

鲁秋莲 外交官说事儿 2023-12-06


鲁秋莲 钓鱼台国宾馆大连山庄总经理,1974年至2015年在钓鱼台国宾馆工作至退休,先后在钓鱼台国宾馆总统楼从事服务接待工作,在国宾馆业务部担任楼经理;在当时局长朱贵玉的要求和指导下,查找、收集、整理、存档自国宾馆建馆以来接待国宾的档案;钓鱼台大酒店担任办公室主任等职。







在齐老师的讲座中,有一讲的主题是“小”,其中讲到了“small talk”这个词,他这样阐述它的含义:“small talk”是指在社交场合,不太熟悉的人们出于礼貌的寒暄。既然是出于礼貌的寒暄,这样的话题一定是缺乏深度,往往是讲一些关于天气、美食、新闻热点之类泛泛的话题。

我相信,经过老师的讲解,我的同学,包括我在内,对“small talk”有了明确的认识。不过,当老师讲解这个词时,我的思绪被穿越到了另一时空,回到了许多年前我刚走上工作岗位时,我的师傅给我讲的一个由“small talk”引发的真实而又令我终生难忘的故事。




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毛主席、周总理等国家领导人会见班达拉奈克夫人的两个瞬间(Two moments when Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and other state leaders met with Mrs. Bandaranaike)

因此,服务员只好抱着试一试的想法,忙上忙下,取来了几样东西给夫人,可她一次又一次摇头说 “不是”。到最后,她就放弃了。









不过,与我的同学运势不同,高中一毕业我就被招工到了钓鱼台国宾馆工作。当我写到这里,齐先生在第71课中“18岁的时候,他收拾好行囊,离开了家乡” 的例句再次回响在我耳际。我清晰记得,当时,老师在课堂朗读这个例句时,我真真切切感觉到,这就是我当年离开家乡的真实情景描述:









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I have been engaged in foreign affairs service and reception work in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse for decades, thanks to a good command of the basic skills of English. After retirement, I still study English as a hobby to enrich my life. By chance, I found a set of lectures that combining elegance and vast knowledge by mister Qi Wenyu who teaches English in the way of speech is very novel, but also very in line with my favorite, I resolutely signed up and took part in the study. Learning is over, I benefit a lot, cheerfully, click-to-start keyboard, do a summary, as a result, many memories during the work in the past in the Diaoyutai emerge in front of me ...

In mister Qi's lecture, there is one on the theme of "small", and the phrase "small talk" is mentioned by him.  He explained the meaning of the word this way: small talk refers to polite conversation between people you do not know well in social situations. Since it is a polite conversation, such a topic must be a lack of depth, often about the weather, food, news hot topics, such general subjects.   

I consider that after the teacher's explanation, my classmates, including me have a clear understanding of small talk.  However, when the teacher explained this word, my mind was transported back into another time and space, back to a true and unforgettable story triggered by Small Talk told by my mentor many, many years ago when I just started my career.

The story took place in a diplomatic occasion in the early days of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.  One morning, Premier Zhou Enlai came to the State Guesthouse and paid a courtesy call on Mrs. Bandaranaike, Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, who had stayed in the State Guesthouse the previous day.  As soon as the two met, the host and the guest began their small talk.  The premier Zhou asked the guest how her rest was, whether the food was good...  

In the ordinary course of event, it should be a cordial, friendly and relaxed conversation, but unexpectedly, the guest, with a very depressed expression, complained to the Premier Zhou: "I want to eat an apple, but your waitress didn't give me one."  

What's going on in the horizon?  As a result, the Premier Zhou called in the head of the presidential villa to understand what happened.  Later, he got it that Mrs. Bandaranaike did find a waitress, who could sense that she needed something, but because of the inadequate English, the waitress did not understand what the guest said. To add insult to injury , even an English interpreter was not available to find accidently (note: The interpreter was not responsible for the daily life interpretation work of foreign guests in the guesthouse, However, when the waiter/ waitress didn't understand the guest, one could ask the interpreter for help,just like clutching at straws, you know). Therefore, the waitress had to embrace trying one method after another, was busy up and down, took a few things to the madam, but she shook her head and said NO again and again.  In the end, she just gave up. 

Perhaps the need had not been met, perhaps the dark cloud of pride hurt was hard to lift, so, when the madam as soon as saw Premier Zhou the next day, she told him about it.  Thus, the sight which embarrassed and puzzled Premier Zhou happened as he and the lady Bandaranaike met. It's significant that such a foreign service personnel, although she worked with great enthusiasm and diligence, were still inadequate because she lacked the English ability to meet the requirements of her job.   

After that, Premier Zhou put forward the requirement that attendants must learn English. Later, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and the Great Hall of the People as places to receive state guests, had English teacher who gave English classes to relevant personnel every week to learn spoken English for daily reception.  

It just as those predecessors who worked in diplomatic occasion/arena said that there are no small things in diplomatic affairs.  Didn't that small talk between Premier Zhou and Mrs. Bandaranaike proved this point, did it? It also observed that in foreign reception and service, a good command of job-related English is essential.  Only in this way can the tasks of foreign reception be successfully accomplished.  

Fortunately, as soon as I started my work, I realized the importance of learning English well for the reception of foreign guests from the real story told by my predecessor. At the same time, it made plain that one   carefully Listen to the elders' voices/opinions on foreign service and learning their experience as much as possible will never only hurt, but also achieve twice the result with half the effort. But I found, the majority of the colleagues in my unit almost had zero English foundation, our twice a week English class like a turtle crawling, was so slow in progress, therefore, the learning effect was little. Coincidentally, I found that an oral English teaching program called《Everyday English》in a radio station was broadcasting, Therefore, I followed it while working.  In order to solve the problems in study in time, I bought an Oxford Advanced English-Chinese Dictionary, as my round-the-clock teacher, ready to consult.

To acquire English is not easy, and self-study is even harder.  For further improvement of my English learning, I spent leisure time in the evening taking lessons that I should have been finished in my senior middle school and preparing to pass the adult exam to enter evening college to learn English.

You may wonder, I already graduated from senior high school, why didn't I just take the entrance examination for college, but go to the cram school instead? In a word,due to the influence of the background at that time,my academic performance failed to reach the level of a senior high school graduate should have.

However, unlike my classmates, Luckily, I was selected to work at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse as soon as I graduated from my senior high school. As I write here, the example of "When he was eighteen, he packed his bags and left his hometown" by Mr. Qi in lesson 71 resonated in my ears again.  I can remember clearly that when the teacher read this example in class, I felt that this was the true description of my leaving home, as large as life.  That year, at the age of 18, after spending the periods of my happy- go-lucky/joyous and carefree childhood, juvenile and adolescence where surrounded/enveloped by happiness around my parents and siblings, with mixed emotions/feelings, packing up, leaving my hometown and family, I went out afar for the first time on my own, and started a new journey of my life, heading for Beijing.

One night before I left my family, there was a heavy snow in my hometown. When I got up in the morning, I was greeted by a snow-covered world.  Hometown of winter snow is a common sight, but under the snow was rare, surely, it did mean that the omnipotent God gave me a good white road to see me off. After eating the breakfast made by my mother before my departure, my father went in company with me to the county seat. Carrying my bags, he walked in front, and I followed him tightly, stepping on the deep snow prints he stepped out for me. After a short stop in the county seat, together with a boy who also had been selected, I left the county by boat and headed for the next relay station- the City of Yiyang.  When the boat was slowly offshore, my eyes brimmed with tears, no time, the tears spilled out, like a broken line of beads streamed down my face. At the same time, I kept waving goodbye to my father, who was standing on the dock, and my father, too, was waving to me as I did.  As the boat drifted away more and more remote, my father's figure grew fainter and fainter until it melted from my view.  After lunch in Yiyang, together with 11 other students who had been elected, I set out for the provincial capital.  When we arrived there, we stayed in the Guesthouse of the Provincial Party Committee, because we had missed the train of the day.  The next day, we boarded the train to the north. After spending a day and night on the train, at last, we arrived at the destination Beijing City, a faraway place from my hometown.

The public transport system today is very convenient and fast, for example, I set out from Beijing after breakfast, it only takes me more than five hours by the highest-speed train to reach Changsha, the provincial capital.  After that, no need to leave the station, can directly transfer to the inter-city transit train, less than an hour to the City of Yiyang, out of the platform, I can take the bus, less than an hour's drive, to the county seat, I can easily back hometown for dinner in the same day.  But back then, going to my hometown was a very difficult thing after many twists and turns!  You know that the traffic was relatively backward. It took more than 20 hours to travel 1200 kilometers from Beijing to the provincial capital of Changsha by the fastest train. Then, I had to spend the night there because I couldn't catch the daily bus to the county seat.  After arriving at the county seat, I had to transfer by boat or walk for 1 hour to reach the terminus – my hometown. 

In addition, back then, communication was not developed, too. There was no telephone, no cell/mobile phone, no wechat, the way to contact families, one wrote letters or sent telegrams. Wrote letters for daily contact and sent telegrams for emergencies. It usually took me about two weeks from sending a letter in Beijing to receiving a reply from my parents.  In those days, there was only one place in the whole City of Beijing-the Telegraph Building-where telegrams could be sent, and the price was very expensive, based on the number of words.  Therefore, when telegraphing an item, people used as few words as possible to make economies/to save money.  As a result, the other party could not fully understand the contents of the telegram and the situation of misinterpretation or confusion sometimes occurred.

- 未完待续 -

作者 | 鲁秋莲

编辑 | 外交官说事儿 青岩





