibility, as explored at length in this textbook, translators and interpreters are inevitably, and perhaps increasingly, both politically and ethically engaged. And yet, beyond this explicit engagement with ethics, there is also a more implicit undercurrent within research dating back centuries. Indeed, there is an underlying assumption that ethics is relevant to all translation, with the very act necessitating “an account (explicit or implicit) of how the encounter with the ‘other’ human being should be conducted” (Goodwin 2010:26). Unsurprisingly, this level of generality leaves a vast area to be This scope means that there is little to no consensus on what ethics requires of us, and this partly stems from differing understandings of key terms and ideas.  And though Koskinen convincingly argues that “conclusive historical charting of the ethics of translation is, if not impossible, an enormous task” (Koskinen 2000: 16), this textbook intends to bring together a wide range of ideas in an accessible format and provide a basis for further explorations in the area.As an introductory textbook, it is not possible (nor desirable) to cover every theory, framework, or idea in detail. Instead, this book is designed to provide a balanced, wide-ranging grounding in translation ethics while also inviting readers to reflect and engage with ideas beyond those that are explicitly presented here. I place considerable focus on encouraging readers to explore additional sources and to consider the applicability of core ideas in their specific professional domain, language area, or cultural setting, for instance. Indeed, a core objective throughout the book lies in encouraging the reader to be reflective and to critically consider what they read. Each chapter asks key questions and opens up space for critical engagement with ideas covered, commenting upon strengths and potential weaknesses or gaps where appropriate. Above all, this textbook is designed to be an accessible entry point to a complex and multifaceted topic that has long been prominent in TIS and continues to gain attention in both academic and professional contexts. While primarily written with a postgraduate student of interpreting or translation in mind, this book is designed to be used by a broad audience of students, trainers, scholars, professionals, and interested readers in parallel domains. An accessible tone is adopted throughout and insights are designed to be practically relevant and contextualised in relation to the practices they describe. Given the nature of typical translation cohorts, which may be at undergraduate or postgraduate level and often include non-native speakers of English, content is designed to be user-friendly, breaking down often tricky ideas in an easily understandable manner. This book can act as a basis for independent study in ethics, a complement, companion, or a counterpoint to studies in translation and interpreting, a source of inspiration for ideas or examples, and an underlying framework for a key area of professional concern. Given the textbook leaves a number of unanswered and underexplored topics in relation to ethics, the talking points provided throughout could also provide the blueprint for dissertations and even PhD study. Finally, professionals too will benefit from this textbook, exposing them to many ideas that have rarely entered the professional domain, and which may inform practice or challenge current understandings. Each chapter opens with a rundown of three key questions tackled, and this is intended to act as a point of orientation for readers, priming them for the discussions to come and concretizing central themes. In each chapter key concepts are bolded, and there are a series of questions interspersed between discussions to encourage readers to pause and reflect on the ideas covered. At times these questions are rather simple and straightforward. At others, they can be more complex or even deliberately provocative. This range is designed to reflect the scope of discussions that can be sparked when covering what are often dense, challenging topics. At the end of each chapter, there are also three ‘Discussion, Presentation, and Assignment Topics’, which (as the name suggests) variously invite readers to consider lines of enquiry that may open up new discussions or could be used for assessments – from group and individual presentations to opinion pieces, blog entries, and academic essays and dissertations. Finally, this book is also complemented by additional learning materials on the Routledge Translation Studies Portal (‘TS Portal’ at http:// routledgetranslationstudiesportal.com), including additional assignment tasks, discussion points, and case studies. Future updates will also include slide templates for each chapter. To find the relevant resources for this textbook, readers should click on Resources and View by Book, before navigating to the link for this book


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Dr Joseph Lambert is a Lecturer in Translation Studies at Cardiff University, having joined in September 2020. He teaches and convenes a range of modules on both the MA Translation Studies and the BA Translation. His current teaching includes a considerable focus on translation ethics as well as sessions on computer-assisted translation technology, pathways into the translation profession, general and specialised translation (French to English), and translation theory more generally, as well as supervising translation projects and dissertations at both UG and PG levels. He has previously taught at Durham University (2019–2020), University of Birmingham (2018–2019), and University of Hull (2014–2018). His primary area of research interest is the ethics of translation, and, like his teaching, this work sits at the interface between translation theory and practice. He has authored and co-authored a number of articles and book chapters relating to translation ethics, including several articles on codes of ethics, a chapter on “Professional Translator Ethics” in The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Ethics (2021, Kaisa Koskinen and Nike Pokorn, eds.), and work exploring the complex relationship between translation rates of pay, status, and regulation. Much of his research is designed with the aim of eliciting tangible impacts upon working practices and bridging the gap between academia and the translation industry, a link that is concretised by a background in professional translation. He set up his own freelance translation business in 2012 and has accumulated a wealth of real-life experience in the translation industry, working from French and Italian into English. Though he works primarily in the contexts of sports and social media translation, this work has spanned a wide range of text and practice types, from app localisation to academic translation, and has ranged in scale from standalone projects with individual clients to long-standing partnerships with global institutions.


 1. Philosophical foundations

 2. Translation ethics

 3. Truth

4. Responsibility

5. Justice

6. Commitment

 7. Standards

8. Ethical professionals

 9. Other viewpoints

Bibliography; Index


专著推荐 |  Almanna & House《翻译政治与政治翻译》

专著推荐 | Translation, Adaptation and Digital Media 新媒体翻译2023年新书

专著推荐 | Narratives of Mistranslation《误译的叙事:拉美文学的小说译者》

专著推荐 | Exploring Translation Theories(Pym2023年新书)
专著推荐 |Translation, Adaptation and Digital Media 新媒体翻译2023年新书

专著推荐 | Narratives of Mistranslation《误译的叙事:拉美文学的小说译者》

专著推荐 | Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education

专著推荐 | Subtitling: Concepts and Practices《字幕翻译:概念与实践》

专著推荐 | Crossing Borders: Sinology in Translation Studies

专著推荐 | Introducing Translation Studies (2022第5版)

专著推荐 | Routledge《口笔译实证研究新视角》(2021)

专著推荐 | Bloomsbury新书《语料库翻译学疆域拓展》

专著推荐 | Susan Bassnett 《翻译与世界文学》

专著推荐 | Translation Revision and Post-editing

专著推荐 | Can Interpreters Survive in an AI-Dominated World?

专著推荐 | 社会翻译学重要读本 Translation and Society An Introduction

专著推荐 | 国际学者如何开展社会翻译学视角下的诗歌翻译研究?

专著推荐 | Translation and Global Space of Power

专著推荐 | 朱纯深. Fathoming Translation as Discursive Experience

专著推荐 | Humour Translation in the Age of Multimedia

专著推荐 | Bloomsbury2021年新书《系统功能语言学与翻译研究》

专著推荐 | 王博、马园艺:Systemic Functional Translation Studies

专著推荐 |  系统功能语言学翻译研究应用:王博、马园艺2020年劳特利奇出版社新书

专著推荐 | Chinese Translation Studies in the 21st Century

专著推荐 | 2020年语料库翻译学最新国际前沿专著(5种)

专著推荐 | 2020多模态翻译、多模态话语分析国际著作

专著推荐 |  《技术与全球冲突时代背景下的翻译研究:Mona Baker文集》

专著推荐 | 翻译研究的社会维度(4卷本)













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