
【惠书文|专栏】王小双 · 20年代:透质的微光与凝望

AnArtSpace 一甸艺术 2022-09-20

 艺术家 王小双 






©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,Time and memory Record《时间与记忆》创作记录 2019.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双

—— 透质的微光与凝望 ——

【 文 / 惠书文 】
Article/Hui Shuwen


©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,YELAN,2019,Acrylic on canvas,144x118cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《夜阑》,144x118cm,布面丙烯,2019.

When we judge whether an artist's work has individual linguistic characteristics, we first discuss it in the context of the current social context and environment: art, science and technology, religion; The second point is whether viewers with different identities can be impressed by the Temperament (Temperament) of the work itself, such as the psychological touch and description of the characters in the picture, as well as the competition between the language strength, speed and self-sensitivity of the painting. 

©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,Sunset,2018,Acrylic on canvas,160X60cmX4.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《暮》,160X60cmX4,布面丙烯,2018.


©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,Inlaid harp - 1,2018,Acrylic on canvas,30X150cmX2.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《锦瑟-1》,30X150cmX2,布面丙烯,2018.

Third, the symbol identification of painting, that is, how to enter into the integration of individual growth and the external world, links and other factors, the formation of a characteristic of the schema style; This is also a key channel for us to enter and understand the inner world of an artist when we observe his or her work.

©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,Urban mood,2018,Acrylic on canvas,100x100cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《都市心绪》,100x100cm,布面丙烯,2018.


©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,A bunch of time,2019,Acrylic on canvas,100x100cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《一束光阴》,100x100cm,布面丙烯,2019.

Since 1970s, feminist art has become one of the important driving forces for the development of art. Today, it is still a core part of contemporary cultural thought and social activities. Feminist art is a unique art trend, the context of different times, will be through the logical clue and the natural subject consciousness, resorted to to individual's physical and mental experience and life experience, and interpretation to meet the situation, the expression of ideas and gender emotional comprehensive spirit, the present situation of the process, also is carrying their position and attitude for individual culture and art patronage.

©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,Gaze,2019,Acrylic on canvas,60x90cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《凝视》,60x90cm,布面丙烯,2019.


©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,XIRI,2019,Acrylic on canvas,110x220cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《隙日》,110x220cm,布面丙烯,2019.

"A modern history of art without feminist artists is an incomplete history of art." However, in the 1920s, when we look at wang xiaoshuang's paintings again, the thickness and depth of their artistic value are imprinted with the important mark of female artists in contemporary painting art. If the art of painting is the external flow of one's mind, then the subjective presentation of the figure's face is another emotional expression of the painting. 

©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,Urban mood,2016,Acrylic on canvas,40x40cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《都市心绪》,40x40cm,布面丙烯,2016.


©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,Branch - 4,2019,Acrylic on canvas,60x90cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《枝-4》,60x90cm,布面丙烯,2019.

In the closed and open living space, the body expressions of the multi-characteristic female characters under the social container were revised and frozen by wang xiaoshuang one by one. She USES the structure of plain color layer overlay and color gambit organization, as well as the gentle brushwork and strength trend, leaving a glimmer of quality in every expression of the characters, which reflects the artist wang xiaoshuang's concise grasp of the painting language and his confidence in charm.

.©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,Urban mood,2018,Acrylic on canvas,40x40cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《都市心绪》,40x40cm,布面丙烯,2018.


©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,Time and memory,2019,Acrylic on canvas,120x320cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《时间与记忆》,120x320cm,布面丙烯,2019.

The layout of "time and memory" is developed by horizontal composition. A full-length portrait of nine female figures stands on the surface of the earth. All of them face different directions and angles in a gentle and quiet manner. On the right, a woman in a long black dress bends slightly and closes her eyes. The red flower held in her left hand is walking slowly towards the center of the picture. In the background of the lake and the mountain, the figure is more and more intense. Of the remaining five women in long black dresses, three of them were looking over the trees at the same time, or thinking, or listening to something in the distance. In my opinion, the setting up of such "obstacles" should be the reflection of artist wang xiaoshuang's multiple thoughts brought by the intersection of future and space and time, and also the true state of her observation of female characters in urban fashion and consumer groups.

©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,The full moon,2019,Acrylic on canvas,100x100cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《满月》,100x100cm,布面丙烯,2019.


©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,On such as hook,2018-2019,Acrylic on canvas,150x340cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《月如钩》,150x340cm,布面丙烯,2018-2019.

The essence of life is the accumulation and superposition of countless experiences of the self. The eternal life of painting art lies in a kind of image and carrier attached by the artist. From this point of view, the artist wang xiaoshuang has the innate ability to explore the inner depiction of female characters. The sensitivity and plain language, after wiping out the time difference in the physical space, gradually dilute the referential and conceptual memory of "individual identity" : a picture of glimmered light full of transparent quality and staring face in the picture leisurely and motionless, the sense of absurdity embedded by deep poetic sense and empty dream coexist. 

©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,Monologue,2019,Acrylic on canvas,60x80cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《独白》,60x80cm,布面丙烯,2019.


©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,The other shore,2019,Acrylic on canvas,80x160cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《彼岸》,80x160cm,布面丙烯,2019.

Such characters temperament, not only reflected in her inner capture of female psychological structure, is also a kind of from the heart to physical "homogeneous" painting rebel, then the reflecting pool with her for identity, the special status of female perspective reflection in the contemporary society - strong, weak body senses, as well as the endless sorrow is hushed into batting with thick deep feeling.

©Artist·Wang Xiaoshuang,Solo,2019,Acrylic on canvas,110x190cm.Copyright 2020 Wang Xiaoshuang Studio. 版权所有:王小双,《独奏》,110x190cm,布面丙烯,2019.

◐    关于艺术家·王小双

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众妙之妳·王小双个展(芳草地画廊798 北京)
城市·两个年轻人的目光(芳草地画廊798 北京)


叠印·意中当代艺术展(罗马 意大利)

守望·2019城市艺术汇(文轩美术馆 成都

艺术北京(农展馆 北京)



◐    关于策展人·惠书文
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独立策展人、艺术写作者。CONUTER-FEIT 猎质当代艺术双年展品牌创办人,猎质当代艺术展总策展人。Rainbow box project发起人,An Art Space策展人。主要从事中国当代艺术史论研究与写作、当代艺术批评实践、展览策划及独立艺术空间的创建与运营等工作。

主要讲座与艺术项目包括:清华大学美术学院(惠书文:猎质行动——青年策展实践与思考);鲁迅美术学院(惠书文:策展年记——关于艺术家的成长与自我塑造);西南大学美术学院·学术讲座(惠书文:行动中的猎质——策展实践与思考);中国当代艺术权力资本与市场·学术论坛(论坛主持:惠书文);《2020 我们如何面对今天的艺术?》艺术项目总策划;中国商丘抽象国际邀请展联合策展人,首届夜郎谷现场艺术周学术观察。



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