
观一 / 根植灵性

17艺术空间 17艺术空间 2023-05-03


观一(本名姚峰)1965 年 生于山东。1986 年 毕业于山东菏泽学院美术系,曾就学于山东艺术学院、山东师范大学师资培训班。1989 年 撰文“为圣坛祭言”,刊载于《中国美术报》第一版。后更名为“中华民族之魂”, 并刊登部分油画作品。署名姚峰。

《观照2018-04-653135》 卡纸丙烯 55厘米x46厘米 

Enlightenment2018-04-653135 paperboard acrylic color  55cmx46cm


       文/ 岛子



Enlightenment2015-04-65313 paperboard acrylic color 150cmx95cm



Enlightenment2010-04-65242 paperboard acrylic color 150cmx95cm



《观照2018-04-653136》 卡纸丙烯 55厘米x46厘米 

Enlightenment2018-04-653136paperboard acrylic color  55cmx46cm


《观照2018-04-653134》 卡纸丙烯 55厘米x46厘米 

Enlightenment2018-04-653134 paperboard acrylic color  55cmx46cm

  据此可以说,观一的绘画实验回到了艺术本体,而只有回归艺术本体,艺术才有根本的自由。艺术创新的根基是社会自由,社会自由首先需要个体的自由、个体的担当。 在当今这个后工业时代,尤其是像中国这样后工业和后极权相互混杂的国情,经济相对发达,但政治制度改革滞后。文化多元主义是社会自由的理想之一,中国艺术出现各种风格样式、各种探索方向,是文化繁荣的气象。但是有一点是不正常的,那就是以前政治权利操控艺术,现在演变成了资本向艺术渗透,左右艺术,据此可以预言,当代艺术最大的危机就在于资本过度贪婪,正在改变以往的作品评价标准。如果说过去三十年的社会主导力量是经济,那么,未来三十年必然要由精神信仰主导。灵性艺术的复兴,已经预表了当代文化精神匮乏之中的自我更新。


Enlightenment2010-04-65250 paperboard acrylic color 150cmx95cm

  当代艺术本身可能什么都不缺了,缺的是充分的灵性。我们知道,与祛魅的现代性审美不同,当代性(或后现代性) 的审美,消解了现代主义理性的主客体二元对立。而灵性和崇高与深奥有关,灵性艺术探索的是相异的神秘性以及存在的礼物,当一切宏大叙事被认为是不完美的而且由社会决定,那么,个体的属灵渴求,就会通过语言和超验的世界去领悟上帝。当代艺术需要重新植根,并且要植根于一个更坚实的精神信仰里面,而不仅仅是建立在欲望游戏的和自由意志的扩张上面,这个根要有爱、有关怀、有公义,而且要“返魅”,要反省现代性,回收前现代的价值,即一切普世价值。


Enlightenment2010-04-65239 paperboard acrylic color 107cmx77cm



《验证2011-03-65129》纸上丙烯 240厘米X180厘米  

Validation  2011-03-65129paperboard acrylic  240cmX180CM

《验证2009-03-65123》纸上丙烯 105厘米X75厘米  

Validation 2009-03-65123 paperboard acrylic  105cmX75CM

《验证2009-03-65120》纸上丙烯 105厘米X75厘米  

Validation 2011-03-65120 paperboard acrylic  105cmX75CM

《体验2009-01-6598》布面丙烯 240厘米X180厘米        

Experiences 2008-01-6598  Acrylic painting canvas 240cmX180cm

《悟象2007-01-6559》 木板综合材料122cmX82cm  

Perceptions 2006-01-6559  Mixed materials on Woodboard 122cmX82cm


1989 年 于中原油田组织策划《六人现代艺术展》。

1990 年 于中原油田总部做街头雕塑《现代艺术展》。

1992 年 从事社会商业化文化艺术活动。

2006 年 入驻北京宋庄小堡工业区九号艺术区,并建立工作室。

2007 年 参加《抽象宋庄》书籍出版印刷,并登录部分创作作品。

2008 年 参加《中国宋庄当代艺术展》。北京八号艺术区;北京虹湾艺术馆

2009 年 第二届中国三宝国际当代版画展。


2009 年 新年艺术沙龙作品展。北京歌华文化艺术交易中心

2010 年 组织并参加北京金宝汇抽象艺术作品展。北京金宝汇艺术馆

2010 年 组织策划并参加五人抽象艺术邀请展。北京莼萃画廊三里屯展厅

2011 年 《观一绘画个展》北京上上国际美术馆

2011 年 《历史新宋庄》艺术大展架上绘画单元北京上上国际美术馆

2012 年 《内功》艺术邀请展。北京 798 景峰画廊

2012 年 《纸上·至上》艺术邀请展北京玖层美术馆

2013 年 《超象之痕迹》艺术邀请展北京艺兵空间

2014 年《超象——线性与痕迹》邀请展 北京 798 圣之空间

2014 年《超象》艺术邀请展 怡盛空间

2015 年《自然密码——观一的灵性绘画》沙龙交流个人展 北京山水文园美术馆

2016 年《纸上·至上》上海邀请展 上海国际会展中心

2016 年《超像 2016》 北京 798 圣之空间

2016 年《纸上空间》 北京 鸟巢文化中心

2016 年 观一作品展北京 山水美术馆

2016 年 杜塞尔多夫国际艺术交流展 德国

2017 年 新奥尔良拍卖行拍卖预展 美国

2018 年 新奥尔良拍卖行拍卖预展 美国

2018 年“纸上·至上”展 悉尼站 澳大利亚悉尼

2018 年“纸上·至上”展 墨尔本站 澳大利亚墨尔本


美国洛杉矶 Ms.Siobhan Rence Los Angeles,CA 

www.avoirfineart.com 在线展



香港 http://redtgroup.com/staff/guan-yi/




《悟象2008-01-6570》 布200cmX150cm  

Perceptions 2008-01-6570 Mixed materials on canvas 200cmX150cm


Grounding the spiritual

-     Dao Zi


Guan Yi (Yao Feng) received classic art training in the 1980s. But itwas during the ’85 art movement that he elevated his practice into a new realmof fine art through his “Big Soul” oil paintings. Since the millennium, he hasbeen based in Beijing and focusing on his artistic process creating a number ofprofound series of works including; “Perceptions”, “Experience","Verification" and most recently, "Enlightenment". Thespirituality within these works transcends abstract theory and conventionalstyle, revealing intangible, pure and naive artistic expression. 



Looking at the series “Perceptions”, the painter's mind is free, givingfree reign to calligraphic and ancient symbolic expressions. A large colourgamut is rapidly and intensely spread across the work following meditations,intentions, and spiritual observations. Revealing no recognisable image but anabstraction with no set boundaries that follows no rules.


“Experience” on the other hand, echoes “Verification”. Lines becomeorganisms, moving gently and subtly changing. Different from how we usuallyrationalise and analyse, these series are more about emotion, naturalphenomenon and the abstraction of nature.


"Verification" consists of horizontal and vertical lines,constituting a grid-shaped square picture with rational and logical thinking.Repetition shows calm and simple composure, cool tone, consistent rhythm and aharmonious sense of order.


The works in "Perceptions" are created using card paper andacrylic paints,  a cross between ink andoil, thin and transparent. It bears a flowing, dreamlike and ethereal expressionand the true and diffuse charm, making the whole picture a composition ofreflections within empty and micro spaces.


It can be said that Guan Yi’s experimentation returns to core of art,and only then can art have fundamental freedom. The foundations of artisticinnovation is social freedom, which first needs individual freedom andindividual responsibility. In today's post-industrial era, especially inChina's mixed post-industrial and post-totalitarian state, the economy isrelatively developed, but political reform lags behind. Cultural pluralism isone ideal of social freedom and Chinese art presents various styles anddirections, which is a sign of cultural prosperity. However, one thing isabnormal, that is the art controlled by political power in the past has beeninfiltrated by capital and therefore control. It can be predicted that thebiggest crisis of contemporary art is excessive greed of capital, which ischanging the evaluation standards of past works. If the dominant social forceof the past three decades is the economy, then the next three decades willinevitably be dominated by spiritual beliefs. The revival of spiritual art haspredicted self-renewal in the absence of contemporary cultural spirit.


Contemporary art itself may lack nothing butfull spirituality. We know that, different from the modern aesthetics ofdisenchantment, contemporary (or post-modern) aesthetics dissolve the dualisticopposition between subject and object of modernism. Spirituality and nobilityare related to abstractness. Spiritual art explores the mystery ofdissimilarity and the gift of being. When all grand narratives are consideredimperfect and are determined by society, then the individual's spiritual desirewill understand god through language in the transcendent world. Contemporaryart needs to be rerooted in a more solid spiritual belief, not only based onthe game of desire and the expansion of free will. This root needs to havelove, care and justice, but also to be "returned to charm", toreflect on modernity and recover the values of pre-modern times, namely all theuniversal values.


The brilliance of art lies in the nobility ofits emotions, the profundity of its thoughts and the new form. Transcendentspiritual art can redeem the human heart, inspire the mind, and give people adeep sense of understanding and beauty. But this desire requires the renewaland construction of the artist's life, which is based on spirit, not on flesh.The paintings of Guan Yi generate a realm of spiritual art, a unique art style,its value is self-evident.


Dao zi:

Professor of Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts

Ph. D advisor

Member of International Academy of Aesthetics.




庞永杰 | 油画 & 雕塑 & 水墨 & 刘筱静 / 清梦伫痕  & 狄东占 / 求变与存同 &遇楠 / 寻常之物即生命之物 & 朱讲用 | 正德修身 & 陈灵刚 / 纸上春秋 & 冯开兰 / 向未知深处 & 高二河 / 杂物旧梦 & 蔡广斌 / 水墨依然存在 & 陈端 / 老房子的前世今生 & 贾志发 / 青山赋 & 毕波 / 立象尽意,雅逸古拙 & 韦国.元境丨一墨了无痕

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