

师说君1 名师说 2021-10-09








假定你是李华,你收到外国朋友Peter的邮件,他想了解你校在新冠疫情(COVID-19 epidemic)期间线上教学的情况。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:

1. 课程与时间;

2. 你的学习状态;

3. 你的期待。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Say you, Say me,

Voice ourselves!




黄丽燕 / 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院







高考书面表达题属指导性写作(guided writing),题项包括写作情境、写作提示、写作要求三大构成要素。其中,情境设置在考生审题、厘清写作对象、决定写作内容和选择写作语言等方面发挥重要作用。本次统测试题以我国目前发生的新冠疫情为写作背景,情境真实,学生熟悉,有话可说。写作任务为给外国朋友Peter回复邮件,介绍线上教学情况,设计合理,具有真实的交际需求,便于考生理解语言的交际功能,激发写作思路,并根据任务情境考虑语言的得体性。
















1. 写作主题紧扣时代,选用了大众关心的社会热门事件作为写作背景。

2. 写作情景设置真实,是在现实生活中确实正在发生的事情。

3. 写作任务和内容体现了很强的交际性,属于人际交往中完全会出现的互相交换的信息。

4. 写作任务具有半开放性,既规定了写作的方向,又给学生充足的发挥空间,符合目前高考体系中英语写作的命题理念。

5. 描述写作任务的语言规范、简洁、清晰。

6. 作文范文要点齐全,语言规范简洁,符合朋友交际语言使用标准和预期。








(深圳市西华文化发展有限公司总裁 )



本次作文假定你是李华,你收到外国朋友Peter的邮件,他想了解你校在新冠疫情(COVID-19 epidemic)期间线上教学的情况,请你给他回复邮件。命题内容包括;1)课程与时间;2)你的学习状态;3) 你的期待。本次作文命题与全国1卷历年命题走向保持高度一致,内容以新冠肺炎为大背景,话题虽大,但命题切入点很实,无论那个阶层的学生都话可写。


本次作文忌高谈阔论。文章的构建并不需要与新冠疫情(COVID-19 epidemic)相关的专业性词汇,属于大题目背景之下中学生熟悉的一般性话题。我尝试写了三个不同的范本,旨在体验上,中,下游三个不同层级的学生之难易。下游学生不必追求完美,一定要内容完整。中上游学生在内容完整的基础上,建议词汇表达的差异化。譬如“网课”,我们既可以表达为study online, learn on the Internet, 还可以用 do e-learning。这样既可以让文章用词与其他同学拉开差距,还可以在同一篇文章中实现语言表达的变化,以此博得阅卷老师青睐。


对于中上游,尤其是上游的学生而言,本次作文内容与语言表达没太大难度,但要获取高分,除了语篇连贯之外,用词精准,句式变化还有语气是否得体是关键。比如范文(version 3): I’m highly delighted to have your letter inquiring about ...; with the epidemic raging around, we’re all required to study on the Internet instead等句子中,highly, inquire about, rage around, instead, 等词汇使用不仅要与一般性作文有差异,更要力求用词精准性。这是反映一个考生语言素材重要指标。再如,Even so, I’m still longing for the days that I will be spending with my schoolmates and teachers on campus. 还有,It would be perfect if you could share your situations there in your next time. I’m looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience. 这两句中,进行时态,将来进行时以及虚拟语气的使用,这符合英文书信题材,让句子读来朗朗上,有效地增添了句子的“口感”。








考题要求考生给外国朋友回邮件,讲述新冠疫情期间的线上教学情况,符合“用英语说好中国故事”的风向标。这一篇作文主要是说好中国学生的故事。写作对象是外国朋友Peter, 作文需体现适当的互动和交际意识。疫情无国界,全球协调共济、中外沟通交流也无国界,这场意外的疫情也使学生切实地体会到“人类命运共同体”的价值与意义。命题情景设计的跨国视角和全球视野体现了英语的学科特质和学科思维。

















写作任务有一定的开放性,这与全国高考英语试卷有着共同特点,考生有一定的自由拓展空间。从题目本身来看本次作文审题难度不大,在题干中给出了明确的要点提示。考生应该依据文体和要点确定文章结构。典型的三段式。第一段:背景(想了解…)+写信目的;第二段:课程与时间+ 你的学习状态;第三段:你的期待。其中,第一段的内容可包括:停课不停学、课程内容、时间(线上学习时间与课间调整)。第二段“学习状态”可着眼三个层面:行动、效果、感想。第三段的“期待”可考虑希望返校、回到真实课堂、坚信很快会实现等。







  • 1. 普遍觉得书面表达题贴合时事,与实际生活联系紧密,代入感强,有话可说。

  • 2. 提供的信息和角度很明确,跟着三点要求完成写作即可。

  • 3. 不正面涉及疫情,消除医学专业词汇的后顾之忧。生词少,写起来比较流畅。


  • 1. 因为三个内容都有很多可写的点,写作时纠结如何表达出最精炼、且准确的内容。

  • 2. 表达比较自由开放,也意味着有失控的可能,也许有跑题的担忧。

  • 3. “课程与时间”的描述不太好把握,表述上有点纠结。“你的期待”不太确定是对线上课程的期待,还是对疫情的期待。


  • 1. 觉得好写,在能力范围之内。因为题目离我们亲切,有话可说,不像聊传统文化那种,写起来空洞,这个题目容易表达。我觉得自己写的还不错,有真情实感,比较具体。难点可能是要考虑句式的表达。既然大家都有话可说,那就要看你说得怎么样了。

  • 2. 有好写的地方,也有不好写的地方。好写:毕竟我们上了那么久的网课,应该所有人都很有话讲;不好写:对于“课程和时间”,我们习惯的表达方式都是中式的,用英语很难表达准确,而且很难放进长句子里。我个人不太理解“时间”指的是“几点上课”还是“一节课多长时间”,难点我觉得主要在“课程与时间”的表达上。

Think here, Think there,

Think this way!


审题  谋篇  拓展





1. 审题到位,准确把握写作任务的主旨,确保内容围绕主题展开;

2. 内容完整,邮件需要覆盖各要点,无遗漏;

3. 表达准确,语言运用贴切、得体、能有力支撑写作目的的顺利实现;

4. 行文连贯,各要点间应关系紧密,脉络清晰。









Read you, Read me,

Read my piece!



(1)深圳中学  刘红宇

Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. In your letter, you show concern about our online schooling during the COVID-19 epidemic, so I’d like to share with you some related information.

The spring semester is postponed, but schooling continues online under our teachers’ guidance. Six days a week, we learn the required subjects featuring Chinese, maths, P.E. and so on. And each of the daily 6 classes is scheduled to last 40 minutes, with a 15-minute break between classes for eye exercises and self-relaxation. By getting actively involved in classes, I’ve adapted to such a unique way of learning and made great progress. In my view, the present situation poses a challenge to us, but it also means an opportunity to help us become autonomous learners.

However, I still hope to return to campus, where I can enjoy face-to-face classes with my friends. I firmly believe that the day will come soon because of the joint efforts and effective measures to fight the COVID-19 epidemic.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

(2)深圳实验学校高中部  赵若英

Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. It’s considerate of you to inquire about our school’s online education in the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, so I’m writing to keep you informed of the updates.

The nation tightening control over the severely infectious disease, the online classes are being conducted during our absence from school. The teaching routine covers Chinese, Maths, English and so on, including physical education and psychological guidance. Next week we Senior 3 students will even sit for a two-day dry run for Gaokao. As to the learning schedule, it goes as usual: from 7:30 am till 5:00 pm, during which there is a 2-hour lunch break.

I feel more relaxed studying at home because of my supportive parents. Meanwhile, I’m fully aware I need a stronger self-regulation, as there are more distractions and less supervision compared with on-campus life.

I’m already missing my teachers and classmates. I wish we could get COVID-19 epidemic under control soon and our life would get back on track.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

(3)深圳实验学校光明部  白金国

Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. I’m writing to reply to your concern in the previous letter about online learning during COVID-19 epidemic.

As is scheduled, we follow the same routine as we usually do at school. However, the way teachers teach differ individually. Science teachers lecture a lot while language teachers encourage involvement. To tell the truth, my brain didn’t function well enough at first because of the distractions, such as video games, online chatting and absence of mind. Fortunately, I adapted myself to the changes and gradually caught up.

As for my expectations, I sincerely hope everyone will stay safe and healthy. I can’t wait to see my classmates and teachers when the new semester starts.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

(4)深圳外国语学校高中部  唐红

Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. Knowing that you are curious about the online learning currently going on in China, I am writing to offer you some information based on my experience.

Actually, the online learning has lasted almost 2 months due to the outbreak of COVID-19 virus. Every morning, the school begins at 7:30 in the virtual classroom, where all the 6 subjects are taught.

At the beginning, study at home was hard for me. Without the teachers’ face-to-face supervision, I couldn’t help getting absent-minded in class and after class, the smart phone turned out to be a big distraction. Although free from peer pressure, I am also away from the dearest friends to talk to and play with. However, thanks to parents’ encouragement and the teachers’ online instructions, I gradually get accustomed to the online school life. Study groups are established on Wechat, where we turn in homework, have discussions and exchange with the teachers. I also value online learning as an opportunity to improve my self-discipline and a more detailed daily schedule is made so that I can be more focused on my tasks and my goal. Now I find myself more confident to face the coming Gaokao. I am expecting to share good news with you.

Is the epidemic affecting your country? Keep in touch and take care.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

(5)深圳外国语学校龙华高中部  王薇

Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. In your letter asking about the online education, I am writing to inform you how it has been going since the outbreak of COVID-19 epidemic.

In response to the government’s call for “Nonstop Teaching and Learning”, courses have been rescheduled and delivered via different online teaching platforms. Class hours have been reduced and students have more time for independent study. It is actually a great challenge for most students who find it hard to concentrate when studying at home. It took me a while before I could fully adapt to this new way of study. Now the more flexible schedule has turned out helpful for Senior Three students like me, who can better manage their time in preparation for Gaokao.

I am hopeful that, with joint efforts of the whole nation, the disease will be brought completely under control and all the students can go back to school soon.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

(6)宝安中学  陈璐

Dear Peter,

I am so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. Knowing that you are concerned about the online lessons I take due to the widespread of COVID-19 epidemic, I am writing to keep you informed of my current situation.

We have a tight schedule for online lessons lasting for five hours a day on average, from Monday to Friday each week. There are plentiful courses on the list, ranging from the six required subjects for College Entrance Exam to PE classes. Psychology classes are included as well which are beneficial to our mental health. After class, we are supposed to finish our homework with teachers’ help available. Studying from home is never easier than studying in school. Distinguished from traditional classes, online lessons require more concentration and self-discipline. To stay focused, I take notes and interact with the teacher actively, seeing to it that I am totally absorbed in the lesson. Exposed to various learning materials and efficient learning methods, I feel more than encouraged to study from home.

COVID-19 epidemic being a huge challenge for all of us, I still hold a firm belief that we will overcome it and will be back to school in the near future. But before that, I think we should take full advantage of online lessons. Wish you the best of health.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

7)深圳明德实验学校 华妤琪

Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. Influenced by COVID-19 epidemic, our school is now embracing online learning. I’m writing to inform you of some information concerning it.

Providing abundant courses and reasonable schedules, our school overcame various obstacles and engaged students to online classroom interaction. As online learning is flexible, we study from 7:30a.m. to 5:00p.m with breaks for self-learning, in which I found myself indulged in studying more. Without teachers’ supervision, it is self-discipline that makes a difference to us. Furthermore, what I do expect is that the novel coronavirus will be defeated soon and online-learning will still be available to us in our school.

Hope my introductions will be of help to you. Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes, 


Li Hua

(8)深圳市西华文化发展有限公司  苟浩传

Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. I’m so glad to receive your letter. In the letter you let me know about what you are doing these days. Now I’m writing to talk about how we are getting along with study here.

As a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, we are having all kinds of classes in “classroom in the air”. We start classes at 8:00 in the morning and end at 4:30 in the afternoon. In the past, I never studied through the Internet, so I was not used to it at first. But now I’m fond of this. First, I think it’s interesting to learn online. Secondly, it’s very convenient for us to stay at home.

I’m looking forward to the end of the epidemic soon. I’m expecting to see my friends and teachers on campus.

Best wishes,


Li Hua



点评:(深圳中学  谢建芳)



点评:(深圳实验学校高中部  赵若英)

本文紧扣写作要求,重点叙述线上教学课程与时长(three courses; one and a half hours),并适当拓展线上课程安排的意义(arousing our eagerness and initiative);学习状态(次要点)与期待合理整合(keep pace with teachers, abandon myself in the world of books),期待不仅疫情早日结束,而且盼望辛苦付出有所收获。通篇写作一气呵成,卷面漂亮,布局合理,有详有略。词汇、句型丰富。虽然有个别错误passion on for learning; as early (soon) as possible; my effort paid (will pay) off。但是瑕不掩瑜,作为一篇考场作文,应属于上乘佳作。



点评:(深圳实验学校高中部  赵若英)


开头段合情合理交代写作背景,用词地道(paralyzing our whole social operation mechanism);接着讲述我校课程安排与时间以及作者自身学习感受,两个写作要点逻辑紧密,句式丰富、并归纳准确(make up the weak subject;develop a habit of self-discipline;)结尾段既表达战胜疫情的期望,也表达对Peter关注的感谢,既能反映真实的生活状态,有体现作者处理问题的高情商。作为考场作文,实属佳作!


Dear Peter,

I am so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. Learning that you want to know about the online course of our school during the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, I am writing to tell you some relevant information.

As is scheduled, the online course will last for a long time until the end of the outbreak. There are Chinese periods, English periods and so on, which are exactly the same as the school classes. In addition, the timetable doesn’t change as well, which means that I have to get up equally early to catch the first class. Although the virus has a dramatic impact on Chinese students, I keep a great study condition or even better as my room provides me with a more comfortable study environment, in which I am more focused.  

However, it is my sincere hope that I will be able to go back to school before long because I miss my classmates and teachers very much. If you have further questions, feel free to contact me at any time.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

点评:(深圳中学  刘红宇)

本篇考场作文内容要点齐全,谋篇布局合理,层次分明。多样的语法结构,如非谓语、从句、介词短语等,增强了文章的表达效果。一些表达如as is scheduled, in addition, however等使得文章逻辑清晰,连贯流畅。总之,是一篇不错的佳作。


Dear Peter,

I am so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. I’m writing to tell you something concerning the online teaching of our school during the COVID-19 epidemic period.

To protect our eyesight, each course online lasts for 40 minutes, which is 5 minutes less than that at school .Since it's just about three months before the college entrance examination, we have the same classes and tests as we have at school. Every day is so precious that I spare no effort to grasp what I have been taught. With a deep understanding between hard work and success, I don't lower requirements on myself because of studying online. Instead, I work harder to improve my ability.

Winter will go and spring will come. I hope the epidemic will end soon so that we can go back to school.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

点评:(深圳中学  刘红宇)

考生审题准确,对所给信息进行了有效的整合,整体布局合理。所拓展信息能紧扣写作要点,充满正能量,如spare no effort to grasp…, work harder to improve my ability。语言呈现手段多样、准确得当。同时注意到了上下文以及句与句的衔接。不失为一篇好的考场作文。


Dear Peter,

I am so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. Knowing that you are curious about online-teaching works, I’m writing to offer you some detailed introduction.

As you know, the COVID-19 epidemic has hit WuHan and rapidly swept around the whole country. As a result , all the students have no choice but to study online through video calls. Though no one had tried it before, the online learning turns out to be a great success. The schedule is as usual — five classes in the morning and three in the afternoon,and the course content basically agrees with the original teaching plan. As for me, a senior three student, I know well that self-control is rather important,which is why I go to great pains to stop myself from being lazy and bury myself into studying, taking full advantage of time to improve my grades.

Hard-working as I am, I am still dying to go back school.Hope the epidemic will end soon.And looking forward to hearing from you again.

Best wishes,


Li Hua


Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. It is so nice of you to be so concerned about me, and I am really delighted to tell you about my e-school life during the epidemic.

Sure, we now take lessons in e-classrooms through an app. The time schedule is all the same as normal. From Monday to Saturday, we take seven classes every day, after which come the weekly quizzes. On the one hand, the whole thing is quite novel for me, and I am a little bit excited. I am really thankful for my teachers, who have to rush into the kitchen as soon as the class ends to prepare meals for their family. On the other hand, the biggest problem for me is that I can’t get so focused as I was at school. Staying at home makes me too relaxed to get myself absorbed, about which I am greatly worried. Therefore, I hope the epidemic will soon come to an end so that we can get back to the campus.

Please take care anyway, since I heard the epidemic is spreading fast in your country. Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


Li Hua


Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. Since you’re curious about the online education of our school, I am writing to inform you of some details.

Given the outbreak of COVID-19, we have started online education for the sake of health and safety since the end of February. Keeping pace with the same schedule in school, we take seven lessons each day with regular tests to ensure we master the knowledge. Online education is quite novel, so I managed to keep myself concentrated at first. However, I have gradually lost interest as the novelty fades. It turns out to be a great challenge to my self-control.

With Gaokao approaching, I hope I can be determined to keep attentive to each class and take the opportunity to make rapid progress.  

Best wishes,


Li Hua

点评:(深圳外国语学校龙华高中部  王薇)

本文属于提纲式要点作文,题材与时俱进,和考生的实际生活紧密联系。这篇学生的作文结构完整,要点覆盖全面,语言表达准确,使用多样化的表达和多种句式。其中有个别语法错误如Online education is novel,此处的时态应该为was。


Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. In your letter you mentioned that you want to know more about the online teaching of our school, I am writing to tell you something about it.

Despite the influence of COVID-19 epidemic, our classes are all well arranged and organized thanks to the efforts of our teachers. We have a tight schedule, taking classes from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm and self studying in the evening. I am glad that I remain as enthusiastic and diligent as I was at school. However, I wish to go back to school as soon as possible because I miss my classmates and teachers very much.

Thank you for showing your concern. I believe that everything will return to normal soon.

Best wishes.


Li Hua

点评:(深圳外国语学校龙华高中部  王薇)



Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. I’d be more than happy to share my online learning experience with you.

Covering all the subjects, including P.E., music and fine arts, our curriculum meets the needs of all the students. Furthermore, although the time arrangement is fixed and tight, we might watch the replay if we missed a certain course.

Unaccustomed as I was in the beginning, I have gradually adapted myself to the online learning style. Moreover, since I know the whole nation is fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic, what I can do is to study hard, which is also my responsibility as a student.

I sincerely look forward to the final victory against the virus so that we can go back to school.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

点评:(深圳实验学校光明部  白金国)



语言上:用词凝练,连接词如furthermore, as, moreover等使用精准,行文连贯。句式、词汇和短语的选择亮点频出,如Covering all the subjects …非谓语动词的使用;although, as, since引出状语从句;which引导非限定性定语从句;meet, fix, miss, accustom等动词的使用生动且精炼;短语more than, adapt to, fight against等使用彰显写作功底。

改进意见:We might watch the replay if we missed a certain course.一句使用了虚拟语气,追求了语言形式,忽略了语境,应该改为真实语气。


Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. Having learned that you are interested in our online study during the COVID-19 epidemic, I am writing to introduce the current situation.

Undoubtedly, the online courses are of great help during this special period. We have 8 courses every day, which start at 7:30 am. and end at 5:30 pm. Frankly speaking, the arrangement offers me more spare time to overcome my weaknesses in specific subjects. Additionally, I learn to allocate time efficiently. However, more self-control is required and strengthened, otherwise I may easily get addicted to games and videos.

Hopefully, the global COVID-19 epidemic will soon become under control so that people will no longer suffer.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

点评:(深圳实验学校光明部  白金国)

该文体现了作者良好的审题意识,要点覆盖完整,段落篇幅合理,写作要点拓展得当,过渡自然。语法结构运用自如,首段Having learned ...非谓语动词做状语,开篇即展语用能力;Undoubtedly, frankly speaking, Additionally, However等连接手段体现逻辑严谨性;overcome weaknesses, allocate time, get addicted to等词块使用体现词汇多样性;第二、三段里使用了非限制性定语从句和结果状语从句,体现语法结构丰富性。


Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know that you are doing these days. Delighted at learning that you crave to know about the online teaching condition of my school, I’m writing to keep you informed of more details concerning it.

First and foremost, it is the network platform that creates a comfortable studying atmosphere for us. According to the school schedule, there are four days in a week for excellent teachers to show necessary courses while the rest is due to provide knowledge popularization about COVID-19 epidemic as well as letting us do exercise, from which I have gained a lot. Although the close of schools always fails to avoid parents’ concern, I’m still confident to say that I am in a good state of study. Not only does the online teaching foster my discipline but it also achieves no suspensions of class.

Last but not the least, during this special and tough period, I heartily hope you can take good care of yourself and stay in a good mood in every single day.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

点评:(宝安中学  陈璐)



Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. Knowing that you’re paying great attention to our online teaching during the COVID-19 epidemic, I’m more than thrilled to provide you with more details.

Our online course is scheduled in March, from Monday to Friday each week, consisting of 3 courses a day and countless quizzes. Apart from criticism that online teaching distracts student’s concentration while speaking of online teaching, my personal feeling is on the contrary. In fact, not only can it enable students to communicate with teachers, but it also provides a platform to exchange ideas. But for it, I couldn’t have made such progress and have become more knowledgeable.

The world has been in trouble since the COVID-19 broke out. My only anticipation is that it can end soon. Besides, also wish you could be healthy and happy. Best blessings for you!

Best wishes,


Li Hua

点评:(宝安中学  陈璐)



Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days. Knowing that you intended to learn about my school condition concerning the online classes in the course of COVID-19 epidemic, I’m writing to inform you of it. The details are as follows.

Scheduled from February 10th , 2020 on the Internet, the course features unique online classes, which are considered as a significant part of us. During the special period, we are required to stay indoors, being isolated. What makes us confused is that how we can study well as learning at school. However, not only can the course  pick up my sense of study, but also I can benefit from it by repeatedly watching . Thanks to the course, I can reasonably arrange my time to enhance my learning efficiency.

Look forward to the end of the epidemic and our reunion.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

点评:(深圳明德实验学校  华妤琪)

詹小璇同学的作文内容完整,行文流畅。高级短语和句型的使用比较丰富,例如in the course of;定语从句;名词性从句;非谓语动词等等。能够熟练的运用feature、enhance这些动词,比较灵活。有部分语法错误经过了修改,语言表达的准确性上还可进一步提升,在平时写作时需细心注意。


Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know what you are doing these days.With the outbreak of the COVID-19, we’re stuck at home to be quarantined. To help you better know our situation, I’d like to briefly talk about it.

Following the rules issued by the government, our school provides online classes for us, which last from Sunday to Friday, consisting of all the courses to be tested. During these days, I unexpectedly turn to like this kind of teaching form, for the sake that we can interact with teachers more easily. Though online classes have benefits, I am still missing the time in school. What is the most expected is that the epidemic can end as soon as possible, thus providing a more suitable place for us to prepare for our exams.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,


Li Hua

点评:(深圳明德实验学校  华妤琪)



Dear Peter,

I’m so glad to hear from you and know about what you are doing these days. I’m writing to tell you how our schooling is now going on.

Actually, we are having e-learning at home, studying in the “classroom in the air” all the academic and non-academic subjects. The holiday schedule runs from 8:00 am till 4:30 pm on work day, with more and longer breaks for rest than usual.

Personally, I’ve got used to online learning, which I think is a creative form of schooling, and also our own way to fight the COVID-19 epidemic. We’ve come to realize how important computers and mobile phones have become to us! But I really miss the days with my friends and teachers on campus. That’s why I pray for the end of the epidemic every day, and I believe it’ll soon come. 

Best wishes,


Li Hua




(深圳市教育科学研究院高中英语教研员 王卫华)










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