

AnArtSpace 一甸艺术 2022-09-20

 After all, we are a restless world


“ 2020·Artist Lin Huixing ”



To do art, we need a sense of ceremony. 

The content of this kind of "ritual sense" is not only reflected in the basic materials and material preparation of the craftsman for the art medium, but also reflects that the artist may have uncontrollable anticipation and assumption for this "ritual sense" behavior process, and expects to obtain the unusual figure of "uncanny craftsman" from some natural mysterious power.



After all, we are a restless world

[ 文/惠书文 ]

Article/Hui Shuwen


To do art, you need a sense of ritual.




The content of this kind of "ritual sense" is not only reflected in the basic materials and material preparation of the craftsman for the art medium, but also reflects that the artist may have uncontrollable anticipation and assumption for this "ritual sense" behavior process, and expects to obtain the unusual figure of "uncanny craftsman" from some natural mysterious power.




Most artists who engage in the art of sculpture generally draw manuscripts (small drafts) before creating "formal" works, so that the individual can have a preliminary outline to continue, or escape the self-designed image "trap", some of which are even more vivid and powerful than the so-called formal works.




Sculpture art is basically one of the main "weapons" for the artist Lin Huixing to express his individual thoughts and interpret his inner emotions. Before he created these sculptures, or in the process of creation, he consciously or unconsciously carried out the experiment of drawing manuscripts (small manuscripts), which were fleeting in Lin Huixing's mind The high frequency of his subconscious sketch undoubtedly accelerated his sensitive capture of the characters. Digital painting is different from traditional paper and pen painting, but the behavior of computer drawing is appropriate to the language elements of his personal creation.




Digital painting is different from traditional paper and pen painting, but the behavior of computer drawing is also appropriate to the language elements of Lin Huixing's personal creation. Throughout his paintings in the past two years, his artistic language and sculpture language are almost identical. After all, we are upset series is a dimensional transfer of plane painting in three-dimensional space. This series of works is fuller in the overall layout of the picture: the background color base is set in monochrome, or dark gray, or cold gray. In addition to the whole body dynamics of the characters, the tension they / they show is mostly the facial expressions of arbitrary deformation, which are decadent, erosive, astonished and even have the atmosphere of empty and scattered




Compared with sculpture works, Lin Huixing's paintings are not only the transformation of the original familiar materials and media, but also another significance of these "manuscripts" works in their creation - "the art of ceremony". He embodies the necessity and value of extricating the individual existence with the name of righteousness, speech and smoothness. Through this vision, he pays attention to a corner of the world which is suffering People, and to cause people's spiritual resonance and the core of the meaning of life!



In the face of natural disasters, human nature is complex and simple. Facing today's world, we are uneasy after all...

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惠书文|Hui Shuwen
独立策展人、艺术评论人。CONUTER-FEIT 猎质当代艺术双年展品牌创办人,猎质当代艺术展总策展人。致力于独立艺术空间的创建与运营,同时参与多个美术馆和画廊项目的监制、策划及撰写展览评论等工作。


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