
贞元英语 | 《马达加斯加》,回顾这场不一样的冒险之旅

viki 贞元教育 2024-01-09












We finally finished Madagascar. And before we went along Madagascar, we did such a lot of work! For example, during the Character Campaign, we worked very hard. During the rehearsal, even though some of the boys kept running around, we were very very good on stage. For example, Chen Hao was shy before. But after she performed at Madagascar this time, she became very brave, because she was very passionate on the stage. And she was so similar with Alex. That’s how I feel about the show this time.



A few weeks ago, we’ve been rehearsing and campaigning for roles. I was running for penguins. I have two lines altogether. We rehearsed many times. It's time for the show. I was very nervous during the performance. This was my first English fairy tale play. It’s a big challenge for me. I think the performance was very good. I think we can do better and find our shortcomings and try to correct them. Come on!



When we were just about to start the campaign, I went to choose the roles. Alex was my first candidate. Marty was my second candidate. Melman was my third candidate. And Gloria was my fourth candidate. Finally I was chosen for Gloria. Next day teacher showed us the date of performance and the scenes we are going to play. I was at the third scene. At first I was reciting my lines, and then when we rehearsed teacher asked me to practice in her office for a little while. And I found that the most difficult lines were all recited at last.



One day, teacher told us we need to run for the roles of Madagascar. I was so nervous. The first one I wanted to run is Alex. But I was failed. I didn’t give up. I wanted to run for Julian. But in the performance I forgot my words. Luckily it didn’t disturb my performance. My performance was good. But my partner’s performance was not very good. We didn’t rank the top and the bottom. Because we all were really great. Finally the role of the one character was played by two persons. That was a great idea. The play was great. We did a better job than before. Clothes made by ourselves. Sweat you have given ourselves, we were willing to give time. Naturally you will succeed.



Last Thursday we played in Madagascar. I was playing Gloria. Next I’ll talk about how I feel about the second half. First of all, I was still expecting the second half. But I looked at and found that Marty forgot his words. It was Marty’s turn to say it, but he let Alex say it. I couldn’t watch it. So I reminded Marty to let him ignore his words. But he didn’t see me reminding him. So I let it go and let them go on. Finally finished, I ran over to tell Marty that he forgot to say: Oh I’m in heaven.



We and another class of Grade Four ——Little Shell acted a movie together. It is Madagascar. First we read Madagascar’s play script scenario together. Probably have read it for more than a month. After that, we began to enter into the Election Contest of the roles. During the campaign, I didn’t choose anything. Because I was a little scared. Finally teacher gave me a “Foosa” role. After the election, we started rehearsing. I rehearsal, I was a little embarrassed. Because I didn’t have any lines. There was only one so called “Foosa hi! Foosa ha” , and can say it or not! I kind of regret for not running for roles. On the day of the show, we hadn’t have the costumes yet. Fortunately the parents pulled together and made costumes for us.





编辑 | 张瑞


