
TIMES FIGURE|方凯:时代人物中的肖像气质

AnArtSpace 一甸艺术 2022-09-20

 艺术家 方凯 





©Artist·Fang Kai,Weightlessness series 2,2020,Oil on canvas,60x50cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《失重系列2》,60x50cm,布面油画,2020.

— 时代人物中的肖像气质 

【 文 / 惠书文 】
Article/Hui Shuwen


©Artist·Fang Kai,A woman with a bow tiara,2020,Oil on canvas,50x40cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《带蝴蝶结头饰的女人》,50x40cm,布面油画,2020.

For fang kai, the art of painting is not only a life adventure in which he blends with the real environment and living state, but also a real language medium produced by wrestling with it for a long time. Today in the 1920s, the artist fang kai takes the portraits of the figures of The Times as his blueprint, and then reflects the intricate inner spirit of human nature. In his painting creation, the richness of language and the dislocation arrangement of the modeling order become the core representation of individual emotions, bearing the important perception of the artists' subjective thoughts and social figures.

©Artist·Fang Kai,Embrace,2019,Oil on canvas,60x50cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《拥抱》,60x50cm,布面油画,2019. 


©Artist·Fang Kai,The girl with the black hat,2019,Oil on canvas,50x40cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《带黑色帽子的女孩》,50x40cm,布面油画,2019.

The representation of a scene, or a scene in a field, is based on the author's embedding of the content of the scene into a personal style with a unique language. The portrait is the describing medium of the artist fang kai, who extracts the unique elements that interweave with the time imprints and time scratches of the figure itself, from the precise and speculative way to the natural manifestation of the image in the background color of the image. Attached to the sharp, deep, nihility, even touch the state of expression, recorded a piece of real characters in the virtual space of the real face. The structural carrier behind the "restoration" of the portrait of the subject's will is the temperament style of the life of different symptoms as interpreted by the artist fang kai, as well as the psychological projection of the "diffusion" of human desires.

©Artist·Fang Kai,Figure,2019,Oil on canvas,100x80cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《背影》,100x80cm,布面油画,2019.


©Artist·Fang Kai,ZX,2019,Oil on canvas,50x40cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《ZX》,50x40cm,布面油画,2019.

The deep description of portrait is the main content of artist fang kai's painting creation. From his works in recent years, we can observe a secret clue in his paintings: to slowly remove the affectation of the surface whitewashing of the characters, and to look into the firmness and endurance of people's lives in difficulties. He used the faces of his friends in life as his painting prototype, covering and deconstructing the complete and incomplete shapes of the characters over and over again on the canvas. His strong and rich painting style threatened our indifferent visual senses and body and body.

©Artist·Fang Kai,Small portrait exercise 2019,2019,Oil on canvas,25x20cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《小肖像练习2019》,25x20cm,布面油画,2019.


©Artist·Fang Kai,Weightlessness series 1,2019,Oil on canvas,40x30cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《失重系列1》,40x30cm,布面油画,2019.

As David Hume put it, "we have no way of knowing the relationship between cause and effect, only that certain things are always joined together, and these things have never been separated in the past. We cannot see the reason behind the connection, we can only observe the things themselves, and find that they are always classified in our imagination through a constant connection.

©Artist·Fang Kai,Pear,2019,Oil on canvas,25x20cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《梨子》,25x20cm,布面油画,2019.


©Artist·Fang Kai,Weightlessness series 3,2015-2019,Oil on canvas,50x40cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《失重系列3》,50x40cm,布面油画,2015-2019.

Artist Fang Kai with molding character modelling to monomer image rendering alone, transverse and longitudinal draw the outline of a portrait of the face, changes in the composition of the picture, stretched, tear simulacra initial step by step, layer on color gamut area, in turn with phase gap distribution structure, soft wipe the facial features of the serene and alarmed. Like the "ghost" that dimly flashes in the sky, the mingled air of temperature comes forward, and then quietly falls back into the dark and psychedelic background. 

©Artist·Fang Kai,Decay - hand,2018,Oil on canvas,20x25cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《溃烂-手》,20x25cm,布面油画,2018.


©Artist·Fang Kai,Little portrait exercise BB,2014,Oil on canvas,40x30cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《小肖像练习BB》,40x30cm,布面油画,2014.

He tries to emphasize and restore some relation between color attribute and character, build a kind of space effect that is neither distant nor distant. The presentation of this painting language undoubtedly reveals his sensitivity to the depth of capture and refinement of character temperament. 

©Artist·Fang Kai,Trees of The woods,2014,Oil on canvas,100x80cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《树林The woods》,100x80cm,布面油画,2014.

From the top down, from the left to the right of the various character modeling implant; Suitable Angle direction, corrects a fuller personality posture; Look at each other and separate, along the established path, gradually freeze... The weakening of the costumes makes the spiritual collapse of the shelter of the spiritual comfort of the characters more obvious, or the "eye of god" is looking at the common people, the heterogeneous state and temperament of the faces, which is the psychological attitude of the artist fang kai to keep alert to the real world and introspect himself.

©Artist·Fang Kai,Smokers,2011,Oil on canvas,60x50cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《抽烟的人》,60x50cm,布面油画,2011.



©Artist·Fang Kai,Night view2019.9,2019,Oil on canvas,60x50cm.Copyright 2020 Fang Kai Studio. 版权所有:方凯,《夜景2019.9》,60x50cm,布面油画,2019.

◐    关于艺术家·方凯

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《形象的荒谬》 方凯的绘画  艺博画廊 上海

方凯》 金鹰当代艺术空间  南京


2019  《感觉的逻各斯》            

            南京艺术学院美术馆  南京

2019  《方法论》 

            艺博画廊  上海

2018    江汉繁星计划(第六回):天桥——交叉的经验

            武汉美术馆  武汉

2018  《框架》  

            广州三年展平行展  广州

2018  《关于水的想象》

            威狮国际艺术中心  福州

2017  《过江心洲》

            南京艺术学院美术馆  南京

2013  《FangKai-MaoYan Becoming》

            Atkins & Ai Gallery  北京

2013   “复调”21种状态 


2012  《绘画之中》毛焰师生展  

            大未来林舍画廊  台北

2011  《shanghai now》 墨尔本

2011  《墙》 南京青年当代艺术展

◐    关于策展人·惠书文
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惠书文|Hui Shuwen

独立策展人、艺术写作者。CONUTER-FEIT 猎质当代艺术双年展品牌创办人,猎质当代艺术展总策展人。Rainbow box project发起人,An Art Space策展人。主要从事中国当代艺术史论研究与写作、当代艺术批评实践、展览策划及独立艺术空间的创建与运营等工作。

主要讲座与艺术项目包括:清华大学美术学院(惠书文:猎质行动——青年策展实践与思考);鲁迅美术学院(惠书文:策展年记——关于艺术家的成长与自我塑造);西南大学美术学院·学术讲座(惠书文:行动中的猎质——策展实践与思考);中国当代艺术权力资本与市场·学术论坛(论坛主持:惠书文);《2020 我们如何面对今天的艺术?》艺术项目总策划;中国商丘抽象国际邀请展联合策展人,首届夜郎谷现场艺术周学术观察。



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